Would you reproduce with irish girls, Jow Forums?

would you reproduce with irish girls, Jow Forums?

Attached: lM9luia.jpg (1280x1777, 215K)

>Soul-LESS eyes
>Probably flat on both sides
>Robust Jawline


absolutely. I'm not irish but I do look exactly like one so at least my children would resemble me.

>polluting my genes with those of a potato nigger
No thanks.

I already have

I plan to impregnate an Irish woman one day to keep my heritage alive.

Attached: 8C8A1980-86DA-4E9B-8E04-A9AE1F0DD971.jpg (1221x2049, 253K)

On the right is my dad. I come from a long line of Celtic BVLLS

god she has such an inbred north dublin mutt face
i'll never understand why foreigners find her attractive

why dont you post a picture of yourself and we'll see how stunning you are

Man, Saoirse Ronan really got old fast.

Not really, it took quite some time.

>polluting my genes with those of a potato nigger

>that jawline

Irish woman have saggy areses
Shite personality
Even more slutty then English woman

all women have shit personalities

wow she actually does you're right, seen that facial type on so many women here. Still think its fit though

i really really like saoirse ronan


Her dad is British, from Manchester. Fortunately her British genes are predominant.

Would literally fuck every single woman in Ireland including the ugly ones

>I do look exactly like one

Attached: when Seamus meets an Irish American.jpg (390x540, 32K)

>Even more slutty then English woman
Kek that's just not true mate

If i loved one that loves me too and she converted to Orthodox Christianity, i would marry her and provide for her and the kids. I wouldnt let her work tho. Even around the house, i would still be the one that mows the lawn and shit.
She would be allowed to write or paint and try to get money out of that if its any of her talent, or just as hobby.

Hope you die you smelly chink rat

how inbred are you, boy

Attached: 1532807415186.jpg (1440x1803, 423K)

Ew no. I would never let my pure Anglo Scottish mutt genes be tainted by Hibernian blood.

I had an Irish gf when I lived there.

I said I wasn't Irish you jerk, just a muttly ginger

No because they wouldn't reproduce with me.


Seahorse is one of the most sweet girls I've seen (online)

as is case for any other kind of girl only if they are pure, love me and want a monogamous relationship with the eventual end result of atleast half a dozen children

t. le 63% Iish & British face

you must be 100% ugly then

I'm okay, nothing out of the ordinary but nothing that would crack mirrors. I'm just a social autist, that's all.

The image is pretty obviously shopped too. I can tell they clone stamped her upper lip to make it bigger and made her iris look very much uncanny valley tier. It's definitely a professional job, but a low end one at that.

It is