I just want a japanese bf(male)

I just want a japanese bf(male).

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>slanted eyes
Woyld marry if he had normal eyes

looks like a girl

I find slanted eyes to be an extremely attractive facial feature.

Do you love Japan?

Then youre retarded

me 2

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why did you even ask?

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Lol slanted eyes are considered a universally attractive trait

The best part of asian boys is them being dicklets

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Die faggots.

nah, I'm cool.

I like anime but I hate japan.




Here you go.

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>watch jap homoporn
>top only has dick for 2cm thrusts
They're always so nice and slender, but I can't watch it because that cracks me up every time

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that's what makes it cute
seeing them trying despite being natural bottoms

They look so good on bottoms though...
Being filled by a dick twice as big as theirs while looking so flustered is why asian boys are so great

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Post your tummy Jow Forums...

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and it doesn't matter how masculine the guys look like, when they are getting dicked in the ass they all start the girly af moans that sound like they aren't enjoying it at all


an '' AH '' for every thrust, it makes my dick soft every time and i have to mute the porn. some people might be into their forced painful girly moans though.

>some people might be into their forced painful girly moans though.
yup that's me

great taste Finn bro

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watching their small dicks flop around as they get filled

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my dick is bigger than you sven

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imagine being married to a qt jap girl but having her brother as a bf but both are OK with it

t-that's cute tummy

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cognitive dissonance

yeah, i bet

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My dick is thicker than that prosthetic
Really shoddy craftmanship

sorry jap but Korea is always ahead of you ;)

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post pene

He is so insanely hot but he sometimes makes questionable choices in hairstyles that make him look like a housewife.

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am I cute?

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ew why korean boys look so faggy
we share a lot culture but I'll never understand their standard of male beauty

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i want to lessex(homosex) with korean girl(male) in maid costume

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i never thought i'd say this but 3D > 2D

why koreanmske fake Jomon face by face Paris surgery?
Plastic gook gross

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I mean this

i want to spoon you Spanish boy too

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it's almost creepy how andro he is
would still suck his cute peepee though

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do you like tall white dicklets?

I can't wait when Lager for gays will be reopened

Depends on how much of a dicklet and how tall I guess

187cm height and 10cm other thing

you poor sad thing...


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Well you are shorter than me so not to baf I guess?
But I didnt really feel attracted to people taller than 180, gotta have a 15cm height difference rule

Your dick sounds really cute though

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(Konzentrations)lager = (Concentration) Camps in german

I'm a 193cm scandi with big benin.
Who wants to be my bf?

>tfw 170cm and 16cm

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not even gay but
>my face when eternal reject by all

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based korean me

this guy looks like he'd be a dominant, arrogant bottom who orders you to lick his feet while chastising your poor taste in fashion and lack of money

he reminds me of that gujira doujin with the brown-haired cold boywhore

well, more like a shonen of fujo doujins

Well I didnt outright reject you
But I understand your pain, tall/small dick is objectively the worst combo

I always thank my genes for being 195 but having a big dick

>But I understand your pain, tall/small dick is objectively the worst combo
shit sucks because I pulled a bait and switch on an Asian chick and saw the disappointment in her eyes

if you think about it, manlets with big dicks don't have it that much better either
sure they don't disappoint when the moment comes but they need more effort to get to that stage in the first place


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affordable penile transplants when?!

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there are exercises for that according to the publicity in porn sites
you might want to look at that first

What said may work
But you arent going to go from a 10cm penis to a 15 one, at most 13 if you are lucky

Dont break your penis

This isn't true AFAIK. I've seen a lot of naked guys.

Vaffanculo cazzo frocio


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It is though, Far East men have the smallest ones in the world.

Those surveys seem to be very reliant on self reported data, which is flawed for obvious reasons.

Why would anyone say they have a smaller dick than in reality?

Faggot thread

Insightful observation, Hans.

>not being a thirsty straight guy begging for any validation whatsoever
>can't even fuck a thai ladyboy because he/she would have a larger dick

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i'd suck you off if that makes you feel better

not much of a blowjob guy but maybe the couple of girls I was with were both terrible at it. can you just invent gay pills already? my life would be so much simpler.

how do I get a japanese boi to suck my swedish dingdong?

can I suck your peepee


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now kiss

I really miss my Korean friend.His hugs are so strong and he always begged for kisses when I would ride him.No one can measure up to him.

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how do i get Jow Forums bf?

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I find this thread pretty gay.

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Fuck I just want a twink Jow Forums bf
But Im scared of hurting them

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Muori di aids subumano

how do I know if I am a twink?

>outy bellybutton

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If other people call you a twink, you probably are a twink
Are you short and skinny?

I'm p tall, probably not a twink then

That's not an outie.

The respondent sample size might be very small.

imagine knocking a japanese boi up with your hapa spawn

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I still remember you from a few days ago
we enter the same threads for some reason