Cool posters

Cool posters

Faggot posters

Fight me

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Hey thanks!

>cool posters

Which category am I in?

Is that what Americlaps look like when they hatch from the spawning pool?

Hey thanks!

Cool posters

Thanks OP!

Thanks, very cool Kanye!

I lobby an objection on the grounds that you are a compromised party not qualified for mediation.

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Brazil, Japan, Korea and Poland are based though. Russia and Canada is faggot!

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You hurt my feelies :(




It's not a spawning pool, it's a spawning river: the Rio Grande

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Can't handle the banter, Juan?

i swear to god, forget Norway ONE MORE TIME

Norway? What is that?

i will drink fine wine from your hollowed out skull tonight, little swamp toad

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Norway? Is this another name for Denmark?

haha xd haven't heard that one a million times before, fuckface

OP is right

America is too large for these catagories. I looked at the data and this is what I came up with, please if you have criticisms don't let any pretty provincialism bias it:

Homosexual posters
Massachusetts and New York:
Exceptionally gay posters
Above average not gay posters
Dull posters
West coast:
Brown posters
Very cool posters
Kentucky & Carolinas:
Elite posters

I think it's a province of the Swedish Empire

Cringe, but redpilled

I'm a based poster

maybe it's this?

I think philipinos are some of the best really

Its the Oil Sweden.

Thank you OP, very cool!

Thanks, man!

im prettysure fins wants to be on the faggot posters

For me, Norwegian posters are my favorites. I also like USA, Mexico, UK, France and I love Canadian posters

Only if it's with you....

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>Mexico subhumans
>Cool posters
That's where you're wrong kiddo.
The rest is correct though, especially poland.

Canadians are based, they are the most chill posters on here

>the most chill posters on here
I agree that you can find a bunch of good Canadian posters, these are not a rarity, but I would definitely not use the word "Chill" to describe Canadian posters as a whole.