>muh market cap
all this just means the few elite in society own "gold" (bitcoin) .
How is a ponzi "gold" exactly?
gtfo my board Pedro
Tell me why gold isn't a ponzi of Bitcoin/crypto is. The majority of gold's current price is a result of financial speculation/hedging. The total demand for gold in production, jewelry etc. is far from large enough to justify the current price. Google it if you don't believe me.
>Google it if you don't believe me.
Gold buys you the exact same goods as 2000years ago, 500years ago or 100years ago.
It is just a fucking store of value and nothing else. But i guess you compare it with a fiat pairing like USD? Obviously gold is a ponzi then, if you compare it with THE ponzi scheme of all ponzi schemes.
Are youjoking or just retarded? Check the CPI in terms of gold for the past 500 years. The purchasing power of gold is far from constant, brainlet. As I said, Google it.
Let me stop you right there idiot, the CPI is manipulated to show less inflation than is really happening so people don't protest in the streets.
Hahaha, sure. Okay tell me what source of prices you want to use then.
Since you like googling, i will copy paste it and don't even bother wasting my time with idiots like you. Cherry pick a time line you want and you can basically destroy anything. Guess when the volatile shit started?
Clearly the red line has remained roughly flat, around 100, for hundreds of years! This shows gold’s remarkable constant nature. Note, since the gold standard has been gradually dismantled (1914) gold’s purchasing power became more volatile but remained robust in the long term.
Furthermore, we can see that prior to 1914 wholesale prices were also fairly constant but this is due to the fact sterling was tied to gold during this era. Since the gold standard was abandoned step-by-step from 1914 onwards, the blue and the green line have skyrocketed, evaporating the purchasing power of sterling. Since 1971 the British pound has lost over 93 % of its purchasing power – in 1975 inflation topped 20 %.
We can conclude, while there is no exact constant in economics, the stability of gold’s purchasing power is unprecedented. Not only on a gold standard the metal shows it’s constant nature, but also off the gold standard gold’s purchasing power is remarkably constant, albeit more volatile in the short term.
Seriously, are you morons for real? You inronically think the purchasing power of gold is constant?
>Muh i am 30yo
>Muh gold is soooo volatile
>Muh i am right and you are all wrong
You are such fucking pathetic, stop it already.
spic detected
You just made a factually false statement and proved yourself wrong. I never said gold is extremely volatile.
Anons learn from this thread. This is fucking cognitive dissonance in a perfect level.
I am stop wasting my time with you, you clearly don't want to debate anything. Cherry picking like a real brainlet and don't discuss the bigger picture. No clue what you get from denying that gold is a store of value for decades. Peace out and good luck with you history lessons in school. You might learn what happened 500years ago
Do you not know how to read your own chart? You can't possibly be this retarded. You:
> "Gold buys the exact same goods as 500 years ago"
Look at the purchasing power of gold in 1520 on you chart. Not even close to being "the exact same goods". This has got to be a LARP kek.
Do you have reading problems? I never said it wasn't a store of value. I simply said that the purchasing power of gold is far from constant. You literally said that gold buys the exact same goods as 500 years ago. It doesn't. You're wrong. The end.
It is more constant than any other currency.
I agree and I never said it wasn't. The purchasing powers of most non-currency stores of value are more constant than the purchasing powers of currencies.
funny how this works