Are Finns hapas or what?

Are Finns hapas or what?

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they are mongolian and slavic hybrids.

Attached: finn.png (653x628, 42K)

That's a Swede lol

Attached: U7Ghu2s.gif (448x291, 3.06M)

They're cute and that's all that matters. Make your menes, and don't let anyone put you down Finland.

Is she Finn?
Cute cute cute cute cute!!!!

they are scandi with slant eye, nothing asian about it.

she looks like frog emma

It is odd, some Finns have a very asiatic look

Attached: 1541676451622.jpg (525x700, 124K)

They crave for portuguese cock

She is very cute desu

they crave for korean cock

yes-- yes we do ~~

Attached: 5296811+_99deeb5751a5478342c0f3c4ab2863c3.jpg (412x412, 79K)

>it is odd, some Finn have a very asiatic look
Odd if you're ignorant of the siberichink genes

Russian or Swede

Reverse google search "Finnish jailbait". NO FAPPING TO THIS ONE.

Finns are a superior race with superior genetics, they were sent on earth by aliens to rule humanity

You wish

Attached: Finnish Mongoloid Invasion.png (598x1071, 68K)

>There are more Finns in Sweden than there are Swedes in Finland

This is what is odd when you look at maps for immigrants in Sweden.
They count all the Finns as well, and 10% of our population is Finns.


Yeah you do, and there's a 250 page post about finnish immigrants on flashback calling them subhumans.
Don't be ignorant.

Post link plz

det finns bokstavligen mer finnar i Sverige än vad det gör skithudingar

Well, it seems like we will take our land back after all.

You do, and they will soil your aryan blood with mighty Finnish blood. Our brethren will also conquer your arab girls before you can get to them

Attached: 4343.jpg (184x184, 7K)
111 pages of what you would classify as hate speech if it were directed at any other group

The gender ratio between Finnish men and women in Sweden is not in your favour then. It's like 70:30 female-male.

They are just discussing racial biology what's the issue? it's flashback


Immigrant issue turns into racial biology question, that's never the case for these africans/arabs for you.

They are in their 80s and the men have died

There are thousands of threads discussing the racial biology of somalis on flashback and trying to figure out why they are unable to use escalators

No there are not, only questions of intelligence and the lack of participation of integration.
Studying finns in a biological way, gathering 111 pages about that subject is quite separate from the others.

t. noob who hasn't browsed enough flashback
also how do you even understand what they are saying?

I've used flashback since 2009, it's somalis are strictly a civic nationalist issue.

How do I get finnish gf?

fun fact
mongols were all blue eyes and blonde people. they tainted their gene pool by putting a foot into Finland
>Im of bagg baba Khang! :DDD
>Khan: wtf happened to you!

>over 30,000 finn in australia

ive only ever met one half finnish person. they must all hide in the bushes or something.

It's a low number compared to your total population

they are probably all gathered in the same small town

happened in USA, there are some towns where everyone is practically Finnish, altough nobody speaks Finnish

How can you use flashback unless you speak Swedish?

I could use a translator, why does it matter?


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yeah. i just had a look on this map and found a couple of rural suburbs where the 3rd largest immigrant group were fins.

Finns and Russians are Eurasian master race

Attached: East Asian.gif (800x545, 73K)

>Finnmark 1-2.5%
nice map retard

Finns have these faces because they're mongoloids, not because they're Mongols. Finland has zero ties to Mongolia whatsoever.

Attached: Down Syndrome.png (2000x882, 225K)

FINALLY someone gets it

i think it says finland is mostly 5 - 10% asian.

Finnish genes were able to supress the down syndrome in a way that people look like having downs but dont suffer the mental disability (at least not too much of it, autism stays however while intelligence is not diminished)

Finnmark isn't Finland, it's a region in the very north of Norway

Finnmark is in Norway there's like 50k Saami people there and a lot of mutts of Saami, Norwegian and Finn
99% of Finns are 3-7% if they don't have recent foreign or Saami admixture

>Deaths from Down's syndrome
isn't it non-fatal

It is Sami

We euthanize them. And it doesn't show how many babies get aborted because of Down's.



we are not related
we are not even friends
japan is perverted
go fuck off!

t. ryssä

japan is brother
japan is friend
japan is cute
come hang out!

it's weird. why would you browse flashback? I think you do speak Swedish.

so its called finnmark but its in norway and is a saami area. thats a little confusing. did Norwegians consider the saami as finns?

Yes, the Kvens who were a mutt race of sorts mixed between Swedes and Norwegians did refer to Finns and Saamis as the same people. Probably because of their language being similar and possibly that they arr rook same.

a lot of them have heart problems and die young. theyre mostly all aborted these days though.

No, it is Finnmark because it is Finnish land and Norwegians know it. They are scared of us so they named it that to honor us.

Swedes are a mutt race between Finns and Danes

Cope. Finns are a mutt race between Saamis, Swedes, Russians and Balts :)

+Indo-Iranians, mesolithic Europeans
but our identity isn't based around some fake purity like yours

Our identity isn't based on purity either. People always think that just because someone has blonde hair and blue eyes and look the typical "aryan" they must be pure. But such is not always the case.

Take the regions in Sweden. Most differ vastly from each other. Compare if you will Norrland or Lappland with Scania. Big difference. Compare Gotland and Jämtland. Massive difference. All of these tribes and regions were conquered and put together into what became Sweden, so you could say we were already "diverse" in terms of regional culture and such. Same thing with Finland. Different tribes banded together and formed a country. Karelians are very different from Ostrobothnians for example. Even Savonians are different from their neighbours. So to argue that any nation is entirely "pure" and monocultural would be false. But it is a good argument for why we do not need enforced multiculturalism, since we already have diversity without the somalis.

Finland and Finns were invented in the 19th Century, originally the word Finn was used by the Norse to describe various Finno-Ugrics including the Sami in northern Europe. Finnmark became to the term used to describe the areas in Scandinavia where the Sami lived, and Finland became the term used to describe the peoples living in south-western Finland. Then in the 19th Century the concept of "Finns" and "Finland" were created and since then the Finns have gained a monopoly on the term.

we love Terveet Kädet!!


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But Swedes find it very problematic that they have anything to do with Finns and never really are able to come to terms with the amount of Finnish ancestry in the Forest Finn regions of Western-Central Sweden

>But Swedes find it very problematic that they have anything to do with Finns
No. I think I might have argued over this with you before. But no. Most Swedish boomers grew up with Finnish immigrants and have overly positive opinions of Finland, almost getting into cringeworthy american-tier Finnboo stuff like muh Talvisota and such. Swedish nationalists even the hardcore ones, are usually very pro-Finland too. Then there's the zoomers. Zoomers are mostly useless and have little knowledge on anything, so many of them are barely aware that Finland exists.

Regarding the Forest-Finns, there were never many of them. At their peak they were 15-20k strong depending on who you ask, and most were either assimilated or wiped out. If you actually want to speak about Finnish ancestry in Sweden and not rely on memes, look at Northern Sweden. There is a lot of Finnish ancestry there. It is not a homogenous region. It consists of Swedish worker/farmer families who moved in, Swedish military descendants, Finnish military descendants, Finnish farmers, Saamis and some others.

To expand on the Forest-Finns, it is quite funny that the current crown prince of Sweden has some Forest Finn ancestry. Quite ironic.

>Regarding the Forest-Finns, there were never many of them.
Savonians had an insanely birth rate back then so this is a poor argument and they were settled in areas which had low native population
Yes they are mixed now and no pure ones remain but there's a genetic legacy in Värmland, Dalarna and so on. There's even a lot of Forest Finn heritage in Norway across the border.
I know you don't like science but check this out anyway
select all and note the large cluster of Forest Finn Y-chromosomes on the border region of Sweden and Norway

dunno but soon enough i'll be making some hapas of my own with my cute jap gf if u know what i mean

Attached: Flag-Pins-Finland-Japan.jpg (400x320, 58K)

While the heritage exists and certainly lives on it is quite small in comparison to the total population. Even if it is relatively large in the forests of Värmland and across the border in Norway it's not something that would bother anyone. It's not about who cucks who with whose haplogroups, such things are irrelevant. Of course there will be Finnish DNA in Sweden, and of course there will be Swedish DNA in Finland. There are more Finns in Sweden than there are Swedes in Finland, so there will be more Finnish DNA here than Swedish DNA in Finland. It's irrelevant. We were one nation before and mixing occurs.

in your dreams maybe

I'm a handsome lil blonde boy engineer.
i'll be fine

Won't be fine when your kid shoots up a school

japanese girls would never let themselves be touched by fugly autistic downies from your country

They'll let themselves be touched by any European pretty much

>dude if i go to japan all the girls will jump on my fat white cock

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no guns in japon

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I'm not an incel so there's no need for me to go there

30% of swedes will show DNA from finland.

If we are then Swedes most certainly are too

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Swedes and Finns are too mixed with eachother

Swedes always exaggerate how many Swedes moved to Finland. There was as many Germans who moved to Finland between 1400-1900 as Swedes and half of the House of Knights had German last names.