When did you realize the French Revolution was a mistake Jow Forums?

When did you realize the French Revolution was a mistake Jow Forums?

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you would be a serf today if it didn't happen

t.Jose Antonio

USA and Haiti had already happened. And reform was weoo underway until the jacoshits sperged out.


France would be white today if it didn't happen

Cringe thread

slave, hed be a slave

Why are Jow Forumstards so fucking retarded?

It wasn't a mistake, it was inevitable step of evolution of french economic and social system

Attached: [Kagura] The Rose of Versailles - 40 [BDRip 1436x1080 x264 Hi10P FLAC].mkv_snapshot_21.04_[2018.04.1 (1190x895, 132K)

All royalist bootlickers ITT should kill themselves

Hitler did this to Europe.

Yeah I'm pretty big brained, I'm a neo reactionary monarcho-technocrat bioessentialist Georgian economist btw.

Most of them have no education and trust the opinion leaders, who impose their view on the audience for the sake of profit.

Attached: trois-jacobins (1).jpg (750x1114, 344K)

USA wasn't as influential and didn't stand for the same values and principles, Haiti officially started in 1791(which is two years after the French Revolution) but the actual revolution didn't take place until 1804. None of those two revolutions were followed by a series of large coalition wars that pitted Enlightenment values against monarchism.

keep telling yourself that

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I think fr*nce overall was a mistake

Attached: __anchovy_girls_und_panzer_drawn_by_amano_kouki__sample-7c987b5197ad97a6722078613257b8be.jpg (850x1200, 163K)

this is me fighting m*narchist scum

France could have chosen a UK style constitutional monarchy and not started decades of wars though

Attached: Robespierre.jpg (194x260, 9K)

Pepperoni est une salope arriérée mentale, Anchovy est une pute avec une perruque verte et Carpaccio est une lesbienne refoulée qui aimes le nerd d'histoire romaine.

Attached: BC-Freedom Filles et Chars.jpg (2410x2746, 625K)

France didn't start the Revolutionary Wars. Austria, backed by British support, issued a threat to the revolutionary government, which justifies France's declaration of war.
Also, the guy you're posting was actually against war with Austria.

We are still serfs

Go tell that to the people suffering from malnutrition in the 18th century. They'll be awed by your sheer amount of fatty flabs on your belly

Serfs had more holidays and free time in general than modern wage slaves

Declared after the whole king business which should never have happened. Coulda just let the king be a figurehead and reform around that.

>anime kids
At least post something classy and more french-related than GuP

Attached: 1523568457655.png (848x1062, 1.15M)

Should've been more revolutionary

Attached: spanish-anarchists-civil-war.jpg (550x404, 43K)

base et rougepilled

it wasn't but it definitely went too far imo

Executing the king fell within the revolutionary government's sovereign powers. Austria shouldn't have had anything to say about it, and was justifiably greeted by a declaration of war when they did.

It wasn't a mistake it was useless. There isn't a single democratic nation in the world. Even Switzerland is cucked. We all still live ruled by kings

>it was useless
It wasn't. If not for bourgeois revolutions there would be no capitalism and if there would be no capitalism, people wouldn't recognize that it's slightly more free, but as flawed as feudalism.

>civil war still ongoing
>anarchists and communists already shooting each other in the streets of Barcelona
so this is the power.... of the left-wing...

Attached: Francisco Franco 1930.jpg (1200x1675, 220K)

Just saying that the revolution could have been better than "Glorious" but instead fell into excess and centralized government power. The US and UK never had dictators. How about France?

I only meant that it didn't really made us free.

More like retardation of anarchists, who were too stupid to see that before trying to build the desired society, they should cooperate with their competitors against a common threat

And you would be dwelling in Africa

It couldn't. Productive powers weren't evolved enough. And they are still not evolved enough to free humanity completely.

Las revoluciones liberales en latinoamerica fueron un error porque fueron inspiradas por el eternamente perfido ANGLO.
La revolucion francesa fue el punto algido de la historia de la humanidad, Robespierre no hizo nada mal, es mas deberia haber sido mas extremo en sus medidas contra los enemigos de la revolucion.

If you consider that monarchs aren't dictators(since you mentioned the UK), then the only case France was a dictatorship was during Vichy France.
Absolutely cringe. Germany has been importing Middle Easterners by the million since 2014, yet you actually think you're qualified to joke about this. Stop calling the kettle black and look at the state of your own country. Cologne was absolutely disgusting when I went there two months ago.

>Go tell that to the people suffering from malnutrition in the 18th century. They'll be awed by your sheer amount of fatty flabs on your belly
They weren starving because they were poor they were starving because there was barely any food.

When the industrial revolution came food was much more available.

But nowadays nobody seems to fight to change their government/system. People will isn't respected and people simply don't care.

>t. invited Africa in Europe

No napoleon?
Anyway I am clearly in over my head. I mostly just think france should have reformed into a less centralized and power balanced parliamentary system gradually over time, maintaining aspects of its past history, like a combination of UK and US. The wars and autistic changes of republics seem like they did more harm than good.

NEVER underestimate our autism
Also this. I'm a anarchist and I can tell you the CNT fucked up on that

Attached: cd2fc84d19e81cfc72a27e7c23d360f0--political-posters-political-art.jpg (345x500, 40K)

>But nowadays nobody seems to fight to change their government/system
You just don't see them. Naxalites, kurds and many more.

>i’m an anarchist

This is a german anti-french propaganda piece from the XIXth century. The fact you believe it is in any way trustworthy proves you're retarded

Revolution happened because the last Kings sucked.

>you just don’t see them
>lists a group of literal whos and a group that media claims is “part of ISIS”

Except they didn't, CNT would have gotten BTFO by the PCE after the war.

>This is a german anti-french propaganda piece from the XIXth century.
>XIXth century

Omg they were visionaries.

mate i live near them they got btfo by the police about a decade ago, they went from aboriginals fighting for their rights to run-of-the-mill terrorists.

France was the first country to let non European mass migration happen, even before the world wars
all because of that cancerous republican ideology of civic nationalism

It was more the fault of the R*publicans. But their revolution did create some divide. And the size of the CNT no way the PCE could've had taken them down.

Well, Napoleon was as much of a dictator as the Capetian monarchs, if you consider that a dictator is just a ruler with absolute power. The only difference is that he seized power by force.
Also, France was under a fully parliamentary system from 1871(end of the Franco-Prussian War/start of the Third Republic) to 1958(Algerian War/start of the Fifth Republic). The Third and Fourth Republics were parliamentary republics and they had many problems, namely that the legislative branch had complete dominance over the executive branch, so they'd overthrow the government in power, making it near-impossible to rule efficiently and to maintain consistent policies outside of wartime. This actually greatly contributed to our swift defeat in WW2, and when the system proved itself unable to respond efficiently to the Algerian crisis, Charles de Gaulle replaced it with a semi-presidential system where the formerly nonexistent president predominates over the legislative branch, which still has an important role regardless. It has proved itself a perfect system for us, just as constitutional monarchism proved itself a perfect system for Brits. Different systems for two different peoples.
As for centralism in France, it actually stems from the way the country was built. Countries like Germany were united by language and general ethnolinguistic nationalism, but such a thing is impossible in France, so a federal system that gives autonomy to regions like Brittany or Alsace would be counterproductive. A decentralization project has been ongoing since the 70s though, and we've come a long way since then; the administration is much more decentralized than it was before, but don't expect us to suddenly turn into a federation.

>they'd overthrow the government in power
*regularly overthrow

The CNT was already getting BTFO by the PCE in Barcelona lad, besides by the end of the war the PSOE was pretty much another communist party, they would have merged and with USSR support they would have steamrolled the anarchists.

>group that media claims is “part of ISIS
But kurds are anti-ISIS.

That's because alot of anarchists were in the front. If they had won the war, they would spread the revolution in other parts. No way the PC* could've had stop the CNT BVLL

>I'm a anarchist
meme ideology for autists

What are you even talking about you autistic fuck?
Anarchists weren't even a sizeable part of the population outside of the Ebro valley and some parts of andalusia

Le funny skit XD. Read Bakunin

Durruti wanted to spread the anarchist revolution in Madrid. I'm saying if the Republican side had won the war, no doubt the anarchist would've have grown in numbers.

Attached: 7.-Bujaraloz-Durruti-en-la-plaza-junto-a-la-gasolinera.jpg (494x280, 18K)

Based and revolutionarypilled

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>gives rights to the people that they lost since 15 fucking centuries

Durruti was murdered in Madrid in 36 and Madrid was a solid PSOE/PCE city.

>non european mass migration before ww2
never happend

Dude nice. French posters are pretty cool. Thanks man

Wouldn't be surprised desu. Some people also say one of his men's gun tipped off and shot him.

Freedom ain't free, the tree of liberty gotta be littered with the blood of the montagnards. Maximilien Robespierre aka MR is not my Convention presidnet. He is centralist tyran and probly spy as well. Brissot and Roland not Danton and Marat ok? Praise Liberté.

>By 1930, the Paris region alone had a North African Muslim population of 70,000.[11]

Attached: Kladd-29.10.1933.jpg (763x937, 169K)

30.000 people beheaded so only the top 10% people could vote
>the brize of freedoom

Attached: French revolution.jpg (640x418, 72K)

i learned all i know of the french revolution through the rose of versailles

5/6 years ago