I hate america and i hate all americans and would be happy if they all died

I hate america and i hate all americans and would be happy if they all died

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fuck you

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What has America ever done to Jordan?

You dumb Muslims are always in conflict with people of other faiths.

The only places you behave are in places like Bulgaria because you're too pussy to sperg out against Slavs.

back from your ban?
you get tired of spamming this shit in /ptg/?

>What has America ever done to Jordan?
The correct question is what has america ever done to arabs and muslims in general, and if you think america did nothing you're a stupid infidel and i want to kill you too.
>Youre too pussy to sperg out against slavs
Turk muslims enslaved and raped them for at least 600 years you stupid kaffir.
>back from your ban?

magapede newfag, i don't get banned.

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>i don't get banned.
you have several times

Yeah lmao, i get banned everyday, the meaning was bans don't affect me, go back to r/eddit and come back when you know how to evade.

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hey just because they've destroyed so many countries around you to the ground, brought war, destruction, and all sorts of misery to the region, flooded your country with refugees and de facto created ISIS that now has your country as one of possiible targets it can realistically strike there's no reason to hate them bro

admitting to ban evading and your banned again
just stop spamming

thank you rusbro
im a ban-evader, i get banned everyday and then evade, and i will never stop spamming dead mutt soldiers, magapede bedditor.

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stop encouraging him

i hate america too, but i'll defend them from a muslim rat like you any day of the week.

at least I was smart enough to put sage into options, unlike you

You mad

lol @ this vatnik butthurt

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funny coming from a Jordanian

yes i did, the next post bumped it. but it is pointless since others are posting anyway.
just saying that evading a ban is trivial. just phone post that's all. it is dynamic IP.

weeko beito

also it is not wise to admit you saged someone.

Pussy got that wet wet
Got that drip drip
Got that super soaker
Hit that, she a FeFe

boo hoo

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> mcdonalds
what country could ever beat that

Yeah you mad

im so mad... now look at this dead american soldier LOL

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based camelmasters making ameridumbs SEETHE itt

I hate them too.

Unfortunately, 90% of brazilians are ameriboos

Brazilians start shit threads about us all day

Not a country, but another chain.

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Yeah, and brasil elected a shabbos ZOG puppet AKA bolsonaro.

Soviets created GPS, satellites and cell phones, your dumbass.


USA still has to use soviet rockets to send their shitty to space

So what are Jordanian women like, I want an Arab gf and I hear Jordan is pretty friendly to the US.

nah most are ok. the shittiest fuckers are always the busiest, regardless of the flag.

we are very friendly to the USA, please come to jordan.

>Yeah, and brasil elected a shabbos ZOG puppet AKA bolsonaro.

Bolsonazi had 50 million votes.
80 million brazilians didn´t go to vote or voted for HADDAD, an arab guy.

Besides, Bolzominions deceived a lot of christians saying that Haddad would spread gay laws and gay sharia trhough the country


Although admittedly it's hard to tell the nationalities of some of these soldiers. Post closer, more graphic shots if you have any.

Also I doubt any of these really offend Americans, most are so jaded they probably don't feel anything when seeing their own dead.

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i was very disappointed about it, i thought brazil was better than that, he's openly friends with MOSSAD agents and sucks drumpf/israeli dick.

Thanks, I will some day. You Jordanbros seem pretty cool and have a cool king. Seems like a nice place, too.

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thats a bit rude but still funny

a jewish friend of mine visited israel and also made a stop in jordan and they went on a desert tour and spent a night in the open in the middle of a desert. he said it was awesome and everyone was friendly. so we know.



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Is mansuf good? It looks yummy. I want to see Petra someday

>sucking up to stop the shitposting
kek that doesn't work that way, bro

i'm pretty sure they're desensitised to the sight of dead bodies if they make it to middle school

we actually have a mcdonalds here and i think its alright
i don't subscribe to all this death to america stuff too i think this jordan mate is a going little overboard
the part of your country that doesn't support all those faggots posted abroad to occupy countries and kill people is quite alright too
soldiers though, who cares about them? even they themselves don't, part of their job is to die, pretty much

i don't care, shut the fuck up, this thread isn't about the shithole called jordan, its about hating america.

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Gotta love thirdie rage

Especially the variety of "i worship a delusional warlord pedophile who believed the earth was flat and the old testament is the word of god"

Thanks for staying in your shithole instead of infesting the first world btw

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>to occupy countries and kill people
that's what you are doing in syria. and yes we killed a few ivans there. nothing wrong with showing you your place.

>soldiers though, who cares about them?
there's quite a bit of troop worship in this country, though most of it is forced on us from the top. i seriously doubt anyone on this board gets offended by dead soldiers though, not sure who the jordanian guy thinks he's trolling

Oh my, is that a depiction of prophet muhammad ! im very angry, how dare you, vile infidel, do such terrible things.

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>shithole called jordan

why is it a shithole? why is it not the 1st world? who do you blame?

McDonald’s is shit, I can’t stand it now except the chicken nuggets or a quick burger when I’m starving after a long drive. I wish you could taste Five Guys. Dunno if you have Wendy’s in Russia or not.
Also, there’s a good amount of Americans that don’t really care what happens overseas, they just want to stick to life as usual. Me personally, I think the US has made several blunders over the past 70 years that shouldn’t have happened, including currently. It doesn’t help that the Democrats screaming about voter fraud gets in the way of US-Russia relations and we aren’t focusing on China harder than we should. Also our entire Middle Eastern policy is fucked up.

But imagine how many shitskins like you he killed before dying? It is like 1:10000000. So everytime you post one you remind yourself about the dead shitskins around you.

>why is it a shithole

because its not supposed to exist

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>that casual walk by
Goddamn the MENA must be a hard and unforgiving place. No wonder it's the graveyard of empires. It's actually kind of crazy how Israel has managed to survive as long as it did.

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mercenaries killing mercenaries
are you really proud of your murderous lot though? just because they're better at killing people?

no here's a better question
does the Iraq high score make you ecstatic?

>muh k/d


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Why don't you unite with Israel?

Well you answered your own question. If the survive and prosper, it is not as hard as it sounds. You just need to not be a shitskin.

israel will cease to exist soon

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Yeah it's pretty pathetic really. Our KDR against ISIS is 15,000. Israel beat them in six days outnumbered 5:1 with our aid and they're still butthurt lol
Hahahha sorry snowflake for triggering you and your precious false god

Yes. I am genuinely glad there are less arab muslim extremists in the world thanks to the US. Iraqi war was BS and 9/11 was a false flag but hey at least we got to kill some arabs/muslims and destabalize the region, causing even more arab deaths


I hope you get colonized by Israeli BULLS and your home bulldozed.



>just stop spamming

based and redpilled
yanks should be hanged one by one

Nice faggot music

> there are less arab muslim extremists in the world thanks to the US
wait, whatver gave you that idea? every war US has fought in 21st century except for Afghanistan I think was fought against a secular or a christian nation, in favor of the worst sunni muslim mujaheddeen

only ISIS campaign is different, and you've bombed more weddings there than ISIS gatherings and your troops and spooks actually pretty much support Al Quaeda

hell, you're training and arming the most radical parts of it since 1970es.

don't get me wrong, isam is okay. the part of it on american payroll is the one that kills the most people , including americans

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yeah they say they're like 95% local here, including meat, but their beef is so weird, in a bad way. but they're okay.

we only have basic shit here so far from moscow - i think we only have kfc, buger king and subway which are more or less on the same level with mcdonalds. local 'hipster' burger places are generally better, but then they're a bit more expensive.

and US foreign policy can't be fixed quicly, but peace is getting a bit closer with every dead senator. you know the sort im talking about

>islam is ok
No, it's retarded and any honest interpretation of the Qur'an leads you to join ISIS


>secular governments
Unfortunately so, but they're still stocked with muslims, just moderate ones.

Absolutely seething

pff, japs got nuked and germans got dresden, burgers dropped a 10ton bomb right at the civlian center of vienna in spring 1945 just to kill more civilians.

the wars in the middle east are nothing compared to that.

if that means anything it means you're cucks

Atleast they're not camelfucking sandnigger