I've never been this optimistic, feels god lads

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> isn't reliable
lmao, you probably think carta capital and brasil24/7 is

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What are his plans? Will anything actually change?

Things are already changing, the link shows that everybody is now investing again in Brazil and GDP growth projections are rising as his Economy minister is basically a full pinochet libertarian

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>o antagonista
>carta capital
different sides of the same coin

>different sides of the same coin
*reads carta capital and pretends he doesn't*
I love how you commies have no shame whatsoever

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>reading ((((news)))) websites, ever

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>deflecting again
oh wow you truly are commie

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i voted for amoedo you retard

this isn't thread material
back to your containment general

nice kafka trap btw

O Antagonista literally just copypastes news from a wide range of sources, only leftards think they're somehow bad.

>i voted for amoedo you retard
And in the 2nd turn?
>kafka trap
Thanks for proving my point, commie faggot

why would he give you the benefit of the doubt? We all know you're a commie, simple as.

Nobody's trying to trap your ass

>as his Economy minister is basically a full pinochet libertarian

Are you literally retarded?
Pinochet didn't know shit about Economy, he even said so himself.

>Pinochet didn't know shit about Economy, he even said so himself.
Oh wow, OMG you truly destroyed with this argument m8! I didn't actually know that Pinochet was also the Economy minister during his time in charge!

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not going to be convinced until the embassy is moved

>palestines and lebanese tried to kill him
>mossad gave him intel to save him
It's going to move m8

that's going to be a doubt.jpg from me but as long as it moves it's all good ;)

this doesn't have anything to do with Bolsonaro specifically though. it's refreshing to have a new leadership

The hired assassin of Bolsonaro was literally from PCC which has deep ties with Hezbollah

How western media depicts Brazil
>Goes to a Rio de Janeiro favela and shows happy negros dancing samba and preparing for the Carnival where hot women will show their boobs.
**Why did Bolsonaro win???**

How Brazil really is
>70% are ultra conservative christians who listen to brazilian country music, hate carnival and do not accept being disrespected and generally kill or injure who disrespect them.

Average brazilians like this kind of music

Just edgy nogs listen to favela funk

Imagine being a mentally ill spammer who unironically believes in some shady commie-globalist-muslim plot to deter Brazil from restoring Brazilian conservative christian values and that US is a force against globalism.

>imagine living in a country where 60 million people unironically believe what you wrote

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Not him but our fucking military intelligence is the one that found PCC-Hezbollah ties, it's not a conspiracy theory.

What do you mean?

60 million people voted for Bozonaro

Caralho discutir com macaco é uma merda mesmo

Did they really do it because of that?
