The next King of Morocco looks like every Moroccan I have ever met

>The next King of Morocco looks like every Moroccan I have ever met

aren't royals supposed to be better than commoners?
I could literally kill this little fucker in a fight

Attached: alhassan.png (615x350, 636K)

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i thought that was jaden smith

I didn´t know maroccans were black

blacks were treated like shit in the rest of the maghreb but in morocco they were kings and queens

Not anymore they aren't. Just imagine the spawn Harry and Meghan will bring into the world. And it's gonna be beautiful.

>blacks were treated like shit

I´ve said: Brazil is a MENA country

harry will never be king so nobody cares.

Could you name me a single niece or nephew of Charles's?
No, you couldn't.
It will be the same for Harry and Meghan.

Moroccans are like 50% black lmao

It's because of the haircut. Although you'd expect a royal who was trained well to have a look about their face and eyes that bespeaks intelligence or at least wisdom from being trained and exposed to experiences far more broadly than the average commoner. Maybe it doesn't translate in the picture, but it's also probable he didn't get any real extraordinary upbringing except being spoilt with goods and somewhat sheltered for fear of assassination or kidnapping.

It's still soiling the royal bloodline. Don't be angry user, we have the same problem. Our queen is half-brazilian after all and one of his kids is a broodmother for an Irish wall-street banker. Royal familes are hardly better than your run-of-the-mill celebrity nowadays.


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I sear every time I see this fucker I want to kill myself for being a Moroccan. It just hurts me to realize that most Moroccans have already been BLACKED a long time ago, AND WILLINGLY.

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is literally anyone in the UAE actually emirati

Is it not more likely to have been black concubines, or did blacks actually invade the berber province, or are the memes true and the natives are actually black-ish from time immemorial?


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His father isn’t the most royal looking person out there either

Attached: 6165B660-1068-4357-BCC2-3746DFEEB788.png (1164x838, 1.52M)

And it's a damn shame. But Madeliene has always been without taste and the family bimbo, it's hardly surprising that she chose him.

Are those demons tormenting that poor D&D nerd?

They belt whipped him for looking gay I heard

This why I hate these goblins man, bad representation. Also this is probably a result of KANGS marrying nigger concubines and killing the natives for being infidels (see Almoravids)

Attached: IMG_1135.jpg (576x960, 59K)

They don’t remarry back into the royal line anymore so it doesn’t matter

Current king seems always high af

He looks like a cool king

Attached: Buhari-King-of-Morroco.jpg (750x665, 188K)

>future king of a country
>gets shitty haircut
Y tho

Compare that guy to the Saudi Prince, who actually does look like a royal.

Attached: mohammed-19012018.png (540x326, 379K)

yup, just like you.

He got nigger blood from his mixed grandmother, and it's funny cause his father looks much less negro than him
cringy af

Attached: Monkey.jpg (276x183, 6K)

>'Nigger' blood
Many of your countrymen have that


so ?

Like 80% of your country according to one drop rule

>Our queen is half-brazilian

>I could literally kill this little fucker in a fight
He's 15 lol

Looks like a picnic basket


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I find him very sexy for some reason.

Based, macron is boring as fuck

he looks like somebody I would see at your local school's snack bar

What kind of dresses are this lmao

Attached: king-if-morocco_2123112b.jpg (620x388, 56K)

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Look at our president he was roaming around

Attached: 23-2.png (514x280, 212K)

Hes good looking desu



Definition a bottom desu

let's be honest dude , this moroccan kid would call himself white in brazil
i mean at least compared to pic related

Attached: white brazilian.jpg (1084x1208, 235K)

Still an upgrade over the current one

Attached: King_Mohammed_VI.jpg (371x483, 43K)


What he would call himself doesnt matter. People here in São Paulo would consider him black or pardo.

Racial view in Brazil is not the same in different places.
São Paulo and the South received 7 million europeans. Here is common people with light eyes and hair.

First study the euro diáspora in Brazil. It was concentrated in SP and the South. So, racial view here is not the same as in Northeast or even in Rio de Janeiro.

Looks like one of those brazilian kids from the shitty snuff films from liveleak

No, he would not.
Nobody in Center-South consider Ronaldo white

Based fatnaldo


How can monarchies be real if our divine right isn't real

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La creatura.

he looks like a brazilian incel

I wonder what the genetically pure Berbers looked like before they became 20% Sub Saharan

Arabs are a minority in the UAE, it's something ridiculous like 80% foreigners

desu Macaron's speech would put anyone to sleep

Jow Forums seems to have forgotten that 52 years ago negroes were not considered human and it was illegal for them to be near WYPIPO...and that a rape-ape and a w*Toid woman being together was also illegal and that this law was enforced by lynching.
I guess it doesn't matter though, we are not a white country anymore, the Jewish elite have won

Attached: toast.jpg (696x936, 146K)

And that's a good thing!


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>whiter than an Italian
I wish the fate of WYPIPO was not so

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Fairly sure Zidane had a really fair complexion for an Algerian

Hahah unless you live in the south, I don't see why any Tunisian could look darker than olive at worst.

more like as white as an Italian
He is Mediterranean without the negroid and partly semitic blood (Arabs themselves are not dark, it's more about the features)