Why do russian posters think they are better than other posters ?

Why do russian posters think they are better than other posters ?

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Because we are, and also tigers. Did you knew that we have tigers?

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stop posting cats idiot you are annoying me

They are some of the best posters tho


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stop making shit threads, muzzie

Because ruspigs are fucking delusional

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Russia has
>Space station
Jordan has

you are based

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I love Chino chan, do you love Chino chan?

proxyhohol thread

I am from Caucasus BTW

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What are you gonna do about it, huh?

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stfu kremlinshill

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Ok moldavaher

t. paranoid schizo delusional rustroll

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Whatever you say moldavaher


To die?
Good luck with that, moldavaher, see you next time

They don't. Most Russian posters like to shit on themselves.

Because others posters are meme copypasting brainlets

>posting sosach trashy memes
>i'm totally not a proxy, y-you-re a shizo
You have to go back.

alcohol syndrom

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