Which one are you Jow Forums?

Which one are you Jow Forums?

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First one when I'm comfy and indoors
Second one whenever I leave the house

Winter Wonderland.

I live in Lapland, our winters are 7-8 months long. Minimum. And very cold. In winter the sun doesn't rise.
I would not survive here if I didn't like winter.

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We didn't have a proper winter in almost two decades.
Climate change fucked me hard.
I always loved snow.

First one while inside
Second one while outside

I've never touched snow in my life

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faggots from cold countries have probably noticed this right, but I mean, some places feel weird during the winter.

For example, even the snow changes depending on the country. I remember visiting the Alpine area of Switzerland (Zermatt/Matterhorn) and the snow felt very heavy and "wet".

When I visited Hokkaido, the snow there was powdery, not "heavy" and felt "fluffy".

Does anyone know what I'm talking about? I'm sorry I lack the vocabulary to properly explain it...

First. The sun shining on the snow gives me energy

I'm alright with winter, I just wish the state would use some of my dear and plentiful tax money to shovel the sidewalks for me instead of making my legally liable if it's not cleared by 7 AM on any day of the week.

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Nobody cares

you can come visit Armenia and touch snow with me if you want user...

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I care, and you cared enough to post.
KYS fag

Dis nigga jelly

I am the
>Fuck this

I live in a desert so the left.

>November 12th
>still have air conditioning running non-stop

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The first one, I've really loved winter since I was a child

I'm from Cyprus and rarely ever saw snow (family was too lazy to drive up to the mountain), so when it snowed in the UK last year I felt so amazed and happy.

Then 5 days later I got sick of it

you are such an attentionfag

I have never seen snow

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Winter is superior.

I feel like I will die if I'm in very low temperatures. Is this a normal thing?
I was listening a br-fag from a podcast and he said he felt he would die in chigago during the winter because of the cold.
He lives without consuming sugar but he said he had to consume during his stay there.

I'd rather go to Armenia to touch cute anons

Rarely is it ever the first one around here, it's usually the second one, mostly because the snow comes and goes, and when there's no snow, it all looks like a depressing Eastern European shithole.
I look forward to the snow after a fresh fall, however. There's something nice about it, before the sun starts warping it.

y-yes, we can do both...

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Former because it never snows here so I've only seem snow when traveling abroad, and those are fond memories.

you sound jeallous

no lol

>Is this a normal thing?
Yes low temperatures has been the cause of death of thousands of Brazilians so beware

Left fa.m
Same. I live in the boreal forest way up north in Alberta. 7-ish months is a pretty typical winter. -25 is average for winter

First, I really like snow and cold weather

None. We don't have snow.

Yeah, depends on the air % of the flake, sometimes can be nice and light or really "sticky" on surfaces like windshields a pain in the ass for driving.

i like winter because my car is too shit to drift without snow and ice

Why would anyone hate winter?

>tfw climate meme means I'll never see it for the rest of my life

What do Jow Forums?

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In the "fuck this" crowd

I hibernate

Left. I really enjoy the seven to ten days of snow we have in winter.

listen to andy williams christmas album

The one on the left. Winter is the best season by far and I wish it lasted longer.

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First one: Honkeys

Second one: Niggers

if the whole world could be covered in ice I would be happy

Go south, dumbdumb.

What great agriculture we would have then

I may exaggerate a bit, but I like harsh winters

>brazilian discovers the concept of snow types
how cute, fufufufu


It doesn't snow in Northern Portugal?

cute post

Sure, so do I, but they last too long. I love really hot summers (Norway hot, not Arizona hot), though, so don't listen to me.

me neither

There are different words for some types of snow in some European languages.

I enjoy all seasons

OG snownigger here. Gets to 0F here every year for a month and snow for 5. I love it. In the city though it beautiful for like, 12 hours then the shit from the street turns the snow black and brown.



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Fresh snow is great in the city. Once it turns to mush, however, I'm not a huge fan



It's fine bud
It depends on how the snow was formed, so one day you'd go out to the Alps and find powdery snow or snow that's practically ice and doesn't break unless you stomp on it

Winter wonderland. I like living somwhere where I can ice fish 6 months a year

in colder weather, snow becomes more powdery. When it's warmer it becomes slushier. Below -40 Celsius ice is no longer even slippery

-40C is exactly -40F btw

Left all day. We got a light dusting last week and all I heard was people bitching non stop all day yet I'm the freak for walking around with a smile on my face.

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>Brazil doesn’t know the charm of fresh powder
Ski trip ASAP user

Now I know how to explain how fucking cold it was in Chicago in 2014 to my foreign students

I am "Sweet, no school for a week"

Eskimos have a fuckton of words for snow

1st one when it's fresh snow, 2nd one when it hasn't snowed for three weeks and its just sludge with dog turds sticking out

lol holy shit

>ertla snow used by Eskimo teenagers for exquisite erotic rituals

please stop...

Snow i such a meme. It's fun for a few weeks but it quickly gets annoying when you have to frequently clean snow out of your drive way.

>Not living in an apartment and having someone do it for you

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There are still some types of snow you havent discovered, user.

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First, I love snow.

when it rains/ it gets warmer then the snow turns heavy and wet
when the air is cold it turns powdery

is the snwo mostly wet in Norway then?
I heard it rains a lot in Norway

thanks for pic

there are a few but not unusually so
the common form of this factoid is a myth - whatever number is cited is almost always way inflated

That's your own fucking foult.

my dick is always way inflated when your mother comes around to my house. that may be a myth about snow but youyr mum has 100 words for semen

someone post a map of where it snows please. it doesn't snow here and i want to know where to go.

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scottish highlands.

If you don't enjoy the snow, you're a faggot. Too many Americans seem to love warmer weather and I'm appalled by it. Live in Africa if you want consistent heat, fucking twats.

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Southern US is much warmer than most of Central and South Brazil though.

Left. I love winter.

sounds good, i've heard they have a strange accent (different from glaswegian). how true is this?

No it's not. It's not even close to as warm

>snow when its falling
very nice
>snow when it turns to fucking sludge after a day because i live in a big city
fucking disgusting


I love the snow but we rarely get it and when we do it turns into horrible brown slush by the end of the week :(

>Sao Paulo
>average high in warmest/coldest month: 29.0/21.8°C (83.5/71.2F)
>Birmingham, Alabama
>average high in warmest/coldest month: 32.7/12.1°C (90.8/53.8F)

you've got more seasonal variation and cooler winters but South Brazil doesn't get as hot as the American South

>this will be cool for a few days
The novelty wears off very fast, as beautiful as snow is. It’s a pain.

What winter?

snow also melts off after a few days in Britain so what are you complaining about

The fact the council barely lays grit on most roads or pavements. So walking around/driving on Black Ice is a fucking nightmare. Last winter the snow didn’t just magically disappear. You need rain for that.

So little sun yet your necks turn pink