Kneel Before The Princess!

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Other urls found in this thread:

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>ywn be the irrelevant servant of a cute princess

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kara bog.....

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>turks claim to be 1/24th african
>they're princess is a wh*teoid

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"There were two 'Reigns of Terror', if we would but remember it and consider it; the one wrought murder in hot passion, the other in heartless cold blood; the one lasted mere months, the other had lasted a thousand years."

Hang the royals, proclaim the federal socialist republic!

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Imagine sucking her pussy and ass.
Mmm nice

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she should kneel before me tho

thot alert

We need a new holocaust.

nice legs, cute ankles, nice toes

you forgot

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Not to be weird but I hope she grows up to be a lesbian

Non-lesbians are disgusting




thats pretty fucking weird dudes

It's a weird fucking feel to have as a man, but I deal with it

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I hope she and the other infanta does so we can have this

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I'll kneel so I can eat out her cunny.

How could be eradicated this post? ...

Speak English you spic

>kneeling before women
>kneeling before m*Narchs
>kneeling before TURK

she's spanish retard

Google translate does, I can barely know how to type in Spanish

She is honorary Turk too
"The last holder of the Crown of the Byzantine Empire, Andreas Palaiologos, sold his imperial title to Fernando II of Aragon and V of Castile and Isabel I of Castile before his death in 1502. However, there is no evidence that any Spanish monarch has used the Byzantine imperial titles, which make the King of Spain the legitimate emperor of Rome, since the emperors of the Holy Roman Empire and Russia, who also claimed this title, disappeared in 1806 and after the Russian Revolution, respectively."

can't wait for her to take the anglo cock and become our queen consort

Was the last one that married a Spaniard Bloddy Mary? She and Henry VIII are the only ones that I know ...

they are not allowed to marry catholics... i am catholic though so maybe she can marry me

are you from northern ireland?

No..I'm English

Peor, es un sc*user.
Fuck off rat eater

Victoria Eugenia de Battemberg married Alfonso XIII, as long as they don't join the crowns they can.

yes i am a scouser reeeeee stop discriminating against my people

I need a catholic brit bf

Sapphic love is the purest love.

I've actually decided that I want a spanish wife. I like the short thicc ones with dark hair and brown/green eyes. Y además, estoy estudiando espanol

I can put on a skirt and shave my body hair for you

Scousers are ugly and disgusting
You should be ashamed and kill yourself
Get inside your liverpool home and set it on fire

Imagine him signing shady deals in Saudi yachts, snorting coke from Miss Universe's ass. Truly an heir worthy of his grandfather.

I bow to noone but ALLAH (SWT)
You filthy b*yaz köpek

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In a couple of years we would have been an absolute monarchy under her if it wasnt for that fucking TRAITOR Juan Carlos,fuck that faggot

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I'm glad you guys are learning that we princesses are superior to you plebeians and the only thing you can do is bow down before us

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>Siglo XVI+V
>Aún tener familia real

Gachupines siendo gachupines.

I didnt vote for you...

nice feet

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Round up every last one and either guillotine them or shoot them like the based bolsheviks did


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How old is she?


delete this

do you think they are ugly?

don't think so m8