What are your cunt’s opinions of this mass murderer?

What are your cunt’s opinions of this mass murderer?

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Other urls found in this thread:

marxists.org/archive/marx/works/download/pdf/On The Jewish Question.pdf

who did he kill?

About a billion people with his ideology.

that's awful! was he ever convicted for it, or did they let him off the hook?

they should remodel the statue of liberty to look like him

Of course it’s the flag of the country that harbored a criminal.

A hero, a visionary. One can hardly find a more down-to-earth, matter-of-fact philosopher. His ideas changed the world, forever and for the better, and we can only hope that they do so again.

when you think about it, marxism is really just an extension of hegelianism. is hegel a mass murderer too?

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Commies are cucked and bluepilled though

>What are your cunt’s opinions of this terrorist, treasonous, slaver?

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Criminal dog

hegel, in turn, borrowed a lot from fichte, a pioneer within german nationalism.

looks like this rabbit hole is getting a lot deeper.

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>wanting to stop sucking Mr. Shekelsberg's dick and brutally execute him and his family is somehow cucked now

Marx was a Jew and worked for them though

Have you ever heard about the basic differences between idealism and materialism?

Marx deeply despised all the Judaists though, while "le redpilled" European monarchs and capitalists didn't give a single fuck about them

marxists.org/archive/marx/works/download/pdf/On The Jewish Question.pdf
Being a left-winger means you're antisemtic now, haven't you heard goy
That corbyn is mighty scary!

If you continue sullying the name of my corporate overlords them by YHWH I will destroy you

Have you ever heard about the basic differences between marxism as a critique of ideology and marxism as ideology?

Interesting even if his theories are incomplete

That business owners get their money by stealing the work of their employees is a simple idea that everybody has suspected for the entire course of humanity. He put a theory behind it and boom, suddenly what it was a feeling that most people shared vaguely suddenly became obvious and self evident and people decides that it's time to rethink the society to avoid it.

There are many different cultures and ways of thinking, and it's hard to come up with a discourse that everybody agrees on. But the marxist discourse appeals to everybody.

The most based human ever born. Jewish master race.

He would have remained an obscure underground edgy charlatan akin to Stirner and Bakunin, had it not been for these guys, especially the first one. Blame them.

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Yes, but even then the methodology used in critique completely differs from hegelianism

His replies to others are great to read to, I think he'd have loved internet shitposting

Didn't even need to check the flag. Such a bad post. Grim.

The true answer is that Socrates and Plato are responsible.

It all began with Thales, really.

America is the only country that can see the evils of Marx, so it should seem obvious. Russia’s second largest party is brainwashed commies after all

What I'm saying is, Marx himself was fundamentally opposed to dogmatic marxism or marxism as an ideology. Long after his death, this same dogmatic marxism was applied as a state ideology in some backwater agrarian shitholes by people he had never met.

The only "responsibility" Marx could possibly have for what happened in the USSR and China is inferred purely through causality, and by that logic, just about anyone who inspired him is equally guilty.

>Implying everything isn't water

Well, your thoughts seem basically rational to me, I guess you just put them in an unobvious form

CPRF are actually Putin's dogs if anything

>Implying all things haven't forever existed in infinitesimally small fragments of themselves, endless in number and inextricably combined throughout the universe and have been put into order by a Nous without conscience or reason

Putin was an ex-KGB, so I doubt the communist party would support one of their own

Older generation outside of academia hates him.
Young people and academics jerk off to him.

A tyrant. Unfortunately his brother still gets to dictate Cuba.

He was a second-rate philosopher that fell for the Hegel meme and a bitter socialist that actively shat on and rejected everyone that tried to help the working class in a different way than his.

Marx was redpilled, not his fault that subhuman Slavs (which he hated) co-opted his ideas and fucked up.

this is truth. the communist revolution should have happened in france, germany or britain. not slavshit land

East Germany was commie and people jumped the wall towards the West.

because slavs were in charge, the ossis had to deliver everything of value they had and produced to the soviets and were left with the scraps.

Well, you're ruled by a leftie now. Was your country better of under right-wingers? I think the answer ia yes.

even the stupidest fascist fags only ever say around 100 million, i'm not so sure about this one

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>Merkel is a left-winger

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Mandatory abortions in China.

>Merkel is not a left-winger

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>Christian Democrat, liberal conservative

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yikes,imagine being such a big,sad fucking loser

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Ayn Rand tier "philosophy" (ie: religious belief sans facts or science)/the very definition of a slave morality. Communists are worse than nazis, killed more, more threatening to society, create worse societies and worse economies than nazis, etc etc etc

Based and REDpilled
He's a secular moses leading us out of bondage and the wastes without ever stepping into promised lands himself.

>That business owners get their money by stealing the work of their employees is a simple idea that everybody has suspected for the entire course of humanity.

>He put a theory behind it and boom, suddenly what it was a feeling that most people shared vaguely suddenly became obvious and self evident and people decides that it's time to rethink the society to avoid it.
Lmao self evident? How about the LTV is self evidently wrong and there is a market of supply and demand and business owners provide capital infrastructure, marketing, steady jobs etc in exchange for some of the worker's pay and communist and socialist economies like yours suck ass for the working class

delet this

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she was literally part of a communist youth organization way back when

To be fair the CDU is considered center right in Germany, like in Sweden the SD are considered far right extwemist nazis for even criticizing unlimited mass immigration

What are your cunt’s opinions of this great man?*
stupid yankey

which means nothing

>buy machines and infrastructure that most likely have a massive investment
>contract people for them to work your infrastructure in exchange for money so you can recoup your investment and profit from it
>this is stealing

If the surplus meme isn't the most retarded thing of Marxism, it must be quite close. Sadly the labour theory of value is also there so it's hard to say.

that's what Marx wants you to think. In reality you are accepting a deeply flawed model of the world to begin with, grounded in incorrect notions of context-independent value and single dimensional politics - dismissing anything that cannot be neatly projected onto the axis of economic ownership as not real politics and capitalist conspiracies.

Fucking stupid and retarded once you start to study basic economics, something most of this shithole of a site has not done

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>akin to Stirner and Bakunin
You sure about that wh*Teboi?

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He is one of the many ways to catch a brainlet.

Stirner is only still known because of an Engels doodle. A meme that should have stayed dead.

did nothing wrong
his ideology was a response to capitalism's slavery and overall shittiness
stateless communism sounds cool, but doesn't account for human greed and selfishness

As an egoist I agree

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