How did America mess with your country's psyche?

How did America mess with your country's psyche?

I remember making fun of American SJW culture back in 2013. I never expected it to hit Denmark so fast and so hard.

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Oh look, another thread where people blame us for their problems

Madrid subway explicitly banned manspreading some time ago.

wow trans people being treated with respect is so bad
these evil trannies sure do hurt your life a lot

What about shebagging?

so tired of this
pure manufactured outraged designed to feed clicks into right wing populist media


Reminder that SJW and the feminism wave started in France

pretty sure "your" college campuses were the breeding ground for modern radicalized feminism, famalam

This is all due to higher education. I bet the people that shill this shit are in college

SJW came from britain. The first evidence I saw it was from black mirror fifteen million credits.

Before you almost never saw interracial couples on tv and now every couple must be interracial. Its obnoxious.

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people I DONT like FROM EPIC Jow Forums FEAR MONGER MACROS aren't even PEOPLE and totally don't FEEL feelings

Transexual people are legitimately mentally ill. They have a massive suicide rate, even after they chop their dicks off.

gtfo cock sucker

I know right? Fuck these people and their pissing an moaning. They ought to fix it themselves if it's so bad, and shut up about it. No one here cares.

lmfao jesus christ you delusional fuck

there are more than two camps my friend

Gays are mentally ill too. They have an illness that causes them to attempt to mate with members of their own sex and often end up with a fuckload of diseases in the process.

There isn't actually a universally agreed upon definition of what constitutes an illness. It's a subjective value judgement.

Being mentally ill/being wrong, gender dysphoria is caused by a chromosomal defect.
Also the suicide rate goes significantly down when factored in SRS and when factored out parental disenfranchisment
Long term data isn't that trustworthy due to said disenfranchisment as it used to happen on a much much larger scale when the long term people transitioned.

>Camp A, people I don't like don't exist and aren't human kill them
>camp b, let's not do that
>epic radical centrists, people I don't like might not exist and we shouldn't kill all of them

mentally ill people affect everyone negatively, they are a time bomb just waiting to go off. also they are allowed to vote, the mentally ill should not be allowed to shape the fate of society.

sometimes i wonder if this is how things are going to be for a long time or it's just a phase like the hippies in the 60's

SJW is a term invented during gamergate.
There are many waves of feminism, the last one came from usa.
Are you conchita wurst?

did you legit just quote an anime twitter account?

They're actually in control of institutions that have influence now, hippies were just protesting retards

>SJW came from britain.
It came from America like all sick shit. Every degenerate trnd in this world has its origin in your country. It's like some sort of breeding ground for all possible diseases. The big melting pot everyone shits into and then it's pumped into the water supply for all to enjoy.

everything from social anxiety to autism is a mental illness
And dysphoria is less of a illness and more of a disorder cause it cannot be cured, just treated and actually isn't that affective of rational thought.
All it does, is fuck you up mentally until you transition

I don't use Twitter
So no idea
Also that was bait cause the guy made a stupid post
The belgian said that trans people aren't people, I said no
No middle ground so I responded with total garbage of a post

Fag culture was a mistake

>All it does, is fuck you up mentally until you transition
Sorry but I don't want people who think cutting their own cock off to satisfy their fetishes is a good idea to decide on my future


weren't they behind second-wave feminism? and the civil rights movement in general?

teachers, journalists and entertainers have been overwhelming left-leaning for many decades now.

neither do i, but i saw a picture of a tweet saying exactly what you said. also you can't respond to bait with another bait, then you automatically bite, which you clearly did

Gays are mentally ill due to the incapability of breeding
But mentally ill shouldn't be considered bad.
I haven't seen any of you anti LGBT people rile against autism curing or other mental illness support.

Just a coincidence
I have seen other left wing bait like this on Jow Forums especially
ivan, Latvija ir liberāla Eiropas valsts
ja tev tas nepatīk brauc uz Krieviju
attīstībai par!
Are you a gypsy?

The lack of want to physiologically reproduce with one of the opposite sex is not mental illness, it is biological deviation or a defect at best.
Gender dysphoria =/= sexual orientation.


lgbtphones are literal grugs

It's odd that I see Europeans (As well as Americans) blame feminism/progressivism on the US but I don't see it myself living here. Could be the fact I live in the most conservative part of the country. To me SJWs are a big meme. I've never met one off the internet

Well yeah it is different, I do agree that dysphoria is not normal but mental disorders should not be discriminated against or thought of as grounds to insult the person
Cause as I said before, transgenderism is caused by a chromosomal defect that fucks up some key structures of the brain making the person think that they are of the opposite gender.

desu it barely did.
people here are still bible-bashing ultra conservative uneducated idiots who enjoy getting fucked in the ass by the government and the church

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the problem is that gid is a mental illness
a study from sweden have shown that medical transitioning doesn't work and that the suicide rate of transgenders rise to the level it was before transitioning after a couple of years

It is not America to blame, blame your people for looking up to America and copying their behavioural patterns.

It is happening here as well. Some already consider the word “negr” undesirable when used in print. For no other reason than subservience to the West.

Our Glorious Leader is my only hope.

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As I said
There are more factors within that
And other studies have shown a very opposite effect.

>And other studies have shown a very opposite effect.
show me them

it's coastie cancer that's behind it

the based midwest / northeast (white areas) and semi-based south (niggers but they aren't SJWs) dont have it yet

Here it's still contained to Amsterdam and the media.

Thank doge.

Why do you complain so much about trannies? I mean, really, how do their lives affect you in any meaningful way? And don’t you guys jerk off to traps, anyways? one of them
Shows a substantial decrease in suciidal thoughts post transition.
Also as I said
Older trans people are more likely to be rejected and thus attempt suicide in their lifetime.

Also I am going to sleep now
This Dane just always hates trans people for some reason and this isn't the first thread
As much as I'd like to btfo you I need sleep and I don't think I can change your views so it's pointless

Probably not the best website to be calling other people mentally ill on.

Same works for incest. People who love their siblings too much don't affect your life, also porn sites are filled with incest porns, yet somehow they it is not even legal, not talking about prides.

/lgbt/ is completely overrun with trannies, discord servers seem to have a minimum of 1 tranny in mod position, reddit and tumblr are just tranny central.
The problem is that they seem grossly overrepresented, and to add they appear severly mentally unstable. Frequent spergs, self-entitlement and wanton aggression are commonplace and I have to admit it's hard not to be judgemental.

10/10 bait work

My rule of thumb is, if they’re not hurting anyone (and in the case of sex if it’s consensual) then let them be. Everyone’s different, I can respect that.

It was the French who made up all those ideas and gave them to us. Blame them

>I can't seem to justify my irrational hatred, that must mean that this user is baiting me

That's because if everyone is fighting about t, g's are not bothered at all. Overton window, or so.

>you anti LGBT people
>I haven't seen
Stop projecting me onto your strawmen, faggot. I personally don't give a fuck about faggots (or anything that doesn't affect my immediate personal comfort, really) but you are all clearly misusing your reproductive systems. It's a condition that prevents you from passing on your genes and more often than not results in various secondary ailments. Most of you are also horrible people in practice, due to all kinds of complexes, poor impulse control and a massive propensity towards drama.

As for curing mental illness, I don't think I've ever seen somebody shilling for tolerating, encouraging and empowering schizophrenia or autism or whatever - that's why you don't see a pushback.

Yeah it's surely all those gays and trannies running us over with trucks, raping around, shoot and murder etc.

Entirely manufactured non-issue. There are serious issues and this is literally not one of them.

what a npc answer.
grow up, learn about yourself, know where you stand.

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Do you think I want to be this abomination
If I could live my life normally I would
But I cannot.
Also, mental illnesses vary, and shit like autism speaks is a thing you know.

Better question is why Spaniards, and therefore entire Latin America, are so degenerate?

Swedes are basically radicals compared to Spain and their liberal gay shit

Stage 1: use religion to oppose something
Stage 2: use pseudo-science to oppose something
Stage 3: begrudgingly accept it in favor of opposing the latest “bad thing”

Guess which stage you’re on.

autism speaks' logo is a popular insult image around here.

>if you want people to live their lives independently from any source such as a manipulative onset of propaganda, you are an NPC, btw check out this article based on anecdotal evidence without any proof whatsoever.

I’d rather be an NPC than a contrarian faggot that unironically spends the fleeting moments of his life hating people for existing.

here isn't the general public.

this is retarded. life isnt all about passing on your genetics. throughout most of history most men never even did. If you do that’s good but definatley not the only way to live.

>Gays are mentally ill due to the incapability of breeding

This is a retarded argument. Are people who use contraceptives mentally ill? Or would you rather everyone contribute further to global overpopulation?

the study i am talking about is

it followed transgender individuals up to 30 years after transitioning
it looked at crime rate, suicide rate, psychiatric episodes and morbidity and gained its data from a national register

i think it has a little more weight than a fucking questionnaire administered online you little shit

>ivan, Latvija ir liberāla Eiropas valsts
Latvija ir Eiropas Meksika/DA Āzija, lētā darbaspēka kolonija, un Krievijas mafiozņiku elites kūrortkolonija.

>throughout most of history most men never even did.
Because they died in a war, or were too poor to have family?

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>life isnt all about passing on your genetics
Burgerpost of the year.

In as much as life is objectively about anything at all, it's about reproducing successfully.

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Gays can breed though. In Israel, gay men and gay women can purchase eggs/sperm, and have children that way. It's actually expected that homosexual couples have as many children are their straight counterparts

dude this was a study watching trannies who had srs surgery in Sweden in the 70’s. Using it as a benchmark is like using the mayo cake as a benchmark for all Europian food.

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Well yeah
That study is a meme I agree
But, it compares it to the general average which it's still above
And what else it acknowledges that it improves dysphoria
But it does not fully eliminate it cause that has been proven impossible.
It helps but it's not enough, but there is no alternative
It's some improvement or no improvement.

Just because somebody fails and dies doesn't mean it wasn't their purpose. It's a typical faggot non-argument.

Life is shaped by the singular constraint of natural selection. There is nothing more to it. This is not an axiomatic, overriding "purpose" in the philosphical sense, but it is certainly the principle governing the practical operation of your physiology.

>it's about reproducing successfully.
>posting this unironically on Jow Forums

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go 2 bed


beautiful :3

It makes you wonder if any of these anti-sjw's have ever even met a trans person.
Wouldn't it just be so exhausting to hate people you have never even met nor have any impact on your life?

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I'm not saying you've got a choice or have done something I deem ethically wrong. All I'm saying is you have a condition that could accurately be described as a mental illness by the implicit definition of the term as understood by many people, me included.

A schizophrenic did not choose his condition, yet his condition is generally considered harmful and abnormal nonetheless.

I dont think too poor for a family is really a thing besides in modern times. Even if times were hard they could get more labor out of the kid than they needed to pay into him, or just sell him.
but yeah most just died before they had any opportunity, but why assume that opportunity would have come along for many of them?
whatever. If you care about that shit then good for you but its meaningless to me. You’re right that life is what you make of it.

> if you don't have enough money, you can have children and then sell them to randos

Your lot are so massively overrepresented in cancerous namefaggotry and e-drama that it's hard to not know some. You shit up communities worse than w*men do.

Have you already come out of the closet?

even if a hostile society is a factor how come srs didn't help at all?

>It helps
where does it say that?
and what study are you talking about?

Who the fuck cares what e-celebs talk about. Grow up.

>its meaningless to me
Ok, but this is logically no different than a schizophrenic telling people he doesn't care about the effects his condition has on his experience in the external world. It is an entirely internally consistent position to hold and therefore logical, but that doesn't mean anybody else has to choose to agree to it.

By my equally consistent reckoning, you are mentally ill.

I'm not even trans, I don't even think I've met one myself.

they imported their fair share of cancer: libertarians, feminists, trap wiggers

why are you faggots projecting so much in this thread?

I’m sure it wasn’t that outlandish for them. I just know it happened in stories all the time so I assume abandoning kids they couldnt care for was just more normal then. Like when spartains left their kids for the wolves.

Autism speaks is considered a hate group by the autistic community. It is the equivalent of pray the gay away.

Because your idea is "life is not about passing genes because most men never did". But those men usually didn't do it not because it was their willful choice. Instead they did not breed because were killed or were unable to do it by various reasons. So for most of them it was a huge failure.

The one you linked
In the conclusions
>Our findings suggest that sex reassignment, although alleviating gender dysphoria, may not suffice as treatment for transsexualism,
I do agree with that but there have been no other ways to allviate it found and the current causes are projected as structural brain differences and genes and not insanity.

because it was srs surgery from fucking sweden in the fucking 70’s.

>I never expected it to hit Denmark so fast and so hard.
That's because you're a fucking idiot. Whatever cultural development happens in America, will wave over to Europe within a decade at latest. As America goes, the world goes. Even scarier: as California goes, america goes.