Lol of lol

lol of lol

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I'm more concerned about that photo, that's way too close for comfort.

Why is Macron so interested in fucking grannies?

He was molested by his teacher when he was at school.

he was raised by his grand mother, his oedipus is one generation off

Yeah the guy has some granny fetish. His wife is about the same age as merkel anyway

Maybe he was doing the kiss on the cheek greeting and it was simply captured as he was pulling away from her face. Or maybe he fucked her brains out

so gay

There's nothing wrong with GILFs

When can we merge with France already ??

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Don't get any ideas Hans


what if in the future (as more women get into politics) the heads of states of two major nations have an actual affair?

that would be some spicy human drama to witness


because he is based and oldpilled

If you cucks want to have your "pan-European" state, then get it already. Just don't expect us to save you when the Muslims start running you over and enslaving you.

It was pretty close with Croatia 's president this summer

This is so fucking hot, French and Germans are meant to be together

oh my!

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Top milf

>european rulers are in bed with each other
Some things never change

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First time seeing his wife. Not going to lie, she's got a tight body. Perfect proportions, probably suck the penis in the perfect range of pleasure, not too hard, not not too soft. Can probably bend her hips in the perfect manner while riding his 15 year old penis. What erotic.

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What the fuck. She scares the shit out of me

Is there any girls out there capable of resisting a Frenchman making advances?


Nope, neither can boys.

Why do europeans greet like that? isn't just a handshake? i thought we were the only ones doing cheek kiss

go to sleep washington gonzalez

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Meh. If you really want to, but Britain will go to hell and back to stop it.

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britain is broken, won't do shit

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She's way too young for his tastes.

>old people can't bante-

He also has a thing with black people. Macron is an enigma.

fuck, stop it



Stopped you guys a bunch of times before.

Also you'd be more convincing if you posted nothing over a shop.

Maybe he just likes Merkel cause she's gassy like Jupiter.

>Stopped you guys a bunch of times before.
with the help of half of europe

Why does int hate macaroni so much?

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>Why does int hate macaroni so much?
It's not just Jow Forums his approval rating is 30% and dropping

The French never have high approval ratings for their leaders

You forgot half the world those other times, but that's Britain's power.

If that old hag asked you cunts do die for them again you would.

C-can we join too?

Italy can prep the German bull

and belgium!

Why is Ice-Ts wife wearing a football t-shirt with Croatias flag on?