COLD? What are you talking about? I feel perfectly normal

>COLD? What are you talking about? I feel perfectly normal
Why do wh*Toids do this thing where they brag about not feeling cold?

Attached: a.jpg (375x250, 120K)

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think that's just a snownigger thing
and canadians of course

There is no cold, just wrong clothes.

My ability to withstand inclement weather is directly proportional to the number of uncomfortable southerners that are about.

For example I have an Italian friend at work who's always in like 10 layers and a scarf. I take special pleasure in wearing shorts and a t-shirt whenever the temperature is double figures and making fun of him for being a wimp.

>inclement weather
aka british weather all year long

because this, you breton nigger

Attached: kuldebeskyttelse.jpg (300x103, 6K)

You realize being miserable and sitting in a puddle of sweat isn't normal right

Apparently it's an American thing. Fr*nch fags are always oin 2-3 layers even in an ice rink

The virgin snow dweller
>wakes up early to shovel his driveway
>needs 7 layers of jackets to leave his house
>ground is constantly covered in slush
>skin pale from lack of sunlight

The chad desert citizen
>Sunshine 24/7/365
>Maintain beautiful tan year round
>Most he needs is a light jacket
>Car frame remains strong and free from rust

Lol, your idea of snow dweller sounds like someone living in NY.


You realize deserts can be cold, right. Still the best climate but perpetual sunshine needs to fuck off

wh*Toids get jealous at watching brown people eat spicy food without breaking a sweat, so they pretend to be immune to cold.

Didn't civilization start in warm places?

>when your food is so shit you need to spice it

Civilisation isn't the same as it was 10k years ago, bastardo colonia.

Not in humid South American hellholes

As a mountainnigger : this.

Attached: a.jpg (550x700, 170K)

I swim in lakes when it gets cold. Based and chillpilled.

It depends where you place the cursor. Agriculture started in warm places but there were people with common art, tools, culture in colder place before that.

I can do 30-40F no problem

30-40C is fucking hot.
