Same boat. It's pretty shit and there's a high chance of failure. But at least we'll be able to put something on the resume if nothing else works out.
Jacob Adams
If you're not enjoying your work as an entrepreneur, you may as well be working for someone else and hate it, without dealing with the responsibilities of ownership.
Colton Wright
You're not taking into account the outcomes of eventual passive income or sale event for fat stacks which are possible when starting your own business.
Austin Jackson
You have to enjoy it to be able to pupp 12-14 hours a day. That doesn't mean you can't get exhausted.
Mason Green
What are those? Skateboard ramps?
And I hate it some days as well. I have considered working for someone else, but at the same time, only being 22 I want to keep it up for a while longer. Also, if you're working 12 - 14 hours then you should be delegating your tasks to other people. Hire another person and train them for minimum wage or something. Don't be afraid to outsource bits and pieces of the projects you're building as well.
Christian Perry
it's worth it if you want your kids' lives to be better than yours. by the time you can enjoy the fruits of your labor you'll be too old/burned out to do so.
Daniel Jones
You should have waited until you developed a specialty and then have built off that, you should have created a partnership at the beginning in order to ease the burdens provided to you, another solution is to sell out to a Private Equity (PE) who would help increase budget and employment. This would mean giving up some of your freedoms, but it is a practical sacrifice.
Brandon Mitchell
It's like running a goddamn soup kitchen. Bunch of degenerates constantly needing shit and a bunch of boomers calling you at 3am to talk about how their sister is bad and trying to steal the inheritance.
Kayden Scott
Connor Reyes
What else should you spend it on? Thots? partying? Everything is a waste of time.
Joshua Lewis
>and there's a high chance of failure I have to keep this thought blocked out every single day. If this kept creeping back up I'd want to just off myself.
>If you're not enjoying your work as an entrepreneur
I enjoy a large portion of the work. It's just the feeling that it may not even be worth it in the end even if I am successful and make a lot of money. Whats the point when you are middle aged and past your prime?
I manufacture formwork and customised formwork for concrete construction.
>if you're working 12 - 14 hours then you should be delegating your tasks to other people
Not enough income to hire another person. Can't just keep hiring people to take tasks off yourself.
>it's worth it if you want your kids' lives to be better than yours. I am doing this for myself. I don't even want to have children.
You're doing better than 90% of people out there because what you're working on has a sense of purpose and you keep the ownership if it works out. Good on you brother
Landon Walker
>Not enough income to hire another person. Fair enough. I'm not currently pulling incredible income myself either right now. ~$3k/month is what I am averaging out on.
Best of luck mate
Carter Rivera
If you are not enjoying work as an entrepreneur, you can neither work nor work for others.
Dylan Parker
What do you mean with " your prime " . what else would you be doing
Elijah Martinez
>Not enough income to hire another person. Can't just keep hiring people to take tasks off yourself
You have created an unsustainable model that can't possibly scale. Figure out how to either bring your costs down or charge more.
Right now, you don't own a business. You own a wagecuck position with you as the sole wagecuck. Still far better than someone else owning it, but you get my point.
It won't become a business until you are able to scale it, and obviously you can't do it if you can't hire anyone to delegate the work to.
Charles James
>Is it really worth the sacrifice? Is it really going to be worth it? No. No.
>How do other young business owners feel about spending the prime years of their life working so hard? I got a PhD and had a lot of fun.
Bentley Sanchez
I just keep a blank template of the "do it for her" meme on my desk and everyday I come into the office I just remember my little girl needs a big house and a education and her daddy just needs a Porsche and two vacations a year Let your end goal be your motivation anons, if you start cutting corners and get lazy you'll be no better than the dozens of NEETs on here shilling their shitcoin
Noah Young
Cheers anons for the posts.
It's nice to see people posting something besides coinshills
It's already too late for your little girl. Any stress you have form your day job and any time you are not spending with her because you're at work is already negatively impacting her to such a degree that it cannot be undone. It doesn't matter what house or eduction you provide for her, the irreversible damage is already being done by you with your job.
Angel Howard
>How do other young business owners feel about spending the prime years of their life working so hard?
There are no prime years of a person's life. There's just time wasted and not wasted. You may or may not be doing the right thing OP, but at least you're doing something. What you're currently doing may not be the right thing, but it could lead you to the right thing. Getting to he right thing is rarely a straight point to point process. It usually involves a lot of unexpected and forced twists and turns that get you to the right thing, and those twists and turns only came because you started out doing something else, even if it was the wrong thing.
James Evans
>There are no prime years of a person's life. There's just time wasted and not wasted.
I like your viewpoint. At least I'm not a lazy NEET or a pajeet coinshill. I can condifently walk to a girl and honestly tell her what I do (and they're always impressed). That alone makes it worth it.
Jace Collins
>*confidently derp [coffee needed]
Caleb Stewart
>I can condifently walk to a girl and honestly tell her what I do
That nice OP. Hang in there. WHat you're doing probably is scalable where you can hire more people to do the work for you, you just haven't figured out how to make that happen yet. Which is ok, because right now by doing it all yourself you know it so well that when you do figure out how to make it scalable and hire people to do it, none of them will be able to bullshit you, because you did it all on your own for a while in the beginning.
Sebastian Young
Late 30s fag here that since very early 20s had his own business (self made not funded by my family). Just fucking enjoy it, you won't know how long you will live do what you want especially if you aren't wage cucking Life after 50/60 sucks a lot even if you have deep pockets, there are just so many things that you can enjoy while young don't waste it. Get nice car, girls, party, do some safe drugs, just enjoy it all. "Retiring early" as most fags here say is not like playing games all day in your parents house during middle-school without care about anything, and the more you earn the more you want there is no stop to that. But don't take my words too seriously enjoy it but don't blow it all at once don't spend more than 30-50% income depending on your and your business situation. Scale it fast by making use of this cheap labor that you can find everywhere, make your associates supervise them (Otherwise fags won't work hard enough) That is quickest way to scale business, and also make friends of rich people you work for they always have friends who will need similar shit.