Fuck *Nglos and fuck m*Lticulturalism

fuck *Nglos and fuck m*Lticulturalism

Attached: FB_IMG_1542024195083.jpg (1000x1000, 60K)

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Wish you guys would Francosize Canada so that we wouldn't all sound and act like Americans.

force canada to become french-speaking please.

are you the guy on my uni's subreddit fighting with the indian dude right now

Lmao link
Is he a Québécois??

Based francophiles

I'm not even much of a Francophile, but it's not good to be an English speaking nation in the age of American hegemony.


be sure to read his history b/c it overflows onto other threads

>Bloc resurgence because NDP is lead by a poo
Two thumbs up, Quebec.


racism has no place in canada!!!

Attached: lol.jpg (720x720, 67K)

They both are autistic but I would root for my Québécois brethren any day
How is Waterloo?? I heard its great for engineering but the student life sucks dick due to it being.. Well Waterloo. Im from Polytechnique Montréal its real nice here desu

why not?

Fuck Quebec, but fuck Ontario and the West even more.

don't go there expecting a social life in any effect but it's a fast ticket to being rich if you put in the work. the co-op system for all of its faults is probably the best of its kind in north america and making six figures in the us is almost a norm by fourth year

also the campus is disgustingly ugly. i saw every other worthwhile uni on a road trip this summer and our buildings look like mud shacks in comparison

Manitoba Separatism
Manitoba Separatism

i'm just gonna say it
FUCK anglos and FUCK easterners (excluding based quebec men)

Attached: franco-albertandab.png (554x400, 73K)

l'extermination de la race anglo-saxonne est le devoir de tous les peuples latins

Attached: french speaking dab.jpg (1000x323, 225K)

Alberta is anglo, retard.

Based and redpilled.

Cringe and bluepilled.

we are not *nglo you pig

You absolute oilsucking cretins. I pray for the Yellowstone I pray for Yellowstone to cleanse this "country" of your Arab tier filth.

Kys albertan chink faggot shit

why can't you guys just annex northern Ontario?

LOL you seem upset Mr. Gord Macdonald did you lose your pogey at the VLTs again?
Also Alberta is not chink we are not vancouver or toronto lol


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Seriously stop larping as a friend of Québec, it's pathetic

Nah I think I'll do what I want


Based Albertan bro unironically triggering fellow leaves

Vive le Quebec libre

et les Celtes

Based brother of sneachta


I can't wait til China frees BC of the *nglo scum's influence.

Jeez user, you're really going to bring that up in front of people who think they're French? I thought Canadians were a little sensitive about this sort of thing.

Fuck frogs Agincourt 2.0 when

You're the reason multiculturalism exists here in the first place.

No, that's the Ukrainians.

French and Ukrainians

Im from Ontario and uninonically wish my Quebec brothers would uncuck themselves from the federal beast