1. Your country

1. Your country
2. Which side will your country be on in the upcoming World War?

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The side of EVROPA obviously

Based JVPITER finishing what Napoleon started.

I'll be flying out with Elon musk to live on Mars, fuck you all

We fight for Israel.

We'd fight along evropa to finally put our differences aside and give them a foothold in the american continent.

>Macron announces he wants a European army to defend itself against threats like Russia, China, etc.


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When first the Fox the shaggy lion saw, awhile he stood congealed with reverent awe; But at his next access he grew so bold, he dared a Parley with the Lion hold.

Literally who can stop us this time ? We just need to ditch Italy

India will be neutral. At least, we won't be doing anything to disadvantage Russia.

based as fuck
why are the French the only ones trying to save Europe?

How convenient to centralize the authority to let the migrants in and mutt up Europe at a faster pace

1. flag
2. whoever the jews side with

Europe obv

Europe, closest thing to good guys in this whole affair

Tbqh I sometimes feel that political leaders play in some sort of a weird competition between them, in which all the rest of us are irellevant.
Like, when Macron says something to Trump, he's not calling out the US, but Trump specifically, and viceversa for France.

all of europe combined + mexico could not invade american soil with any army

All the world combined could not invade american soil with an army, you maniacs outgun the rest of humanity

Would be behind this if Europe was for getting rid of these migrants and facilitating birthrates among their native populations

Don't be ridiculous. We are the good guys. Trust me.

no shit, that's what you get when you line pockets of defense corporations instead of giving your citizens health care.

By 2050 the entire world will belong to China

The other side obv

Form an alliance with Malaysia and Philippines, our greatest allies to scare off the Australians

Maybe sign a non aggression pact or support agreement with the Chinese side to avoid getting BTFO'd

I will be on a side "let's at last stand aside and let them kill each other without messing with us", but, sadly, that would be hard to achieve.

We're not that bad.
Trust me :)

Most EU countries are former subjects of empires, not former empires.

>why are the French the only ones trying to save Europe?
Because of the same reason for the European Coal and Steel community, France wants to be driving the European bus, as they once did, but instead France became a twin engine with Germany in a bus they'd hoped to be driving. Now Germany holds the cards.

It's not even that they out gun everyone, thats just a factor. As it stands, geographically, the US is the most defensible piece of landmass on earth. It's size, mountain ranges on either side, the Canadian Shield to the north, deserts to the south and outward operating naval bases protecting the coasts means that the US is almost entirely impervious to conventional attack.

That's a given. The question is, on which side?

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Imagine being so autistic you think that meme was 100$ serious

The loser side


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God this makes me excited, now some bumpkins stooges will try to stop this

which side israel is on

1. Japan

1. united states
2. whatever side the mighty TURK is on. KARA BOĞA!


Just do it, Europe. Become the good guys you were always meant to be.

Probably the US tbqh

Too late
The modern word belongs too fags, women and niggers

US is probably our only choice at this point lmao
fucking lapdog of a country what a disgrace

become a state, we'll even add a star on our flag just for you

We will run the casinos while you guys nuke it out

Fair enough. Jesus incarnate Modi will lead India to superpower status by not doing anything while every other country destroys each other

>peaceful empire
No such thing

we'd need a few, they're 66 million people

Confused how anyone could think a forced collective Europe could be a good guy

Asia-Pacific Alliance when?

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Unironically Africa

not possible europe is too soy

germany = empire
france = empire
britain = empire
spain = empire
portugal = empire
belgium = empire
netherlands = empire
austria = empire
italy = empire
denmark = empire
sweden = empire
poland (+ lithuania?) = empire
bohemia = (holy roman) empire
bulgaria = empire
greece = empire (very long ago)
finland = largest empire in prehistory

Can't wait for an USE to be honest, hope we can be a part of it too.

Before focusing on becoming "muh empire", yurop should focus on making sure their nations actually survive another century instead of becoming creatura muttistan jihadi shitholes (and yes, I'm well aware this also applies to the rest of the Western World).

You mutts have made them this. Maga is objectively a real chink tier policy. Very chink
Id take euro side.

you have a misunderstanding of what a state is and how our republic works

For the average citizen I believe Europe would be best, mega rich/corporations for the USA and if you are the chairman of the glorious party- China.

I will continue to live out in the middle of nowhere, safe from all conflict in the world, and shit post here as you are all killed in trenches.

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How far away from the nearest city/town?

Why? ;_;

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As it should be.


America's with extreme resignation

Designated hospital neutral zone.

Can't make an empire without breeding a few mutts. It's just the imperial destiny.

>promote peace and protect the environment
What a fucking cuck

Only if the mutts actually assimilate, which so far isn't really the case

>bohemia = (holy roman) empire
no lol, just because some de Luxembourg frenchmen happened to be elected emperor doesn't mean one of the lands they held as a fief was an empire
>bulgaria = empire
Hardly. Calling yourself an empire does not make you so.
>greece = empire (very long ago)
Not in anything like its current form.
>finland = largest empire in prehistory
Not really. Lithuania carved it out, Poland took it over from the inside.

So that's 11 countries out of 28. My point stands.

Anyone got that polandball of France starting the EU because it thinks it'll finally be able to dominate us, only to be enslaved by Germany?

Dumb ass, natives would be the pariahs of the country since our cultures would be seen as potential sources of separatism and the whole thing would be lowest common denominator shit heap of a state. Those 68 boomer numbnuts literally don't care about the condition of the people, just muh empire.

Shit, the original idea was absorbing Africa, would you enjoy the conditions a union with 2bln future Africans would entail? And lets not forget this would also pretty much mean a world war now because of Chinese interests there as well.

off with the proxy and just use your own flag, poonam

Reminder that they want you americans to keep paying for it

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After trying to make them part of your colony it would be ironic you'd end as part of the mutts

not at all buddy, it's you who are mistaken, about basically everything in your life, let alone this great and multifaceted country