"Immigrants are a danger to the cultures of Europe!"

Says the poor soul who eats American fast food, listens to American music, watches American movies, laughs at American "humor", wears American brands, debates American issues with American points of views, and calls the fellow countrymen who celebrate local traditions "backwards".

The globalist hoax is the greatest deception ever. It's made everyone stop noticing who the real enemies to the world cultures are.

Attached: us-imperialism.jpg (487x500, 56K)

Except my friend, you must understand, I think American culture on the surface is absolutely boorish for what it is. I don't hate it either but I definitely don't feel like I belong in it because I dislike modern American's preferences.

I swear to Allah if I see another American poster using chiefly British works I will find him and rape him ass to mouth

>let 6000000 inbred muslims in because FUCK Amerikkka!

Attached: gay anticapitalist antifa trans sjw.jpg (553x633, 47K)

Soy boy. If you have ever been abroad you would probably realize how wrong you are right now but hurrrr i watch anime and listen to K-pop and like my steak rare so im not part of American culture

You ever ponder to think that consumerist "American" culture was the blueprint for globalization?
Probably not because youre Brazilian


Attached: 20181112_174053.jpg (3405x2268, 3.24M)

Posts like these are why I can't take my own country seriously. I love America deep down but double digit IQ Jow Forumstards (and heck even their inverses) are why I feel like I don't belong. This condescending attitude isn't remotely Chad in any way. It's insecure.

end yourself

Not an argument.

You think I'm being condescending? How do you think a foreigner who sees you for how incredibly American you are and act will respond when you say "I dont belong to America, the culture is boorish. I dislike modern American's preferences" *asks for ketchup for his fries* "why isn't there ice in my water?"

I don't take the internet seriously, takes a huge weight off my mind

t. leftist

With respect?

Reminder that SJWs and identity politics are an American creation btw

yeah that even americans rejected it by electing Trump

Majority of americans voted for Hillary and republicans were BTFO this week

that is not how it works in the US m8

Republicans weren't btfo, but they did lose the house. BTFO was 2016 and hopefully 2020.

Still their cancer

That's bullshit though. Things like "hate speech" laws would never fly in the US. SJW shit comes from primarily French Marxists like Derrida and Foucault.