The DOJ estimates that around 25 to 30 dogs are killed by cops every day, with some numbers as high as 10,000 per year
>The DOJ estimates that around 25 to 30 dogs are killed by cops every day, with some numbers as high as 10,000 per year

>According to police records, two detectives had killed at least 100 dogs between them over the course of their careers

> there have been no officer deaths from a dog attack in the last 70 years

>officers shooting at dogs have killed many innocent bystanders and dog owners

>Cops have shot other kids, bystanders, dog owners, fellow cops, and even themselves trying to use lethal force against dogs

>it is standard practice for SWAT teams to shoot the family dog during a raid

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absolute fucking scum


based fuck d*Gs

>d*gs being killed
>based cats spared
toxic masculinity and nazis BTFO

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Disgusting pigs. I unironically hope a nigger kills them and their families.

White people love animals too much.

reminder that dog worship and thinking dogs are comparable to people is peak soi redditdom
dogs are fun pets but they are property first and foremost and not family members

The type of people who get their house raided by the cops are the kind who keep pitbulls anyway (i.e. predatory animals moreso than mere dogs) so who really cares? I say this as a dog person.

Reminder that cats are soyboy tier pets.
No better way to emasculate yourself than to own a cat.

t. Nigger

I would kill a thousand non-whites before I let a random dog die. Dogs are Aryans.

A off-duty police officer shot a Golden Retriever here not too long ago. He thought it was attacking a Dachshund, but it turns out they were just playing.

how many descendants do you have, white man?

I'd personally pull the trigger.

>Be American dog
>Get shot

I warned you about the ATF
I told you bro

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> I will never know as much pure joy and purpose as this dog will when chasing down some homicidal asshole and mauling his fucking leg
Time for a beer, I guess.

Fuck off gook.

They shoot non-pit dogs all the time.


Pic related.

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