/cum/ Canada United States Mexico

Pokemon Hollywood Movie*

*Black actor included

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having fun

Did they seriously spell Expresso wrong or is some Pokemon reference I don't get?

Video games were a mistake


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every time i think of jiggly puff I think of vaginas for some reason

Espresso is the italian (and therefore, correct) way to spell it.

>mom asked me if I wanted anything from the store sometime last week
>asked for ice cream
>forgot about it and she just reminded me we have it
>after I bought myself ice cream last night

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You want to fuck a jigglypuff?

a vagina yes

Posted in the wrong thread
Gonna microwave a whole potato

I have to work for the first time in my life today, i feel like a slave already

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whats the last pokemon game you dude play

me: ruby

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get back in your cage

its only for 5 hours tough, still

Eating my microwaved potato plain
No need for salt or butter

Whatever the one with Darkrai in it was

i downloaded pokemon go when my friend came to visit me

Just ate a whole plain potato
It was delicious

Ruby was my first and I played the remake of ruby a little bit.

Diamond was the last one I finished, thought B/W were bad so I stopped shortly in to them and didn't pick it back up til Ultra Moon

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Reminder that thanks to retards like OP we’ll eventually start making threads at 290 again

ill make a new right now if u want

played red again a few years ago
had fun desu

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red like 10 years ago

Do it

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When will you escape from Mexico?


I'm sure your mom knows what an anal training kit is.

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so much for a comfy cold evening

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Going for a shower, anyone want to join?

i am comfy

So would you guys suck a dick for 1 billion dollars

no idea


would do it for free desu if he was cute


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i'd be his slutty baby bitch for a billion dollars

Y'all gay af

1 billion is alot of money

Would do it for free if it was a qt tbqh

sure, ez pz

nay thats gay


No. Money isn't worth forfeiting my place in the kingdom of God.

What if it’s a BWC as well

>implying you cant buy yourself to heaven

Sabrina add in the movies

jokes on you im a girl

I’m the only person in the movies

How would you do that?

is that a kanye reference

It would be a shame if kanna sat on my face

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>white women

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double yes

Not a fan of brown people. Simple as

I would pay a billion dollars and kill myself to suck a dick

asian boys > white boys > mexican boys > black boys

Good night /cum/

Why are blacks last? Not that I don't agree just wondering.


physically and emotionally unattractive

Not actually feeling anxious

Please say goodnight to me


goodnight to me

thank you

Liking boys is for faggots

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nighty night

why is the gay side of pornhub so underwhelming? it's so hard to find a good video.

Yes and?

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Because what you imagine gay sex to be and reality are not one

xtube is better for gay stuff desu

why would a negro become the lead human character? so disgusting.

Allah will purge you faggots

look whos talking

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japanese envision it to be a white guy in the game.

Japanese are unironically whiter than southern Europeans

the point is the lead wakanda nigro is disgusting in my favourite franchise. so random, the bad kind of random. i don't give a shit of good acting. it's just weird and out of place.

i would pay a cute boy to spit in my mouth desu

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reee my childrens movie doesnt have a straight white man as the mc fuck the jews

your favorite franchise is live action Pokemon?
big cringe

this but unironically

The franchise is Pokémon. The movie should be burned if they're led by nigros

how many movies have you guys watched this year? I only watched 61 so far.

If it’s brown flush it down

Probably triple that

rather a black guy than whatever you are, freak

t. dyke in Sweden

No it's not. Wakanda is a great movie. Nigro should make their own wakanda like world. But the out-of-place nigro in other movies are so disgusting.

I'm in a mood for creepy pasta, any decent ones or sites to go?

how is he out of place?


that's it?

No I was lying

>22 years old
>feel like i'm only just reaching emotional maturity
is this a common feeling?