Why do so many people hate chinese people like me... i literally dindu nuffin

why do so many people hate chinese people like me... i literally dindu nuffin...

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People hate what they don’t understand

People hate Chinese as a whole. But if you act nice as an individual I'll like you. Same with niggers

Because you torture and eat dogs.

I don’t hate you I just wish you would speed up your colonization of Africa

that's a dumb argument.
We eat pigs which have the same intelligence as a 3yo and feel pain too. dogs are less smart than pigs.

i dont tho.

Nhung nguoi ban dang tim kien?

China numba wan (unironically)

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Wow, Muslims are so progressive.

Because they're not nearly as tasty
Pigs taste pretty good too

We never hate you, guys.

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i dont speak vietnamese

Your toxic food is spreading all over the world

Are the pigs boiled and burned alive?

Mutts are equally trash
Deal with it

Or it looks just like that. Not that the Chink hate is so specifically strong, but you chinks don't have something culturally fascinating or interesting so nobody comes to defend you. If you had some interesting modern cultural stuff the fanboys would defend you

Same here man. Being a gook sucks. I always feel disliked by people around me.

I understand the hivemind of ch*nks at every inch of their thought orbs, that's why I hate them.

there was a story a few hours ago about how there are a hundred whales being caged in the chinese sea to be sold to sea worlds all across asia

Literally you are fucking roaches that are depredating the planet, what the fuck is wrong with you

Ban la nguio viet nam trung quoc?

i think i'm ok with you eating whatever you want but the point is this

shut the fuck up MalaySEAn you know nothing about chinese culture,philosophy,history or science

i didnt have anything to do with that tho
i forgive you. i hope you can move past your hate.
iktf. it's okay, many of my friends are korean

I don't know any Chinese people personally but my father who works with them calls them selfish and niggardly.

blame the communists for destroying morals

I know more than you do, pieces.
If china is the turd, you're the pieces splattered.

tfw no cbf

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Non-white posts from formerly white countries are always so trite and hypocritical

When are they gonna be banned?

Cringe, all you know is from the same 5 Jow Forums webms
Remember, 3=1

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That annoying canadian chink made me hate your whole race, shit happens

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actually they are burned alive
www .liveleak.com /view?i=f2c_1491222145
skip to 0:55
westerners just aren't shown what really happens behind the curtains because people don't like to think about it
you are all hypocrites

>American talking about non-whites
Every fucking time,I swear

im not selfish or niggardly :(

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>country that has been over-run and is no longer white in the span of 20 to 30 years is angry at non-whites who over-run countries
really pours my almond milk

That's why I don't point out when a French or Italian says things like that.But Americans were never white, who do you think you are kidding?

I don't even know what to say to this post. It is like when Hispanic flags post about how the US always had spics and that they contributed to American culture. Until the 60's non-whites were not considered human and legally could not live with us ffs. Now brown pipo are running around saying WE WUZ WYPIPO N SHIET

So much bootlicking. Yet, ignored. Sad.

noi chuyen tot dep le mai

i want to say thank you to him, but i don't want people to start saying i am a ccp shill (since his posts directly reference the prc in some way).

>until the 60s non-whites were not considered human
Even in the 1860s slaves were 3/5ths of a man for non-free states, the 60s just made discrimination illegal.I know your own history better than you do dude, this is just embarrassing.

You so unkind. Or there are too many Chinese in your country?

Look at his face. How do you justify doing this to an innocent animal?

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That's another problem with western chinks on the internet. They don't actually have anything to talk about China. All they do is rationalise CCP or shit on Japan or be obsessed with identity politics

Chinese kills a lot of rare animals just to supply their joke of the medicine, which they use to make their tiny cocks hard.


I don't hate Chinese people, or even China.

The Chinese government on the other hand can go burn in the most satisfying manner.

it's sad. i have never tortured animals or plot to destroy the west/japan or support the ccp or do any of the bad things that Jow Forums says chinese people do... but they still hate me for being chinese....

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>webm from Jow Forums
what are webms? what are Jow Forums? never even had any intention of clicking that.
I work in ch*nk stores and it's horrible experience.
>do not waste the flour even it's already expired full of the silverfish, just bake the cake or I will fire you
>groupwork with ch*nks, they're always the right one, although prior to that I asked the prof on how to do it. they DIDN'T even listen to me and proceed to ask the prof of the EXACT what I've been telling
>ch*nk neighbours dog are unleash, laughs at neighbourhood kids that was scared of the bog dogs. Blames the neighbourhood community for complaining to the town council on killing his dogs
>humps cars at petrol station
>smiles on other ch*nks and non-malays but salty face whenever malays are paying for their service, not to mention paid that discrimination extra charges
>loud in public transportation and places, they're not even the mainlanders, just what the ch*nk language is.
>giving ways to a ch*nk driving a car in a small road are seen by ch*nk as submission of inferior race, while if non-ch*nk doing the smug things, it's discrimination/disrespect/intolerant.
There's more

>Even in the 1860s slaves were 3/5ths of a man for non-free states, the 60s just made discrimination illegal.I know your own history better than you do dude, this is just embarrassing.
>this entire post
They were 3/5ths of a vote so that the slave owners could have more political power you fucking retard. The niggers did not vote lmfao how stupid can you be you dumbass sea monkey

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Mao did everything desu

you guys were alright until Mao JUST fucked his shit up

>ccp shill (since his posts directly reference the prc in some way).
Here's another one.
Not that many. Although enough for our blue pilled govt to fuck up immigration policies.

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Then raise your voice to those chinks. You can't criticise other chinks unless they are "traitors" or something

That's good, I'm just sharing a foreigner's experience, it's nothing personal.

99% of people are fine with Chinese people. Stop going on echochambers like 4chins

in your dreams, Jason Liew

Because of ethnocentrism and fear. I grew with Chinese people and i love them. Despite being a curry boy theyd give me red cards on halloween and make halal dumplings for me from time to time

You harassed poor eddie. So, no.

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Rude people, lack of social skills, extremely arrogant. Almost as annoying as americans, but even worse.

And those gore videos online showing your shitty infrastructure and souless behaviour doesn't help.

im sorry guys... but i cant control other people's behavior

Mainland Chinese are not real people.
Second gen Chinese immigrants are all whiny SJW cunts.

Because the chinese 5th column is a danger to us all

these posts....

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Better than being a pinoy.

youre worst youre a cuck, you dont do shit chinks do but dont do anything to stop it either, does your parents do anything of the above? do you educate the old gen? no? the fuck you too youre a plague.

But you can criticise the Chinese being subhumans or if you aren't interested in China why are you here or do care about being Chinese.

it's just banter zhang dont worry about it
but I don't buy anything that reads made in china desu

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you're subhuman bugmen that ruin every board on Jow Forums and then claim to be the victim
and when backed into a corner you start spamming AMWF pictures from your Jow Forumsasianmasculinity discord group
fuck chinks

careful there is a discord group of chink amerimutts that descends on any thread they find sufficiently anti-chink
literally a chinese internet defense force

Incredibly loud. The concept of a queue is foreign to them. They don't pay heed to signs e.g don't go past here, don't touch, etc andd just rude in general.

Try being with a group of friends and having a conversation when a gaggle of chinks show up. They practically scream. These people live in a China bubble wherever they go, and make no attempt to respect the customs of the country they are visiting

American born chinese are as American as everyone else. I just dont like mainlanders

whats the discrd?

nah chinese boipucci belongs to white bvlls
