Why do foreigners keep bullying us about Asian migrants? You realise they're not at all like Spic...

Why do foreigners keep bullying us about Asian migrants? You realise they're not at all like Spic, Muzzie or African migrants surely???

Even thirdies join in on such comments trying to fit in with Americans and Euros. Only Kiwis and Leafs seem to understand

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Jealousy. If we could trade every Mexican here for a Chinaman we surely would.

It's because they can be racist towards them without being attacked physically.

We Asians have to be more uncivilized to match the white

But instead we have more of both

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I don't do it but I have a case of legitimate Yellow Peril looking at Australia and NZ
I think you will exist in a Chinese sphere of influence in the future and that actually creeps me the fuck out

Could you swap some spics for chinks? You can't find a taco here to beat a donkey

i piss in the mouth of every australian

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Tai sao ban noi me may?

Because your posts aren't funny at all. Chink diaspora are shit at memes, have no sense of humour. Although that chink Canadian seems good at it. He should make wojack images memeing chinks or Japanese posters who he hates instead of garbage shitposts

Are you shitposting or is this just a shit thread?

Because you are literally opening the flood gates and committing cultural suicide while no one gives a shit, instead complaining about a handful of muh boat people. Australia will be majority Asian within 2 decades

filipinos and cambodians are exactly like spics.

shut the fuck up David

Fuck off, racist.

If I were going to import any asians it'd be japanese and koreans only.

I'm interested to know what Finnish piss tastes like

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Asians are becoming western on a FAR greater scale than we are becoming culturally Asian. It's not even close. I could see how you could come to that conclusion just looking at the situation on a surface level but you have to look at the wider scope of things. We are winning the culture war, there is no doubt.

>they're not at all like Spic, Muzzie or African migrants
Yes. While darkies will only rob and kill you, the gooks will show up, take over your country, turn it into a colony and turn you into a slave.

t.asian insectoid

TFW the wealthiest and highest educated demographic in the United States is Indian-American. Not white caucasian.

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That probably has to do with our selective immigration policies.

A lot of these are 2-3rd gen Americans though. Immigration became much harder in recent times.

But I'm not against your immigration policies. Most Indians come to the US legally and will fulfil any requirement set to them. If you want to ban illegal spics, that makes perfect sense to the rest of us who are law abiding folk.