WTF gold can be synthesized from other precious metals?

Sure the process is expensive but that means it is definitely not FINITE in supply. Boomers are dumb as fuck. No forking bitcoin doesnt count as synthesizing new bitcoins lmao.


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Correction i meant from other resources not precious metals lol.

both metals and bitcoin are equally retarded

Fiat is even more special. Numbers punched into a computer. We're in a matrix run by 0's and 1's.

Gold would have to get in the range of millions of dollars to be worth mass manufacturing it, once it starts to get mass manufactured the price will be dependent on energy costs.

TLDR you need massive amounts of energy, to the point it isn't worth it.
What gold bugs need to worry about is asteroid mining.

If you have a compact star in your garage, you might be able to make gold. Or you could sell the energy and buy much gold

The amount of energy required is nuclear in scale and the gold that’s created is an unstable radioactive isotope.

We are at least 50 years from this even being considerable and global currencies will likely crash before then

>If you have a compact star in your garage, you might be able to make gold.
glad my balls have the weight of a compact star

Thanks for the grim prophecy, Satan.

Give Bitcoin time.
Soon, both will be as inefficient.

Yeah but it would take so much energy it won't be worth doing it at all.

Look up how gold is made. I rec Szabo's article on it, it's a great read and well, it's good if you like crypto.

>Millions of millennia ago, in our own Milky Way galaxy, but far upstream of where we are today, two neutron stars spiraled around each other, each embodying the mass of a sun but smaller and faster than a speeding planet. Each of these tiny gigaworlds, millions of times denser than our sun, had been produced, not by a mere exploding star, but by a far more powerful supernova. Each supernova, burning a nuclear fire with a far greater power density than a normal star such as our sun, had besides a neutron star also produced a cavalcade of new elements. For elements lighter than iron, this nuclear fusion releases energy; but for elements heavier than iron, including copper, silver, and gold, nuclear fusion requires a net energy input as well as astronomical power densities. Our supernovae were powerful enough to create many metals, including copper and silver, from the fusion of lighter elements. But they were not powerful enough to create gold. Gold awaited the current, far more powerful and rarer event.

This is true. The price of gold is strongly correlated with the price of oil. That’s because oil is a direct input in the cost of mining gold as it powers the mining machines.

If bitcoin stabilizes at some point I expect it to form a similar correlation with energy costs (+/- banking fees) given that energy is also the marginal cost of mining bitcoins.

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Every dumbass said same thing about diamonds (and other kinds of hyped up bs) and yet factories churn their artificial counterparts out faster than chickens lay eggs so that every crazed kid can to put a golden diamond ring on any street skank with enough acting skills to pass for their fiancé despite decades of russian attempts to dump their artificial gold into our market.

user, listen...

as long as the peasants keep living their lives by the fantasies we maintain we are in the green.

Sorry wrong image but same story

Attached: A3421F01-81E2-4CC4-94F2-45C99A78ADF3.png (606x298, 37K)

Using a similar system, I absolutely agree.
(If Bitcoin stay alive, obviously)
But, hopefully, will never need as much energy as creating gold.

Why do you want gold for?
Ruthenium seems much more efficient and doable.
One thing tho : "platinoid metal recovery from fission waste"
Did the jew$ create the nuclear plants, and brainwash normies to consume more and more energy to gather more fission waste and take back precious platinoïds?

I turn a cold gret into a warm glow, thers a box in a box in a box nobody knows

100 on the botttom
10 in in the middle
1 1 1 on the top

and nobody knows

Nobody said the same thing about diamonds. The amount of energy required to form the crystal was known for decades, but the equipment wasn't available and cost-effective until relatively recently. Likewise, we know how much energy is required to transmute elements, and it is higher by many orders of magnitude.

One we reach the singularity, link will create gold too. Im SURE of it.

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ok lets see that chart over the last 100 years

Nobody gonna talk about this huh

Doesn’t this mean gold isn’t a truly timeless and safe investment then? If gold isn’t safe then why even use it?

Attached: D825C69A-BAB5-4A39-9621-A6E7D49A16F5.png (600x600, 149K)

Gold supply increases about 1% every year due to mining. You also pay mad custodial fees. Terrible investment unless you swing trade it.

For all faggit autistics out there gold is real money and only real money. Gold is not a commodity.

The reason the Jews are able to confiscate all our wealth through inflation and unironically the reason you are in crypto to begin with is because real money (gold) doesn't back the dollar anymore

A hundred years ago, gold was mined when a prospector found a vein, or was sluiced out of rivers, so production wasn't necessarily proportional to energy use. Nowadays, gold is mined by electrochemically extracting it from lower-grade ores, so it requires huge energy inputs in the form of diesel fuel and electricity.

did you know that gold miners often have silver mined as well in the ore? did the gold come from space lol or is it something else.

I turn a cold grey into a warm glow
Theres a box in a box in a box and nobody knows

100 on the bottom
10 in the middle
1 1 1 on the top

the particles rise collected and it never stops never stops

Well you shouldn't invest in gold, you should just store in gold. It also acts as government insurance.

this is somehow news to you? did you never go to school, user? were you born in a 3rd world country?

It was and is safe for more than 2000years now.

Attached: 1523885221803.jpg (785x562, 76K)

2000? Try 6000 or more.

20k per ounce EOY

There was a life before the year 0? I doubt that.

Can also get from asteroids and other heavenly bodies. Asteroid mining will definitely be a thing in the future, can use space robots to ferry the thing into earth orbit for easy access.

nothing says safe investment like a radioactive cancer stick gold. Plus whateveryone is saying the energy costs are too damned expensive.
Its cheaper go pay musk a couple billion to drag an asteroid near earth orbit.

cost for mine asteroid for gold would only become worth it gold was alot more expensive, i cant remember the figure but between 50 to 80k per ounce.

>Asteroid mining will definitely be a thing in the future

Like flying cares were a thing 50 years ago

Would that even be relevant? You might be able to see the time of transition, when gold mining became dependent on oil powered machinery but obviously at the beginning it will be uncorrelated.

Newtonian Physics wasn't truly timeless and was proven to be incomplete - should we stop using those his equations then? Rhetorical Question.
Nothing is wholly knowable, cautiously use empirically tested generalizations and deal with it.

sigh. why do neets try to argue with people who actually have the knowledge. please kill yourself or at the least stop talking with adults kiddo.

Space is fake, so no asteroid mining. Creating gold through fission and fusion requires too much energy. There is however a microorganism or bacteria that digests metal and poops gold out... you could theoretically farm gold.

>There is however a microorganism or bacteria that digests metal and poops gold out...
no there isn't

I reckon you'd have better luck boiling seawater or sewage and extracting the trace precious minerals in it than that little bacteria - there is no way it's "pooping out" gold unless there is already gold in what it ingests.

>he doesn't know about gold bugs

gold is an element, not a compound. A noble metal at that.

There is no way to chemically synthesize gold. Ever.

so you can't violate the laws of physics but a bacteria can with impunity?

There is. DYOR. But the bactaria are producing like tiny tiny tiny shit amount of gold which i wouldn't even bother talking about

>Gold is not a commodity

HAHAHAHAhaha, the absolute state

>i can make new atoms with chemistry
oh wow, american education at its best right here

Do you even read the shit you google?

>The rod-shaped C. metallidurans was first found to poop gold nuggets back in 2009, when scientists discovered that it somehow manages to ingest toxic gold compounds and convert them into the element's metallic form without any apparent danger to the organism itself.

It doesn't make gold out of thin air. It just converts gold compounds into metallic gold.

you are talking about c. metallidurans aren't you you retard? it just collects trace gold does not produce shit.

>It just converts gold compounds into metallic gold.
to be quiet honest that's still cool as fuck.

>synthetic gold = gold
ehmmmm no sweetie


Well it is a commodity, but its main use case is money, and that's where it derives its value

>WTF bitcoin can be 51% attacked. Sure the process is expensive but that means it is not completely secure. Coiners are dumb as fuck.

The process of actually making gold from another element would have to be with the help of a particle accelerator (extremely expensive to build and operate) and even then you could only make a miniscule amount of gold at a time (far less than you could see with a naked eye, similar to the size of your brain). So you see, it would not be profitable in any way.

Fud all you want pink wojack
Gold is going to climb higher and higher no matter how hard US paper gets shorted every Friday

Fastest growth is India/china/Africa
All 3 worship gold because the ruling class is rife with corruption
All 3 need gold for industry

Good point.

I do think some of the hype is because of the surge in gold price over the past decade as China and Russia began quietly buying in.

you wouldn't know the difference

>quietly buying in.

There's also more out tehre in space waiting to be mined.
So, no shit.