Australian man dies after injecting silicon into his testicles

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His face just doesn't fit his body in that picture honestly.

Also, what are these red marks on his torso and belly?

Stretch marks I think

This is pretty common in Australia desu

You're into the silicone ballsack scene?

lmao, pretty ballsy

No I'm not you sick fuck. Did you type that with your fucking gargantuan pumped-up scrot

wow lmao

Based trophy boy

Do you want to find love in Australia?

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Buster Gonad made flesh

highly doubt he ever got laid

he got laid with men

>slave-master relationship
>signs over his salary to his master
>wears a leash
>master orders him to inject silicon to his balls

>gay people are normal and totally don't deserve to be thrown from high places

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>literal chad sack

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If we are to kill fags for doing weird shit, you religious freaks ought be thrown off buildings long, long before anyone else.

Top kek.

Is this Tank's ballsack? Love you man, you're so big.


go hit some women

the face of the guy says that he likes it up the ass

Wtf I love Islam now.


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Do you lads remember that user on /b/ that did this?

Even our queens look manlier than most non whites L@mo

His look makes me uncomfortable

adorable guy

lol S

>'What sort of person injects into their balls... what sort of person does that?' she said, fighting back tears.

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he literally was in a poly homosexual relationship

It's worse than you think

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I prefer the boy who ate the snail.

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Jesus christ what the fuck is this shit? Why would any rational person enter into this shit

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Hot if you imagine a qt (girl) being a pup.

>left the homeland
sounds about right, cunt was fucked in the head to begin with.

How the fuck do you even find people willing to subject themselves to this shit.

>Fundamental to the act of slavery is the practice of the virtues of trust, honesty, openness, loyalty and obedience. Without the practice of these virtues, there can be no true slavery.
>the act of slavery
Oh mate, what the fuck.

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He literally left Australia for the USA. There is nothing rational about a man that willingly leaves the first world for a shithole like that.

>There is nothing rational about a man that willingly leaves the first world for a shithole like that.
Cheers for the compliment mate. But yeah beyond me why anyone would move to clapistan outside of work/marriage

America is great if you have money and connections. The rich over there are basically above the law.

Honest question. If I convert to Islam will I be considered one of you or will it be like the Jews where they would never accept me?

wtf I love Allah subatanum watallah now.
>gays inject themselves with silicone and rubber
>throw them off roof
>they bounce back up
>crowd cheers

enjoyed this post

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Is this how you punish gays?

In all honesty people here can laugh but this man probably died happier than anyone itt will ever live.

he left to go to his rightful home of the USA I don't see the problem


Pretty sure his death was painful. It's not like he was injecting heroin.


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Pulmonary embolism is extremely painful and eventually suffocates you. It is not a happy way to die

makes me think

not done yet

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I kinda feel sorry for the ginger dumbfuck after reading this. It's basically ye olde "naive, lonely person enters a cult" scenario, except the cult is a bara harem with inflated ballsacks.

>implying br*eders don't have weird fetishes

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>except the cult is a bara harem with inflated ballsacks.
any rational person would've seen that and ran

Just like with a religious cult and a restrictive guru. They don't exactly go for rational people.

this faggot is so gross looking even when you ignore his roided manlet body and deformed ballsack

You're welcome

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All these people make me feel ashamed to be a faggot, no one is going to believe "you know we're just like you except we're attracted to men" if other faggots keep doing shit like this.

you will be considered one of muslims like janizary system

where did you get this picture of me??

Homos literally are not people.

>stretch marks everywhere

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>His face just doesn't fit his body in that picture honestly.
Yes it does.

I am uwu

im a homo but i still want to have a wife and kids like a normal person to help perpetuate society, and personally i think that homosexuality should be illegal as it is damaging to society. homos will still exist they will just have to practice privately while being culturally pressured to have a wife and kids.
the ideal system

>In all honesty people here can laugh but this man probably died happier than anyone itt will ever live.
that explains a lot

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Isn't that true for any country though?

it is far better in poor, corrupt countries

Saudis wear leashes too

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cursed image

rip mental cunt

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