American naming

>American naming

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what the fuck

defo a nigglet

White trash

I bet her (the mother) name is Rebekah and the father is nowhere in sight


> Lakynn
Sounds like an Elder Scrolls character t.b.h.

t. lakynn

She looks like she's upper class and the child is probably Asian

Apparently this is common amongst Mormons/Utahns:

Could be worse.

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How is that pronounced?

>not Florida Man
Fake news.

Better than dumb shite like Ivan or Kaloyan tbqh

>Beezow explained that his first name represents “the explosion of awareness of the interconnectedness of the infinite love in the universe.” Doo-doo “is the struggle of our daily lives with that awareness, that with love comes chaos,” and Zopittybop-bop-bop “is the outcome of that struggle, which is often ironic, especially because all life ends in death.”

he also hates feminism and faggots so he's based, was arrested for assaulting pigs which is nice too

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being single mom?

Mormons have a pretty repressive and homogeneous culture, but they're carte blanche when it comes to names. So in order to give their kids a unique identity, Mormons tend to give their children odd or distinctive names. Oftentimes they'll just be normal anglo names with an odd spelling, but you'll sometimes see the names of dead parents mashed together in strange combinations.

Not to make this more basic white girl than it already is, but Twilight novels feature an example of Mormon naming practices. Edward and Bella name their daughter Renesmee - a nonsensical combination of the names of the characters' grandparents.

do they choose those names like this?

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Here people is starting to use foreign names like Liam or Ken. I think its because they couldn't do it before or their son would have not be baptized

Dad even has the JUSTed hair. On her blog she listed all the names she went through:
>Here are all the names that made "the list"

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>first name Mc

There's a black actress named Tempestt

Why would you do this to your kids? If you want an uncommon name pick an older one, maybe something prestigious. It can still be a little cringy but better than this shit.

Literally all of those names are fine in the US

They aren't. I've never heard of any of those or something similar.

Thats the fucking problem. They look like stripper names.

Get out of the house, people name their kids whatever they want

t. Obaneisha Jackson

What state are you in? All I ever hear are common, mostly biblical names for both males and females. Never any altered "unique" names like Taylee or whatever.

>unusual and/or new names are bad!
t. autists who hate things that are new

>using literal fucking patronymics as first names for a female child
Fucking americans I swear to God. It's bad enough that they give their sons patronymic names, like Anderson Cooper, or Jackson Pollock.

You hear these type of names all the time, friend. Unless you live in NYC and only hear the name Pajeet

She's obviously a Mormon from Utah or Idaho, fucking weirdos over there

>unless you live in NYC
Well, you got me there.

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mormons are hot

Just watch the Maury Show and you can tell by name alone (either whitegirl af like Nevaeh or ghetto af like LaQuonda) that they're fucked up.

hehe gotcha

NYC posters should be forced to have the Juden flag with their posts lol

>you live in NYC and only hear the name Pajeet
It's more likely Chang, Jose, Tyrone or Gianni.

Everyone is retarded when it comes to names in this disgusting continent.
Sudacas also give their children retarded anglo sounding names like Edilson, Gladys or Mileidi.

Don't have to rub it in. Also, change Gianni to Dimitrios or something. Way more Greeks than Italians nowadays.

Nope that whole board is full on made up names for American white people. They love sticking in random Y's.

Made up black american names are different.

It's funny seeing white people ride the wave of making up new names, after they've spent decades making fun of black people for doing it.

Never heard of any of those names before

I would kill myself if such a person named me

giving children meme names should be illegal.
I have also noticed that only white trash have anglo names here

that's because she's come up with them herself


that's not anglo, whatever it is, sounds like the name of a fedora tipper anyhow

it seems there have always been people that change spelling on common names you absolute blobbering retard

Jesus Christ. It's like if an anglo could give an anglo name to its kid.

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>"white" americans


based Lashandra

is that goblina really considered white over there? lmao state of mongrelica

from what I can tell your hick names are something like timo pekka juhani

Kevin is Irish

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Are those Pokemon names?


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compared to literally any frenchman she is absolutely white (though doubtless not nearly as trash), particularly with that spray on tan being the only staining quality to her dermis

Sad they didn't settle on Baykynn

obsessed lol

go gey shot somewhere else, fatties

It gets awful.

Very awful.

who's obsess you plunker?



Yeah no shit, asshole. It's much more common now than it's ever been though.

>first name
Why is this allowed?

So that's why Jaycee Carroll's name is Jaycee?

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They don't know what Mc or Mac means. And I'm sure the dad's name isn't Karty.

You don't understand burger.
it's literally "my lady" but butchered.

that's the point you 89iq

I said retarded anglo sounding names not anglo names you fat fuck

whatever you think you're saying dumbass

Fuck I hate yanks
what a bunch of retarded wankers
hope russia nukes this shithole into oblivion soon

whoever you are, and wherever you're from, stay mad and stupid

lmao lad don't worry in 30 years your country will not exist anymore

doubt you'll even live that long mong, but thanks

As a venezuelan, miledi is quite tame and popular. There's a bunch of variations which make it obvious they're venezuelans

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This is mormon naming

Why do latinos like giving their kids American names and misspell them terribly. Like keven and yessica.

It's a low class thing.

Mormons aren't Americans, they consider themselves to be a part of Deseret. Look it up.

American whites especially rural ones give their children names like Skye and Tegan m8.

It's also a political thing.
>right wing
Butchered Anglo name
>left wing
Russian or revolutionary name

>Russian or revolutionary name
What? That's not common at all.

>he doesn't name his daughter Elyzabeth
>he doesn't name his daughter Sophya
>he doesn't name his daughter Mya
>he doesn't name his daughter Clayre
>he doesn't name his daughter Olyvia
>he doesn't name his daughter Amelya
>he doesn't name his daughter Ysabelle
>he doesn't name his daughter Abygayl
>he doesn't name his daughter Emyly
>he doesn't name his daughter Madyson
>he doesn't name his daughter Vyctorya
>he doesn't name his daughter Lyly
>he doesn't name his daughter Ellye
>he doesn't name his daughter Natalye
>he doesn't name his daughter Julya

Maybe its different in Brazil. But I have meet many latinos named lenin, olga, boris or ernersto, emmanuel, benito.

Here poor people give their babies butchered English names because they think it will make them look "rich" and "classy".

Like I said before. It's also split along political lines.

That's interesting, I didn't know some LatAm do this. Also, in some hispanic countries "Jesus" is quite a popular name, but here is not used at all.

Washington is a quite popular name among poor BR people.
Or, how it is really written: Uóxito

We had a very famous journalist whose name was "Indro".
As in, the Hindu god "Indra".

It's usually written as Washington, actually.

Some common butchered English names: Deivid (David), Uiliam (William) and Maicou/Maicon (Michael).

There's also a whole myriad of made-up names.


>tfw everyone that you know including your own sister has named their children weird ass names like that

I guess it's up to me to bring back Bob, Tom, and John.

Every person I know with one of these "unique" names hates it and goes by something else as an adult. Name registries when?

I never understood this.
Why would you venture out trying to push the limits of fucking first names?

because they'd sound different. Everyone knows a 'john' and a 'susan', but how many 'josicleide' do you know? just one?


middle class at most

>the only staining quality to her dermis
forget reddit tier this is imgur tier

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Bob and Tom are both nicknames, user. Don't give you kid a shortform name.