The polish
It surprised me too. Had to make a connecting flight in warsaw and the passport security lady was half black half polish and spoke fluent polish
What's wrong with that you fucking bigot
Shut the fuck up nigger
And father must be 100% nigger and mother must be 100% polish slavic girl
*single mother
This is a common sight in London. Polish women fuck pakis here too.
Shes very attractive
I thought Poland was safe from miscegenation with nonwhites?
This nigger was taken At the 100 Independence Day Events yesterday Warsaw
Polish are getting france and america more and more
and that's a good thing
Why that's good thing ?
Are you a nig ? Or mixed mutt ?
Jesus gook nobody likes you shut the fuck up
i'm a pole and a cuck so polcuck
I would be very shocked if that weren’t the case
He's an angry poo in the loo studying in Pooland.
Shut the fuckk up
no i'm slav-slave get your shit together my chinese emperor
shut the fuck up and go back to where you belong
right to left
>I'm dating a muslim
>What happened to me
>I'm leaving UK
i know you try to make these threads to please your white masters but calm down bruh
mmm pyszna ślina
Don't pretend Indians like blacks.
haha same shit happened here two months ago when pope visited. For some reason our degenerate organizers or politicians decided to parade some niglet before the cameras too.
I guess Poland is no different in their desire to show how "european" they are.
Is this common? I've been to Poland and people there are mostly white as here. Never seen anyone non-European except some foreigners in Warsaw.
You may not like it but this is the future (and it's beautiful)
>I'm leaving UK
It's fairly common for Polish women in the UK to breed with pakis and negroes.
Beauty of destroying
In cities maybe not common but not uncommon
you can see like 1-2 niggers but most of foreigners are either banderas and yellowshits
In Uk sure there was a study and something like 1/4 of our witaminkas like black dicks
How many niggers did you see ?
But russia is based country tho ~
They beat that mutt and kick them off
lmaoing @ this bootlicking korean
why are you sucking up to wh*Toids? you know they see you as inferior, right? they just want to fuck your kpop women, that doesn't mean they like you
As a White Man, I believe our Korean allies are based and redpilled.
sure you do
Koreans really want to be western, that’s why they have so many catholic churches here. They seem like good productive citizens
Here's a picture of Canadians defending our South Korean friends.
Christianity = israelite deathcult
I guess it has something to do with current situation of nigger encroaching on his personal space
Can you imagine the horror?
Koreans are obsessed with being white just look at the surgeries, sadly for them they will always be known mongoloid goblins
The fuck lmao so horrible
Funny how Slavs and Baltics are so fervently Christian, yet still racist
I wonder what the brown Jew, Jesus, would've thought about that
el goblino
Always thanksful to our allies
last in first out
Non-Christians always try to use Christianity for their own goals.
>durrrr Jesus said love people therefore you should be a nigger majority country hurrr
It's gotten stale.
Jesus was ethno-centrist (Matthew 15:21–28):
And Jesus went away from there and withdrew to the district of Tyre and Sidon. 22 And behold, ha Canaanite woman from that region came out and was crying, i“Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David; my daughter is severely oppressed by a demon.” 23 But he did not answer her a word. And his disciples came and begged him, saying, j“Send her away, for she is crying out after us.” 24 He answered, k“I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” 25 But she came and lknelt before him, saying, “Lord, help me.” 26 And he answered, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and mthrow it to the dogs.” 27 She said, “Yes, Lord, yet even the dogs eat nthe crumbs that fall from their masters’ table.” 28 Then Jesus answered her, “O woman, ogreat is your faith! pBe it done for you as you desire.” qAnd her daughter was phealed instantly.5
Mr Korea why are you hate Black so much?
I'm openly communist
I'm openly communist = I'm openly dummy
What’s wrong exactly?
Single mother.
Furthermore being anything other than a pragmatic centrist means you are clinically retarded
How can you know? Also, plenty of single mothers everywhere, a sign of those sad times.
>How can you know?
On what planet do you live?
Don’t apply your New World racial situation onto Europe, it’s just not compatible
>wow hez so strong i fell in love with a thug lol
>1 years later
>no more husband around
>i hate patriarcal society im a strong feminist women dddd
It's exactly the same. European dirt doesn't change genes that affect behaviour.
>all of that happened within a month
paid in full
how sad, glad my town hasn't changed since before the last war
I want to see every polish blonde girl get BLACKED by muscular 2m tall african bull
You can not speak Korean
Poland is a BLACK country
The girl that cleans my toilet is polish tb h kek
Wouldn't you rather see them get RVSS'd?
>+1 nigger
omg it's like w have 12 niggers now