The greatest musician to ever live was Indian

>the greatest musician to ever live was Indian
how this make u feel whitey?

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He was Indian (white) though.

for me he was white curry

That's not Klaus Nomi

Born in Zanzibar. He is BLACK

I would've thought he was ethnically european if I didn't know.

>Freddie Mercury was not brit
What the fuck nigger???

Fuck off with muh performance artist from outer space, Freddie is best fag and that's all

>greatest musician ever
but this is not Kenya West

in other words a KARA BOGA
>inb4 "if a horse" blah blah fuck you racists


Bach was Indian? I thought he was German.

But Beethoven was European.

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He was born in Africa and fronted a band in the UK tho, truly a son of the British Empire

Uncultured plebian

It was a british protectorate or shit

>He was a fag

>that good looking

Zoroastrian stock not Muslim. Happy enough.

He was iranian

at least say Bach or Mozart or even Strauss

he had the teeth ho

Parsi yeah Persian basically


Ottoman tier at best

>Normans that lived in England for ages arent English
He was Indian

Attached: Freddie-Mercury parents.jpg (620x588, 53K)

he BECAME deaf with age
he listened to a lot of classic music as a child then """composed""" his pieces

He was a Persian from Tanzania. Anjem Choudary and Asma al-Assad are more British than Freddie Mercury.

Okay, this is epic

Clair de lune was based on an Arabic tune.
Debussy was Arabic.

and he wrote his best pieces while being deaf, what a hack !

god save the king was wrote to celebrate our king recovery of his anal fistula, england crave for literal shit.

you mean he copied Handel's Messiah into his 9th symphony

Little sparrow Edith Piaf actually was as Muslim rape baby. As is Marion Cotillard.

hahahahaha how will anglos ever recover

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That's not Micheal Jackson.

And Micheal Jackson was white.

I lied
except for Edith, she had some sand people in her.

and germans and whoever paid

Gotta be cool. Relax. Get hiv. And on my tracks. Ride my backseat. Get high. Drink all night on the waterpipe.

He was born in zanzibar
That literally doesn‘t make you indian

why he's dead?

Just looked up the lyrics. Im a bit off.


He was Iranian.

He is not indian pajeet, get over it. He even identified as parsi.

>even debating if beethoven was an hack or not
>with a sudaca craving for despacito


Wasnt he some kind of north African, like Zidane

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parsi is an ethnicity in India

I said Parsi ages ago you Dutch muppit

why (You) mad tho
you're not german or anything... are you?

no, he's eastern african

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>greatest musician
LMAO singers are just attention whores and the hacks of music

The greatest musicians of all times were Bach, Wagner, Beethoven, etc, those kinds of motherfuckers were true genius.

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Another pajeet
Parsis were literally persians who had to fled from islamic persians to india since they could practice their religion freely there. I‘m not saying all indians look like dravidians but in general indians don‘t look like him, not even the north or kashmiris or whatever.

>He was Indian

Adidas, Amigo.

he fucked a nigger
if that's not enough clue then you don't belong in Jow Forums

Acquired Immuno deficiency syndrome?
No worker T cells.
It's cured now if you have the cash.
Magic Johnson was HIV since the 90s still alive.

>living in India for centuries doesn't make you Indian
there are literally full mongoloid Indians to full negroid Indians so he isnt that huge of an exception

??? Because he wasn't an important person that I should care?
why adidas though?

>why adidas though?
I was messing

I thought it was something to do with ruskies.

well played

he wasn't Indian
he was gay

He's an ethnic Iranian from an island off the coast of Africa.

How does any of that make him a Indian citizen?

He was a brit LARPer.
Compare him with Brian May, who was a true ivy kid from a british posh family, dropped his astrophysics career to become a rockstar and married a tv soap star. A true son of Albion.

>his ethnic group has lived in India for centuries and continues to do so
>he spend his childhood in India

I bet djs have everything pre-recorded and just jump around like they're doing something. What a life.

I went on holiday to a lot of place too, what of it?

If he isn't ethnically Indian, and not an Indian citizen, he isn't Indian.

Barnesy is Scottish Australian though

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well you believe beethoven was a hack, you must be retarded.

Yeah, well, he was the greatest British LARPer of modern times.

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>ethnically Indian
no such thing, also pic related for citizen

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May built his own guitars. Hero was Rory Gallagher.

for real?
dude, how many aussies are infiltrated in the USA??
what kind of Red Dawn is this

well you care too much about this subject, you must be an autist

All of Queen were graduates of some uni or other. Smart lads

Literally no differences between anglo Beatles and indian Mercury

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McCartney based much of his songs on hymns

Gyppos have lived here for centuries too, and they're still pajeets

He's a white Indian, who have a lot of Indo-European ancestry. He's basically white.

you shitpost early the morning you must be a neet

you shitpost while at lunch you must be a solitary incel
where's your family?

I want to break free

>greatest musician
you posted wrong pic

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at work, not like you

no kpoop ?

>Parsi ethnicity literally only known for not intermixing with Pajeets
>Pajeets consider them Indian

They're Iranian, they have no Pajeetoid blood

Does it really matters?
Nothing really matters, to me

Who said they don’t mix ? Search up the actor John Abraham , his mom is Parsi and his dad is South Indian keralite

Freddie MerCURRY

yeah no gaypop

He was Persian

Kanye is american tho

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A challenger has appeared

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