Which Germany was your favourite?

Which Germany was your favourite?

Attached: deutschland.png (1602x930, 197K)

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the one that didn't try to destroy europe oh wait


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i liked when they had the windmill of friendship

The last true Germans

The one full of russian raping the g*rms

the one that lost so most of them

Weimar looked like a fun place to be in


German Empire and DDR

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3rd Reich

>all these fags saying GDR
Fucking disgusting, all of you.

Roman Empire.

based and redpilled


t. Brandenburg


The one that never existed


2nd German Empire seemed pretty cool. Up until WW1 broke out, they were pretty much the definition of industrialization working to the benefit of their people.

No question
Also DDR in some way, it was the most Prussian-styled part of Germany that kikes had no influence on

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From what I've heard, DDR was one of the most repressive of the communist states during the Cold War. Like, German citizens that could would flee to other states such as Czechoslovakia or (if they could sneak over) FDR on a regular basis.

Not him and not from the East, but compared to all other cunts of the Eastern bloc the GDR had a high standard of living and was also the most liberal, but still, sure, people were arrested for trying to escape to the West or speaking their mind to often

The black white red tricolor was the best by far. Yellow makes your flag look like it is from a third world country.

its gold, not yellow

>German citizens that could would flee to other states such as Czechoslovakia
in order to go to Hungary, then Austria, then West Germany, explicitly not to stay in an even worse shithole
this is fairly well known but then again >flag


how did GDR try to destroy Europe?

This one.

Attached: vintage-aerial-photos-of-berlin-germany-after-world-war-ii-1945-hein-gorny-10.jpg (900x706, 213K)

back to your mother roske ivan

I didn't realize that was a 4 stop sorta journey, but I guess it made sense.
I heard they had a higher standard of living, but I also was under the impression that countries like Poland and Yugoslavia were more lenient on their citizens. That may have to do with German Ordnung in general though.

so you mean ddr right?

the one with spinning windmill.
thank you for the car gift!

t. plastic gook

Prussia, obviously

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Bismarck Germany way peak Germany, possibly peak Europe.

why do they keep rebranding themself? They clearly have PR issues


looks like Aleppo lol

The one under British occupation.

Cringe and Bluepilled
>Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Based but Bluepilled
>Deutsche Demokratische Republik
Cringe but Redpilled
>Großdeutsches Reich
Based and Redpilled
>Deutsches Kaiserreich

Attached: smug DDR.png (800x1000, 350K)

East Germany was a very rich and democratic country compared to USSR (probably except the Baltic republics).

The German Empire/The German Democratic Republic
Monarchist socialism in the only way forward

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Westphalia. Client state Germany best Germany.

3rd Reich because it resulted in 9 million dead g*rms

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HRE or Weimar

German Empire (1848)

Attached: 400px-Imperial_Coat_of_arms_of_Germany_(1848).svg.png (400x500, 105K)

Definitely early to middle age HRE

This. The failure of the revolution was a european tragedy.



HRE since there were barely any wars with them since Jagiellonian times. Only problem were T*utons and Br*andenbug liked to raid.
Our western borders with Germans were stable for most of times though our history, until partitions.

DDR where i born

Imperial was the peak Germany, not only in its territory, but in its unity and protection of the long maligned and abused people that spoke its tongue.

easy question easy answer, 2nd Reich > Rest
Just give the colonies away to pacify Anglos and Frogs and we could have it still

Attached: 697px-Anton_von_Werner_-_Kaiserproklamation_in_Versailles_1871_02.jpg (697x599, 178K)



>kikes had no influence on

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DDR thread

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Attached: VOPO with StG44.jpg (565x384, 66K)


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>Nazi Germany which ruined german patriotism
>that communist shitplace was great too!

Is this bait?

is it true that Ossis are based and redpilled?



top right one.

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It's not even a competition

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3rd Reich and Prussian

This. They also made the best candy

4th Reich.

Meine Oma verdient ganz viel Geld im Puff.

>nigger mediterranean
>holy ROMAN empire
based germs are proud of things they steal

There's only one real choice

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Larping as 4th reich.

pic related.

>Imperial Germany
As gerany should be, a monarchy, only a monarch could serve as a symbol of unification of the germanic peoples, and a guardion of their legacy.
>4th image, what the fuck


The perfect reflection of post war Europe at its worst.

Based from what i hear, still, a puppet from the USSR and Germany is not a nation that should be divided.

>8th image
Did someone shoot a hole in the flag?

>Nazi germany
They had an objective.They tried. They failed. Millions died because of it. Some worship it others hate it.

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4th is allied occupied Germany

Most liberal is wrong, they were stalinists even After his death in political Thinking.

Says The discount Lithuanian.

Best Germany coming in

Attached: nederland kaart.png (664x509, 307K)

Que dios tenga en santa gloria a Adolfito


The most beautiful 12 years of human history

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It was a communist state.

Yuck. Look at those germs.