Why iberians didnt left a strong genetic legacy in their asian and african colonies like they did in latin america?

Why iberians didnt left a strong genetic legacy in their asian and african colonies like they did in latin america?
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>Why iberians
You must mean Portuguese, Spaniards didn't do much outside Morocco, which is arguably as much a French colony and the tiny country of Equatorial Guinea.

arent most mexicans half spanish?

We are not in Africa AFAIK


America was the new world, everyone knew there was Asia and chinese people in the east
but America was virgin and unexplored

Attached: 1537166334056.jpg (720x595, 49K)

But you bleached the Canary Islands and most Latinos are half Spanish, why didnt you do the same to the Phillipines/Mainland Africa

Mostly trade outposts with low migration of europeans


i think it was cause america had gold and many other resources, and was better for the kings to promote go into america than send people to places that were less profitable, but really dont know.
Also why didnt you bleached all of china and india like america/australia? now we have trillion of those roach alive


>Mainland Africa

They’re Christian though?

Because in Africa and the Phillipines they weren't vulnerable to European diseases. Plus the strategic value of those colonies wasn't that relevant.

most of latam was empty

We managed to convert many savages, but Muslims are still a problem.

because they didnt migrated there.

bump for answers

no one did in Africa apart from the Dutch

The thing is that the genetic legacy left by Iberians in América isn't as big as people believe. WHile most of the population there is "of Spanish decent", the amount of Spanish blood actually in them is not that relevant.
Spanish legacy has been preserved by name and surnames, as quite a few americanos with no Spanish blood still have Spanish names and surnames.

Many genetic studies states that the avarege brazilian is at least 60% iberian.
it is significant

Source that, as it is highly improbable.

literally just google brazilian dna, muhammad.

also this.
even on studies that include self indentidied blacks, the avarege is 60%