
Britarded edition

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Can't read or write cursive. Can't swim either. Am I subhuman?

100% White British at least six generations back.

yes, yes you are

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yes margherita is the best, the only reason it woudln't be best is if they can't make a decent pizza anyway. all other toppings just take away from the main flavours

the answer to the maths problem last thread was 43 btw you fucking mongs

2(5) + 2(5) + 2(5) = 30
1(5) + 1(5) + 2(5) = 20
2(2) + 2(2) + 1(5) = 13
1(5) + (1(5) + 2(2) + 2(5)) * 1(2) = 43

he's wearing two shoes and holding two papers.

got me hair cut
feeling good

Reposting my memoir here because I posted in the wrong thread
Speaking of sheltered there was a very wealthy Oriental girl in my high school who could not ride a bicycle at all.
We found out during end of year mucking about in year 8 I think. We had the school oval at our disposal and spent the rest of the arvo teaching her to ride a bike.

Did you skip primary school or what?


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didnt know jews were so white

in haberfield we'd call a pizza with just cheese pizza bianca

>can't swim

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i can't ride a bike either. would look like a mong learning at 21 years of age. guess i shall never experience it.

>Premier League clubs would be allowed a maximum of 12 overseas players in their 25-man squads under new Football Association plans preparing for Brexit.

me, second to last picture on right column.
middle right.

>yes margherita is the best, the only reason it woudln't be best is if they can't make a decent pizza anyway. all other toppings just take away from the main flavours

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You ever get a Scugnizzo?

Need a tree-trunk-legged oriental gf.

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Can't do a single pushup.


Which thread are we using?

you have more in common with an afghani jihadist

Don’t believe you

>a group of girls never came up to you giggling to inform you their friend liked you

Would be 0 if I had a say.

Koreans can pronounce L's?

great argument

this but pull up

lose weight and keep practicng it. put your whole body into it.

Happened to me twice, one in Madrid and once in Sevilla

saw this happen to some random black lads in mcdonalds the white girls looked about 14, they were giggling and one went up to them and said their friend liked him,

there's no way to convince someone that something tastes 'objectively better', so why make an argument?

Had this happen to me, turned her down and the girl along with her friends all looked sad and disappointed. Not willing to risk being humiliated, simple as.

Can't be arsed have better things to do like watch anime and wank.

Britain: the post

why are you ordering a pizza if you want to taste pepperoni or peppers?

Going out with Sharon tonight

must be close to 100 candid videos of co-workers and people on the train. not made many during winter mind as most girls are wrapped up now

did actually and now I'm engaged to her

in yankified melbourne, many pizzerias have taken to calling it cheese pizza

I for one welcome our yank overlords


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wish i could run around with a liposuction hoover and use it on every fattie i see. utterly vile presence bothers me.

Because they taste good on a pizza?

Love margherita me.
Also enjoy a salty anchovy and olive (napoli?) pizza from time to time.

Going to get a Hawaiian pizza when I'm done at the gym after all this pizza talk

Can't grow a proper beard, lads. Always end up looking like an old tennis ball instead.

Any other beardlets here?

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you will regret not playing the field

mad to think how backwards ireland is, belfast is still has LITERAL borders where only protestants and catholics live, madness, segregated by your beliefs on the man in the sky

All aimed at israel i hope

clean shave looks nicer


Feel like most people don't actually care about me and just do it to be polite
Wish they'd fuck off

big fan of modernism, not a fan of postmodernism

That's good though

they taste same as normal there is no reason to deny pizza flavour to taste peppers, just eat peppers seperately.

allegorical representation of what will happen when my fist connects with your jaw

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iirc Korean doesn't have an 'l' sound
t. Study mandarin

How about I segregate your head from your shoulders you nosey English bastard

Had a dream that I had xenomorph eggs in the boot and was driving down the M25. Suddenly I saw and heard one of them stirring slightly, and just as I passed a 'No hard shoulder for 800 yards" sign it started to open. It was really intense.

Still I expected more from eating Stilton right before sleep.

wish I grew up in a Jewish ghetto

wish I grew up in a Jewish cornetto

wish I didn't grow up

that did happen you’re in a coma lad
wake up, please wake up!

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could literally start a civil war in ireland by saying the man in the sky believes this thing instead of that thing, what a low IQ nation, literally no different than these muslim shitholes that will stone people to death for chatting shit about allah

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Love seafood. Scallops, prawns, shark, swordfish, barramundi, oysters, mussels, yabbies, bug, crab (hard shell), crab (soft shell).
Haven't tried famous red lobsters though.

Wish I grew up in an Italian icecream

id say maybe 5-8 in ur squad
yeh obvs

could do this all day but you soyboys don't like military shit so fuck it

the secret to a good 'za: fennel seeds

Do Brits know Playmobil?

fuck off gramps

Not ashamed to say I enjoy pide and gozleme from time to time

Growing up it seems to be you either had Playmobil or Lego
We were and still are a Lego house

Bought a new pillow recently and I've been having strange dreams, yesterday I had a dream where I was looking at a page showing an anime "1 episode watched" and I felt like I needed to see the rest. This morning I dreamt that I was being tagged multiple times in chats and e-mails and constantly felt bombarded by them. All very odd.

doubt it

They separate Protestants and Catholics because Protestants are normally Unionist/Loyalist and Catholics are normally nationalist/Republican. Its political, not religious. You have no idea what you're talking about

>I dream about anime
jesus fucking christ

Is it possible to gaslight yourself?

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You're right user I see the light, from now on the only liquid I'll drink is water, because everything else dilutes the taste

what about potato scallops


Do you sleep with your phone under your pillow?

z is for zoomer

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Really tempted to try some of the fish I catch around here since I love fishing but I'm always paranoid about whatever toxins

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An anime page, like a streaming site, never actually seen anime and the page didn't have a name for the show since I don't really know any.

umm sweetie belfast is part of the uk.....

v. moving

wish i hadn't have been fat in the early days of puberty and the age of two week relationships

Had a really weird dream where I was playing soldier in TF2 but I was half way between actually being Soldier and playing as Soldier with keyboard+mouse
Like i would have to move my whole body in ways you would actually would to rocket jump, but with WASD
It was very weird

No, phone is on the bedside table.

Picturesque wouldn't put my mouth on anything from unknown waters though.

>No dUmB DuMb, ThEy'rE PoTaTo sCaLlOpS NoT PoTaTo cAkEs

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still don't understand what alt right is

have a pack of potato gems in the freezer you want in?

They have right wing views but feel that mainstream politics has left them behind

It's a liberal group with the goal of sabotaging right wing resurgence