It's been over 2 years since she was brutally raped and murdered how has Germany changed since?

It's been over 2 years since she was brutally raped and murdered how has Germany changed since?

Attached: maria-ladenburger-739620.jpg (590x350, 55K)

wheres the burger?

My girlfriend's living in Germany atm for a year. She hasn't seen anything bad happen once.

I always wonder how those situations go. If I was a pretty woman who is about to get raped, I immediately try to make a deal with the dude allowing him to do his thing as long as he lets me go unharmed. Obviously call police afterwards.

god I wish that were me

the murderer had been imprisoned in Greece. is this some new Trojan horse

Newsflash bud, your gf is cucking you hard with some strong and thick KARA BOGA BBC.

>she was raped by an Afghan
I'd like to take this chance to apologize


Attached: af.png (580x387, 33K)

No he was Iranian but said he was Afghani to make his story sound more pathetic (it worked, apparently).

Her father hopefully collected enough money to pay NGOs to ship even more in.

Obviously not.
As bad as the situation is, the number of murderers and rapes is still not thaaaat high. There are no rapes on every corner.
I live in a big city and we got like 7000 rapefugees but the only 2 cases I remember right now were they stabbing each other, both victims even survived. (one right in fron of my house, kek)

Fucking Iranian scum, death to Iran.

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do you honestly think your media would report honestly on the amount of crime refugees commit?

Not on a nation wide scale, but local newspapers actaully do a pretty good job.
Nation wide newspapers would probably need another 20 pages each day to report every rapefugee crime.

women can't into negotiation and logical thinking. they decides with emotion.

>, I immediately try to make a deal with the dude allowing him to do his thing as long as he lets me go unharmed.

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why do you apologize you cuck fuck that white whore she deserved it

The future of white nations if we keep throwing gibs to the niggers, the muslims and the SWJs. South Africa is thirty years ahead of the west

I wish I was the one who raped her.

European women are absolute whores, bitch probably liked getting raped. You reap what you sow

Is it always bad that when I see these kinds of articles, the very first thing I think is “I wonder who she voted for?” and “I wonder if she regretted that in the last few minutes?”

Yes, because the majority of white women voted for Trump in 2016.