Be Dutch

>be Dutch
>get shot

Attached: Untitled.png (521x476, 315K)

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Attached: Mother runs for her life as hitman shoots her with a silenced pistol while she put her bins out in m (1024x576, 2.37M)

Iranian government agents recently shot and killed some Arab (separatist, not ISIS) dude in the Netherlands.

They caught the perpetrators but released them back to Iran.

I'm pro-Iran because I hate Muslims but I still think it was overly cucked to release foreign assassins without punishing them.

Wait, he missed? Fucking kek

xtx business is huge in the south

He looks like a complete dork. LOL.

what a failure

>near Eindhoven
Probably drug related killing. They also by mistake killed the neighbor of a criminal there.

dude should work on his tracking skills

They should have hired an American.

They deserve all the shit they get and more.

Attached: 1506859432592.jpg (3000x3000, 2.62M)

This is why betas should stick to cybercrime

>I'm pro-Iran because I hate Muslims

Attached: 1455061124.12972531.png (637x717, 419K)

>I'm pro-Iran because I hate Muslims
Come again Preben?

Attached: 1+ Helmet.jpg (256x259, 62K)

did he forget to put a bullet in the chamber? was that shit even an actual gun?

It makes sense since shia and sunnis kill each each other.

the virgin hitman

Wait what, for fuck sake how do you miss that?
Plus he's so fucking obvious with that helmet, why couldn't he just normally walk towards her and then shoot.

Fucking retard.

This is the first time that guy has ever held a pistol or shot a guy

Worst hitman ever, so lanky and awkward

>holding the slide while firing
>missing at 1 metre
>racking the slide for no reason

she didn't get shot ',: ^/

Were there even bullets being fired?

Why didn't he just tackle her and shoot her in the floor

he probably wouldn't have been able to tackle her to the floor, he would either push her a bit as she stepped backwards or just get dodged completely

>wears a helmet that doesn't actually hide his face
>could have shot her from behind, instead he pulled the gun in front of her
>can't even hold the gun properly
how did a guy like this buy a pistol with a silencer and not get scammed?

Is that even a legit gun? Silencer looks 4x as big kek

She got shot in the arm. But managed to run away and survived.

>Plus he's so fucking obvious with that helmet
It's the norm here. A guy on a scooter passing by and pew pew.

why even bother with a silencer
mafia hitmen used to unload AK47's in broad daylight here

Should've hired a Surinamese, he would do it better.

He wanted her dead, not pregnant.

Never heard of a Surinamese hitman

It's mostly Moroccans and Dutch Antilleans killing eachother

We have no Surinamese mobsters. They are too busy eating and sleeping.

Found the manlet.

It's Europe la, these amateurs don't know the first thing about murder.

They're little known in the north here, although most of them just get killed by Venezuelan and Brazilian low-tier mobsters anyway.


We also have Indonesian-Dutch biker gangs. Indonesians and Moroccans don't get along.

Is this why Europeans are not allowed to have guns?

>be American
>call the police
>get shot

>be Dutch
>get targeted by a hitman
>don't get shot
Really sprinkles my wrinkles.

Cool initiation.

>ruined SA/SO run

Despite their big crime statistics Surinamese people aren’t associated with crime here, which is an Antillean-Moroccan business.

lmao I'm sure than your average American would do a better job

Is Suriname the same as French Guyana when it comes to immigrating to Netherlands? Like if they're born there they can just move "back" to Netherlands?


Attached: Screenshot_20181113-174603__01.jpg (203x188, 13K)


No it gets no special treatment. They even need a lengthy visa procedure to visit as a tourist

Worst Hitman of all time desu

The Netherlands has a pretty bad political relation with Suriname since both their president and his son are on our most wanted list.

Damn euros are dying left and right this week

Is it even a real gun? wtf?

I'm not really surprised this happens in Noord-Brabant, but why?

No that's the funny part, the dude only managed to scrape her arm

The only problem here is the hitman is shit at his job

kek what

yeah there would unironically be too much collateral damage from poor marksmanship

They use their diplomatic immunity to smuggle drugs. The CIA actually apprehended Bouterse's son and he's in US prison now.
As for the president of Suriname, he's a former Dutch soldier send to Suriname to help the decolonization process but instead staged a coupe, killed his opposition members and from there on ran a textbook banana republic.

You should read his son's wikipedia profile in Dutch. A quick summary goes like this
>Dino Bouters, son of Surinamese president Desi Bouterse and former head of the anti-terrorism unit of Suriname is now in prison on charges of assisting Hezbollah and drug trafficking.
Also before that he was caught smuggling drugs and guns into Curacao under a false identity.

based surinamese warlord

>Could have got a headshot at point blank if he had done it before she turned around
>Waits till she turns around
>Then pulls out the gun and start shooting when she runs
Could have been waiting to confirm identity but honestly this dude is obviously bad.

El presidente

Attached: 170px-Desi_Bouterse[1].jpg (170x303, 19K)

Wtf he botched the shit out of it

Europoors shouldn't do crime

This is what the niggerlands is like these days

Attached: doelwit-liquidatie-staatsliedenbuurt-aangehouden[1].jpg (1280x720, 142K)

>moroccans killing moroccans

as if that is bad

Also this one is even better, they start shooting at a cafe and suddenly one of the people inside starts shooting back from the kitchen.
Keep in mind this kind of gun ownership is completely banned in the Netherlands.

Obviously no one should do crime.
But the thing is there are thoroughly unintelligent people who get a rise out of it and enjoy/choose to do it.
So what are you gonna do about it?

This looks more like prank than murder to me.

>Amsterdam is in the Netherlands
Good joke.