TFW economically leftist, socially conservative

TFW economically leftist, socially conservative.

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gas yourself

How rude

Based and truely redpilled



We have a bunch of boomers like that, that vote for the socialist party but are homophobic etc.

it's called national socialism btw \o


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neoliberal cuck

>economically leftist
what do you mean by this?

Nazis weren't socialists

neoliberal cuck

I salute you, my overweight friend

based and redpilled

Not really, traditional corporatism (Portugal’s term) would be better fitted

>economically liberal
That’s even worse than being socially liberal

Based and redpilled.
Fuck neocons, fuck neolibs, fuck gommies and fuck nazis.

But he didn’t say that

>economically liberal
that'd be on the right m8

Liberal and left is not the same for economy. If you are pro state-owned infrastructure you're definitely not liberal

economically left isn't "state owned" either,
economically left is the abolition of private property.



>TFW economically leftist, socially conservative.
truly the most based and self-centered political leaning

how am I wrong exactly?

Black people in America do this a lot

but you don't have socialist candidates in the USA

>nazis weren't socialists
strasserists were

yes, but get real, the ones we call Nazis today obviously are not, you know, Hitler, Bormann, Göring, Himmler, Goebbels, Eichmann, etc, they were all against communism.


But I don't know how to identify myself without using the words "National Socialist" or "fascist", both of which have bad connotations

national bolshevism.

And look at what it got them.

TFW economically leftist, socially leftist.

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Because you’re talking about literal gommunism while we’re all obviously talking about leftist economics in a capitalist system

fair enough i guess

the admiration of white trash everywhere

socialism is the left, capitalism is the right.
if you talk about the left within capitalism then that's not "economically leftist", it's literally centrism.

yeah I mean, those I mentioned are the ones we all associate Nazism with, and they literally killed Strasser and the rest of the socialists in the party in the night of the long knives.

Seriously, if in 2018 you're anything but a Libertarian you are a literal leftist which means you either dislike freedom or you are an economically and socially illiterate brainlet (perhaps both).

if you think leftism is anti freedom and economically stupid, then I'm afraid you're the brainlet.

You may be literally retarded please get your head checked

>non argument
do you have something to say, a counter argument?
or are you going to just insult like a mongoloid?

>if you don’t like living in a corporate oligarchy you’re dumb

im cringing @ u atm t.b.h.

My counter argument is that your brain is stuck on political association and incapable of recognizing that there are rightist and leftist forms of capitalism. Leftist capitalism includes state or mixed public/private companies as well as subsidies and social security for the population. It does not mean gommunism. There is also rightist and leftist economic views IN gommunism but it’s a completely different economic system, and you’re an absolute brainlet if you think all “left economics” are gommunism

libertarianism is exactly what we have in the US over the last twenty years and its getting out of control

fags can all get married and cut their dicks off and banks and corporations can do whatever the fuck they want

>Leftist capitalism includes state or mixed public/private companies as well as subsidies and social security for the population.
I know, this is literally centrism

>and you’re an absolute brainlet if you think all “left economics” are gommunism
all left economics are socialism.

I love how you insulted me and then went on to show you're a fucking mongoloid

>libertarianism is what we have in the US
nice strawman you literal retard


it's not a strawman, I don't think you know what it is, it's not even close to being a strawman.
it's just wrong.

That's good but you could go further

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Ah yes the average Macri supporter. In no way an out of touch elite.

and what the fuck made you think I'm an out of touch elite or a Macri supporter at all?
I'm the first one you linked to btw

>using our broken as fuck system as an example of libertarianism so he can shitpost
it's a strawman