
Moni's next trim edition

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where’s alan


first indian itt

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penis FUCKER

destroying a northerner

Saw a girl I shagged when the fire alarm went off at Uni lads lmao

Where's your poppy mate?

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A toast! To us, the NEETs!

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just got mogged by the slagposter

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white people have gone too far this time


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alri smelly brown rapist haha

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how fast were you shagging to set off the fire alarm bloody hell ahah

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Does anyone here get 8 hours of interrupted sleep but get really sleepy in the afternoon? How do I fix this?

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How'd you lads get on in sunday league this weekend?

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which one of you bitches wants to dance?


fuck OFF

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lost £5

What's your diet like
Do you consume caffeine
Do you regularly exercise
so many questions I could ask you

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wonder how many hillbillies are left
never hear about them any more, completely forgot they existed until that dumpster shooting video emerged

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drink more coffee

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Drink more water and get a dildo

Who We Be is the GOAT rap song

Not enough

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chastity locks for little white cocks

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i get this as well the best option is just to drink a coffee late afternoon or smthn

>EU and UK negotiators have agreed a withdrawal agreement text, RTE reports

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gf sent me this

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Marcus Hauser

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yeah I sometimes have an afternoon nap if I'm not doing anything

I'm working nights over Christmas and I can't adjust my sleep pattern properly it is horrible, on the weekend I end up sleeping for like 12 hours

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They're around.

Gj I have a big un

let me guess, britain gets shafted

dope ass bowlcuts

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>"A French army is composed very differently from ours. The conscription calls out a share of every class — no matter whether your son or my son — all must march; but our British soldiers — I may say it in this room — are the very scum of the earth. People talk of their enlisting from their fine military feeling — all stuff — no such thing. Some of our men enlist from having got bastard children — some for minor offences — many more enlist for drink; but you can hardly conceive such a set brought together. I don't know what effect these men will have upon the enemy, but, by God, they frighten me!"
–The Duke of Wellington

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invertebrate PM with no kids, She doesn't gaf

how do people that look like they can roll faster than they can run have no shame in public displays like this

i guess everything complicated gets pushed indefinitely into the future

the gf is very underweight but also has diabetes so it's hard for her to gain weight


Please give us back to the ROI, we'd appreciate it thanks

... horrible onerous slug ... commenting on my videos ... selfie ...

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They like the attention.

is that the king of the norf in the webm?

they remind us of their existence every two years in america

Does Tim really have grown kids?

Rich coming from a Yank

stuff her with your big willy and spaff big loads inside her mouth. make sure she swallows. forced this diet on my gf, she gained 5 kgs, all in her arse. absolutely perfect

all men and stacies should be arrested and kept in detainment camps until we figure out what's wrong with them

I'm Buzz Lightyear! I cum in pies!

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Well, /brit/?

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British history is essentially a small privileged elite of Norman aristocracy ruling over an inbred, violent horde of Saxon-Celt brutes

this established order has managed to be effective enough to rule the world. Gentlemen and thuggery, the British way.

hes just a high-ranking official from the kingdom of the norf-east midlunds' court

damn... never thought about it that way

shut up

Tim's long lost son

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CEO advice needs "be exceptionally lucky" in between starting a business and hustling 80 hours a week

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why does lip balm burn my lips

>retire at age 35
But nobody does that.

Isn't Musk dating a hobgoblin now? Can't imagine the state of their future kids

third time today

Is it too late at 22 to make something of myself and turn my life around

Still live at home. Feel like I'll be working in Tesco for the rest of my life and that makes me want to jump off a bridge onto the M1

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This reply leaves me with a condundrum
I could reply with a joke about how we're rich and can afford dental, but I don't think the low effort novelty of the retort would be funny enough
just jog on yeah?

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Do you lads sometimes not wank for a few days so that when you do wank it feels better?

George Bernard Shaw didn't write his first play until 40

lots of good jobs at tesco

Nah you've got plenty of time before it's too late


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egg nogger

PC gone mad

make it yourself you virgin

who do you think you are

Why are European leaders so chidless?


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>self improvement books

what possible insight can such trite behold?


ahh yes, thanks Einstein

your gf fogging other lads' gfs is more important than you mogging other lads

Why do people think like this? Not at all a nonce but age (outside of highschool) is -mostly- just a number

fuck off Jamie

I don't even wank.

serving your country requires sacrifice

sometimes when I play the sims I'll make two versions of myself, one perfect and one grotesque, then make the perfect one go into the pool and I'll remove the ladder so the perfect version of me drowns as the disgusting ugly version of myself survives

because they're either sadcase career politicians or weirdos who have an old lady for a wife

some kinda superstar

when is it too late?


lmao good one