0xdogecoin just released!!



This coin was released just a few hours ago. Compare the stats for 0xdogecoin to 0xBTC:


Estimated Hashrate: 24.02 Mh/s


Estimated Hashrate: 6.85 Th/s

Questions you may have:

>is 0xdogecoin ASIC compatible?

Yes! 0xdogecoin believes in chilling out and giving everyone a fair shot, so yes, you can use any ASICs you have to mine this coin! But be quick, people are discovering 0xdogecoin VERY. QUICKLY.

Remember what 0xBTC did with its price? Imagine being in at the ground floor for 0xBTC. That is the opportunity that is being presented to you RIGHT NOW. There are literally private discord members who were planning on mining this coin for weeks first before telling you guys, but now, you get to be in on the ground floor IMMEDIATELY!

Don't miss out on this excellent chance!!

Attached: 0xdogecoin.png (300x300, 25K)

This is disgusting

By the way, to prove this is the first time you've heard of this, search up "0xdoge" and "0xdogecoin" in the Jow Forums archive.

You are literally getting in at GROUND FLOOR with a project that is projected to have GREATER growth than 0xBTC.

Only this time, you're getting to know about this WEEKS before you learned about 0xBTC.

Don't miss this opportunity!

You don't have to buy anything! Just set your computer to mine it, and coast on the dogecoins!

I love Dogecoin and I love 0xbitcoin, but this is just disgusting.

0xBTC can coexist with 0xdogecoin. We can all be friends bro. Right? We can draw attention to the mined coins like hoops

no thanks i’ll wait for 0xNGR


Exactly! You can buy 0xBTC and mine 0xdogecoin!

But better be quick: Those low hashrates won't be around forever!

As you can see in the pic, due to him getting in early, one guy already owns 1/3rd of all of 0xdogecoin, but it's not too late!

Get in NOW!

Attached: f.png (271x125, 25K)

>add private key to miner ini
Nah, I'm good

You can't buy it yet, but it'll be on exchanges soon enough! It is expected that 0xdogecoin will eventually surpass 0xBTC, so make sure to start mining right away!

ASICs are fully welcome in our community!

this is literally a scam

I'm unable to mine it ATM. I will buy, sir, when available!

It's only a scam if you think 0xBTC is a scam!

By then it will have already pulled a 20x, so oh well. Your loss!

youre not even trying, this is 5 year old kid shilling

also, 0xBTC is actually useful, your token is shit

That IS a scam but at least they sound halfway legit. But this is used car salesman scammy, you even sound like one too.


both are scam

Correlation =/= causation

So it costs a dollar or two each time you get paid to even receive funds thanks to gas? Nice meme, Eth and anything on it seems doomed.


so bad

>see 0xCate coming popular
>truly a dogecoin for minable eth tokens
>devise a shitty plan
>Hurr get in at ground floor

If you want a meme alternative for 0xBtc, get 0xCate. It's still 200-400k market cap but with 4-7 eth daily volume.

bmw soon?

You sound mad.

Are you one of the early miners who was going to mine in secret then dump your bags on everyone three weeks later?

Not this time.

yeah that's literally my plan what am i gonna do now?

yeah great all i get is
Warning! Error encountered during contract execution [Reverted]

wand waste the transaction fee

>its the same discord group that tried to shill 0xbitcoin

Attached: 1522404855246.gif (360x254, 2.58M)

When will the "It's the coin you love on Ethereum network!" meme die?

basically there is an unlimited amount of normies
so not 4 a loooong time

How mine?

Can anyone explain how to mine this for a total retard?

have over 100K 0xDogeNow

How to mine this pls? can I mine on a macbook?

How to mine pls sirs? Can I mine on calico vision?

>projected to have GREATER growth than 0xBTC.
By who, you?

this place really is run down by pajeets huh
absolute state of Jow Forums


Time to launch 0x0x


to much effort

got my oxdoge now 200K plus

so I am happy

Loving these pajeet shitcoins, especially when the "devs" pretty much just release the miners for windows. FOR FUCKING WINDOWS!

When you want to build this absolute shit stain for a decent person's OS all you get is an AMD miner with absolutely 0 compatibility with NVIDIA.


Attached: Screenshot_20180604-122608.jpg (960x352, 28K)

launch with a pool or this shit is just a pathetic gas orphan race