We are all the same bruh

we are all the same bruh

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If you pick right you're a faggot

incels rise up

is the one on the right supposed to be the left's granddaughter or something?

I would definitely procreate with the human female in your pic

I'm Proud to be a faggot.

no, she's a lebanese woman.

This nis why Jow Forumstard have another version of this picture where she is cropped and replaced by le blonde beauty because you as it stands it really is just a pro arab picture lmao

>you're ugly so that means you aren't a human

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she's half indian and half lebanese

indian dad and lebanese mom

they are not related

>ethnic lebs are Arabs

Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly runs to the bone

Abbos got to be the ugliest race

yes, ethnic lebs are literally levant arabs

besides, this woman is indian/leb so not even a full

regardless, she has nothing to do with europeans genetically

This is actually what most women believe. Ugly guys aren't actually human in their eyes.

holy shit Jow Forumsbros...this cherrypicked image truly convinced me black people aren’t human...wtf i love poland now

abbos literally arent homo sapien. they are of full neantherthal descent.

she's not black, retard

You wish. Lebanese women belong to Big French Cock.

>abbos literally arent homo sapien. they are of full neantherthal descent.

no you boomer lol

no human race except the caucasians mixed with the neanderthals, european caucasians have the highest neanderthal admixture

abos are descendants of SA hunter gatherers that ended up in down under

they are surely in two different phases of shitskinnery

what do you mean ""you wish"" ? this girl is literally half indian half lebanese

and no, french people are usually ugly as fuck + manlets

levantines on the other hand are one of the most attractive ethnicities

asians have neanderthal admixture as well

>being this retarded

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>he wrote that in a thread where men are dehumanizing a woman for being ugly

ugly girls get orbited on Jow Forums. look as agatha on r9k