Do the germanic south african Boers hold a special place in your heart?

Do the germanic south african Boers hold a special place in your heart?

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Not particularly

Das angloamerikanische Ungetüm...

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God she is perfect

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How long until the black South Africans lynch her?

Wish we'd killed all the boers t bh



Her boyfriend is black lol.

They're our distant cousins so we should, but in reality no one really gives a fuck.

no fuck them

im glad the UK is becoming browner every year.

Is it true that Belgium is the most racist shithole in western Europe?

if only

Send them all to the US

if it's not belgium, which country is it?

why? i dont even know them

i have to agree.

why the fuck would we want racist white trash afrikaners here? it's bad enough that retarded band die antwoord or whatever the fuck they're called has popularity here

oh they're racist? sure they can stay with me.

I'd say the difference between Western-Euro countries are rather limited. Go to Poland if you're that desperate to get lynched.

I have already been to Poland. What's interesting is that the racism there is based on gender largely.

The women are quite nice. I fucked two Polish women too. The men on the other hand are racist ogres...very stupid ones for that matter.

White South Africans are anglo, boers are just larping coloureds

what's the offspring of all the anglo women getting dicked by brown and black dicks considered?

Yeah that reminds me of the time I went to Europe, fucked 8 girls in every country and the soyboy men just cried euro tears

Boers need to be wiped out.

coloureds i guess because they're mixed race

White South Africans also need to be culled.

Google Maps and pornhub don't count, user.

Yeah dudes. Same. I went to Europe and fucked 12 bitches in a week.

If by 'special place' you mean concentration camps, yeah

Hypocritical wankers who have emigrated en masse EXCLUSIVELY to Anglo countries but never stop talking about how much they hate Britain.

you're a bit of a cunt to be honest

Well you can understand where the hate comes from.

You stole the colonies, treated us like second clasd citizens to the point where we fled, then followed us to declare a war, got brfo'd. Then found out we discovered diamonds and your jew tendencies grew so much as to declare a second war.

The largest empire in the world versus the two smallest republics in the world. Got so btfo'd that you even armed black tribesmen to fight dispite shipping in thousands of soldiers.

Then when you couldn't handle losing you went into scorched earth mode and burnt down every farm you see, placed women, children and older people in concentration camps.

Then tried to force those afrikaners to join the allied during ww2 and was surprised when they sided with the Germans.

Fast forward to apartheid and you guys are in the forefront of the anti resistance movement, pouring media attention from Britain and the French which streams in to the entire world. And when apartheid ended they picked up their bags and left.

Can you really judge us for being a little salty about all the shit they've done?

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Anti-Apartheid resistance movement*

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You litterally forced the natives into slums and genocided khoisan

They are more muttified than us

Is it true rich whites have litterally faced no punnishment despite being the ones behind apartheid?

Do you mean homelands?

No slums with barbed wire fences and litteral trash heeps for homes


This isn't America, the khoisan integrated into the western world after being exposed by the easier living conditions due to the technology, and the bantu located on the eastern side of South Africa were never waged war against until they betrayed their leader shaka and then murdered our leaders. It was never a genocide on our part but a tribal genocide on their part. Look up the mfecane. Pretty ironic that an American would be the one to judge native genocide though. You clearly don't know our history then.

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wtf does that even mean?

Maybe the Greueltat, which is an abhorrent deed.

Apartheid was introduced into South Africa by the British rule after the second boer war, and this system got won over by the afrikaners after the British lost there presence in parlement due to ww2. After the end of WW2 and the start of the cold war, the communist threar was in full force throughout Africa. Castro and his commie friends were operating everywhere in Southern Africa and the south african military was used to fight the rise of communism in Africa as a second hand to America's forces, with them funding us.

Now after the wars ended the focus was on South Africa, the ANC and its other rebellion groups were funded and trained with military tactics by the USSR and also secretly funded by the swedes and other humanitarian agencies who sought to support human rights even if it meant by force (ironic i know).

Apartheid was never just the oppression of blacks, it also entangled with the fight against communism when everyone was forced to fight in a war.

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Well because the black population saw a massive population boom. South Africa had apartheid but it was still better than the rest of Africa so immigration (illegal) became a massive thing. That introduced with the fact that black culture allows 5+ children per woman made it impossible to keep up. Modern medicine also stopped them from dying at their usual rate because despite being the apartheid government, they still built the largest hospital in africa for them and in various places. (i know, fuck me right)

Townships grew around the cities because they built it, and this couldn't continue because the areas were needed for industrial development. So what do you do? Get rid of the illegal houses and place them into set districts. Unless you can give me a better alternative to overpopulated illegal areas.

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They're only for KARA BOGA's sexual needs

Reminder concentration camps were invented by britoids during the 1st boer war

Never forget Boer genocide

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