
Do you love Pakistan?

Attached: Pakistan-Map-Showing-Provinces-and-Capital-Cities.jpg (1358x1078, 106K)

Why do claim jammu and leh?

> Srinagar
But that's in India. As in, India gets its taxes, Indian police patrol the streets, Indian laws are in effect, its sports teams play in the Indian system...

again,disputed territory according to UN
indians crying otherwise dont change it
beaides both of us havw nukes so its fair game

It still surprises me until this day that there are Pakistani posters on Jow Forums because media always report how chaotic it is right there because of Bin Laden

there arent many of us
you could count number of paki posters on your two hands

That's understandable since Pakistan doesn't teach English as its second language unlike us.

It still surprises me until this day that there are Filippino posters on Jow Forums because media always report how chaotic it is right there because of Dueterte

I can understand Kashmir.But why would you want Jammu an Leh when they are Hindu and Buddhist majority?

The country is chaotic but it's not being bombed and invaded by Americans unlike Pakistan

dunno,its just included in the area pakistan claims

mate pakistan is a lot calmer than phillipines
you guys have violent crime like brazil,
not over here,except sindh

i think paki girls are kinda pretty

Philippines is a travel-restricted country officially designated by South Korean government.

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What do the colours mean? I have met a lot of Koreans in Delhi

man this map made me realise how tiny both koreas combined are,
how much does land cost there?

Blue is safe, yellow is Ukraine tier and red is Paki tier.

and black=death?

well I only know about Jow Forums because on an old American fiend who I worked with me when I was in the Navy
initially went to Jow Forums

Nepal is pretty safe though.

Nepal is yellow...fuck this shit!

IDK the reason to come to like Pakistan.

Their commies like to kill Indians but I have never heard about anything else unsafe in Nepal especially nothing that can be unsafe for Koreans.

because of indian bobs and vagane!
just kidding:\ cause we're different with japs we're nothing like sheeps we just act like we want to so we do not gives a shit about our government warning even we're the largest foreign visitors in philippines

Fucking expensive. Usually, most of the twenty/thirty South Korean young people can not buy his/her own house.

>Their commies like to kill Indians
i know nepalis hate indians especially guys from bihar and u.p

then do they live on the street or something?
how do they get shelter then?

chinese here, the answer is an obvious yes
but please stop making stupid threads or we will be financing India instead.

They're chill, have frens from paki, but they as a country really need to sort their shit out.

Just Rent.

There are a lot more posting under European flags

we have a real tiny territory if my knowledge is not wrong, south korea's territory is the smallest among the regional powers and g20 countries

diaspora does not count

Yes, we do. Whether you like it or not, we are Peak Performance Pakistanis. Get over it.

most in pakistan dont even know anything of the internet beyond facebook
so obviously posters with the paki flag will be the ones that count considering the vastly smaller number
the diaspora are living in western countries so obviously they would know about this stuff

WE count as Pakistani. We are not wh*Toids.

GET over it.

>Bin Laden

Why didn't SSG or the army just raid Bin Laden and kill him?

yes, with a passion.

such a shame. nepalis love korean culture and there's been a heavy hallyu wave going through young nepali teenagers.

Basically Muslim India but nothing much is famous about Pakistan in Japan I guess

That sounds really comfy. You still keep in contact? Do you think the future of your cunt is good or nah? Also how old are you?

>Implying they weren't harboring him
Pakistan and the US have a love hate relationship, but they have nukes so we have to be careful. It's part of the reason we can't leave Afghanistan really cuz then the Taliban could just form an ISIS style caliphate in the tribal Pashtun areas of Afghanistan and Pakistan; cept. they'd have potential access to nuclear weapons so it's not an option for us.

Because this whole conflict is about territory. Their government doesn't give a fuck about the people or their religion, regardless of how much propaganda is published.

Leftist brainlets in India will tell you that Kashmir should be handed over to Pakistan because muh religion. Guess what - the moment that's done, Pakistan will start demanding Punjab and Haryana.

nah we probably would just let the sikhs have indian punjab

Pakistan sponsored the ethnic cleansing of Kashmiri Hindus for decades. Jammu and Kashmir has had a Muslim plurality for 150+ years but the current absolute Muslim majority is because of ethnic cleansing and terrorism sponsored by Pakistan.

Indian Punjab is 50% Hindu. And 30% of Punjabi Sikhs in India live outside Punjab.

Indian state of Punjab is majority Sikh, but the Punjab region in India is majority Hindu.

>Paris gets a different designation than the rest of France

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