Shill me

i got .7eth left on idex
shill me your idex gems
include a coin pic
keep it short (time is money)
if your shill sounds familiar i sage

Attached: idez.png (147x65, 3K)

0xbitcoin, ez

> memorable name
> 6mil cap
> regular coin burns
> 1000 eth of market buys in 12 hrs, only 200 of sells
> going to pop and moon

Attached: peculium.png (357x103, 48K)

GET Protocol
>solves scalping

Attached: 2354.png (32x32, 973)


Couchain is on discount right now, invacio or Babb/bax. I'm invested in all.


Literally nothing there is going up at the moment...

EXRN. At 15 gwei, getting to 30 gwei is an ez pz x2.

>manages to screenshot the IDEX logo with his cursor over it.
Great job on this, seriously.

Unironically this

OMX, just added to Coinbene also.

IGNX, incoming airdrop for holders

0xbtc 3 million market cap first mineable ethereum token, fair distribution scaleable tx times with ehtereum, ability to interact with ethereum contracts.

UBT. Let Datadash shill it for you to his 300,00 youtube subscribers

people on biz literally do not deserve it, i can't wait to laugh when it explodes and the fomo starts

Attached: chill.jpg (626x546, 26K)

80% down from ICO
easy one.

Upcoming coinburn next week and one week after that Airdrop

Pchain (PAI)

Attached: IMG_20180601_224245_270.jpg (1182x1280, 85K)

BBO BigBom, only for those with big balls.

1 to 1 airdrop incoming for their health token. They didnt run ICO either

IOTX (iotex)

This month (June) they are:
- Launching testnet
- Getting listed on a new exchange (HADAX, aka Huobi 2.0)
- Releasing their masternodes yellow paper

No one even knows that this is a masternode coin yet. MArketcap is $50m, easy 2-5x

>No one even knows that this is a masternode coin yet. MArketcap is $50m, easy 2-5x

yeah..with in next month they realse additional circ every month, yes it do 2-5x mcap but not in price. only retards like you buy with out doing any homework.

0xBTC, IOTX. forget everything else user

iotex is good but price would increase but their mcap will due to shitload of supply coming to circ every month.

price wont increase but thier mcap will..kek

Market cap of this baby ?

Ok , around 33 milions

Morph coinburn and airdop

babb, they got listed on kucoin some days ago but will moon when they get their license.

Attached: babb.jpg (240x240, 6K)

No idea what it does, but it keeps dipping, so you're already buying 33% below my price.

RLX. 1:1 airdrop coming this month with RLXH (just keep it in mew/metamask to qualify). Also a rebranding, not even on cmc yet. under 10m marketcap. Anti pajeet coin, SEC approved and legit, transparent team. Seriously this is a nobrainer. Sell in a month if you must


Attached: infernal thug.gif (320x318, 765K)


0xBTC, best risk/reward in crypto


>Price dropping -27.22%

top kek

Unironically this, 0xBTC can't even scam you since devs have no more control.

Shits a no brainer, basicially giving away free money to holders left and right.

0xbtc just try and FUD it

for .7 ETH?
buy a shitload of DTRC and wait

Morpheus. Smart contract platform to automate supply chain work contracts, shipping & customs documents, and automated international payments. Plus they have external blockchain layering, and a permissioned structure.

Top level team members all have 10+ years of experience in supply chain - their team leader is an ex-DHL CEO.

Attached: LOGO.png (742x586, 51K)

already airdropped equivalent of 1k already to people holding. no warning or nothing. out of the hundreds of those who received that airdrop, only like 30 have sold. that says something about the kind of people who are holding.

Shopin, ticker is SHOP. -50% off private presale price. listed yesterday or the day before that or so. long term absolute gem.

ORI 1 mil marketcap working product and customers, demo site up, etc.