Jibrel Network

Ehm....guys? Wtf is wrong with this project

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ur mom

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The sheikh - who was pumping the price - understood that Talal was dumping on him. Talal is running for his life as we speak.


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nice cup and handle

What makes you think something's wrong with it? Looks like a decent project to me.

yes accumulation which is why price has tanked nearly 50% since the pump

stay deluded jiblet

What do you like so far? I only see more and more red flags over red flags

Unbank the banked or something along those lines...

Simple math

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rumors are sweeping dubai and the uae that disaster has struck the jibrel network. the catering for the sheikh's birthday party was a disaster when it was discovered that yazan had ordered in non halal food for the party. a fight ensued between the sheikh's father and the jibrel team. food was thrown everywhere and threats of the seed partnership money being withdrawn. the party was then called off, leaving the sheikh crying and very disturbed. after the dust (and sand) had settled and the jibrel team had returned to their hq, talal discovered that someone had sabotaged his special jBouncy castle, having sliced through the material with a knife. talal has spoken to the jTeam about this and he says his suspicions lay with the sheikh's dad who was furious about what had happened earlier. i'm really concerned for the future of jibrel at this point and i hope that everyone can make up and become good friends again. let's hope.

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Bon jour Jibbels, Thanks for the "fud" ... yes, good point, "when upswing?" ... actually, technically, yes, we are "overdue" for the 2nd leg (c-d) of that power move ... nonetheless, slightly disappointed because, of course, it's entertaining to watch while we wait for the BIG "reward" ... the positive point is that the sell-off was / has been done on very low volume, a good sign, although, now, especially, with all the great work that DEAR DADDY TAL and STOIC BUT FINE-LOOKING UNCLE YAZ have created, it's time to explore the exotic "realm of 0,75", a very lovely, beautiful, and solemn timless wonderful state-of-pocket ... a realm with incredible *cough* financial *cough* enabling powers ... let's see ... let's see ... ;)))

Hans and his autism. You will never generate financial freedom for your next generations

More like bank the banked

I'm fucking tired of these TG shitposters.

"Mommmmyyyy JNT is a boring hold. :((( I hold since 4 months and nothing happen yet. I feel the urge to shitpost. :(("

These 2017 newfag fuckers should just sell, they will never make it with a such attitude.

No worries user, I know coming too ;)

>No worries user, I know ***what's*** coming too ;)

Oh it's the TG retard
>Binance 24th
>Bithumb 20th

Get out you faggot nothing is happening.

B....but inside info was leaking and people bought, right?
Low volume dump isn't as bad as we thought, right?

Part of me wants Jibrel to fail just to see the exact moment when Hans realizes he's totally fucked

Nothing is happening yet you still hold right? ;)

What happened to 9am wallet user? Dead like the project?

bump, where are you bro?

i did post and give an update in a thread with Bin Laden pic, if someome finds the thread just copy and paste it

Lol even 9am wallet user is a disguised terrorist now. Fuck this whole project

I started the Bin Laden thread, sold my ven (too early though), bought more Link and now trying to buy more JNT.
JNT - high risk, high reward. Will continue to fud/have fun.

Since like the Sand 5-10 people keep fudding JNT from day to day. Could we so sth like a peace week.

I have only this to say: in my honest opinion, JNT is a much riskier prospect, than say, Ven, but the relative upside is multiple times higher. It's just that I have such a small folio that I need to go high risk to make it.
Tried flipping Ven, but got caught by this pump of yesterday, so gave up.
I wouldn't consider bouncy castle stuff fud, though.

i wouldnt sell VEN ever, but thats just me
best of luck to you though and hope you make bank

I am holding a medium 6 digits amount in JNT alone...but this FUD is getting out of control.

I am really worried about suicide user

he didn't kill himself

yet. Till he realises that JNT is useless

I am about to triple down on my JNT stack with fresh fiat money - should i do it?

do it

buy some rope, some envelopes and some stamps, post all JNT hodlers rope, i think we might need it

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