You live near your cunt's border

>You live near your cunt's border
>You saw pic related
What will you do?

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See how they trash the food and water my fellow countrymen gave them because they want pizza and sodas
Clean their shit mess after their leave, pick up the brand new donated clothes they trashed cause they didn't like them.

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Look for the biggest qt in there and take her with me.
Let the rest march on (not like there is anything I could do against it anyways)

I say, they do the jobs we don't want for less but I am a socialist, overpopulation is bad for the environment but we need more people, we need them for foreign food but cheesey french fries are the best because they are canadian.... welcome future inhabitants of Earth. I don't see borders because I do all my grocery shoping in the states.

open fire

I burn them'all with my flamthrower

give them buses to reach g*rmany faster and safer

Watch how they turn around once they realise where they are.

Mag dump

Let them in, we're all part of the human race anyway.

Attached: CHE GUEVARA 1.jpg (623x908, 171K)

Kind of based

okay, this is based

but che hated niggers

>runs out of ammunition/fuel
what will you do now

start throwing rocks

>the grass is always greener on the other side
it's literal and you have no rocks within the perimeter
what will you do now

who the fuck would want to come here?

Give them cellphones programmed to explode withing 2 weeks.


they sold it away at flea market


those are 99% male teenagers

He hated niggers, not blacks. After all half of Cubans are black. As in, he organised the revolution in Cuba, he lived through hell, committed and witnessed terrible atrocities in Sierra Maestra, then he's shipped to Africa and finds out that the average Angolan/Congolese wants none of the hardships of revolutionary war and all of the perks of counterfeit alcohol and qt female captives. He *tried* to mold the African coon into the socialist New Man and became frustrated.