Yes or No? and why i guess.
Investing In Bullion
if you don't wanna make money, go ahead
If you need to hedge, yes. But it wont give you an significant ROI. Just a store of value.
its not investment.
think of it like insurance!
All precious metals are going to 0 within the next 50 years because of asteroid mining. There's enough platinum in one medium sized asteroid to fill all of earth's demand for the next 100 years.
long-term it can only go up
what else would you recommend then
>long-term it can only go up
yeah but it doesn't really hold against inflation.
gains are gains, but i do see your point.
real estate is known to increase value over inflation by on average 1% annually unlike gold which really looks like it's losing value especially in the past 30 years.
damn shame that real estate is so goddamn expensive where i live... maybe i can weasel my way into my grandfather's will and get some land when he dies though, we'll see i guess
thanks for the advice user
>what else would you recommend then
depends with pocket money just go have a blast in the cryptosphehere hold btc for a few years if you have nothing better to do. with a couple of ten grands you can invest in stocks and bonds you can go into vanguard gradually building up your portfolio in 15 years there will be a point where you can cash out very well.
god damn gold bars are fucking aestethic i want one just because
one thing you can do with pm coins, buy limited edition series coins when they come out. they got quiet a premium on them you will eel like bleeding out of your ass, but in a few years if you chose well they will increase in value for collectors greatly. if you have to sell them at ounce you will wish you were never born tho.
you have no returns, no cash flow, so you cannot call that investment.
Gold is just like any mined crypto except it can be confiscated and it is a pain in the ass to move.
and it also has an unlimited supply in the universe and pretty unlimited on planet earth alone.
Investing in Bullies, Yes or No? and why i guess.
No, you can make more money on bonds. They are great if you like collecting, but that's it. Don't believe the apocalypse meme; people are going to kill and steal.
Mother fucking USC bullies are the worst.
if you have the ability to drill down to the semi liquid mantle and then filter the lava, theoretically it can be done, with magnetic membranes, also you can do that on the bottom of the sea with the same membranes, witch are not yet "invented" for the plebs, then gold and any other heavy material is in much abundance on this inner planet.
If you don't have the testosterone for crypto, but gold like an old man.
brass will be worth more than gold in the apocalypse we all know that.
i'm just saying gold mining rates are increasing polynomially and there is no stopping in sight.
meanwhile most crypto is designed to be a scarce asset.
>insanely massive gold plates found miles under africa
>price of gold now 100 dollars /oz
>we iz kangz now
you only find gold near vulcanos nigg nogg.
sure, you can have milion more mines, but that will not cut into the price of gold.
The price is a derivative of this scenario: You pay me X or you go and mine it yourself.
So even if you had many mines, the gold price still will be around the "cost" of mining it. More mines will not make it cheaper as it is dependent on oil price and labor.
Mining cryptos are the same, you pay me X or you go and mine it.
Non mining cryptos that are not related to the real world and all scams.
That is why BTC has a bottom and link does not !
At least one user who did his research about gold.
Pic related
You are looking forward to astorid mining too, aight?
>but that will not cut into the price of gold.
of course it does
>derivative of this scenario
>the gold price still will be around the "cost" of mining it
it's clearly not. also silver is sold under the silver mines operating cost for an ounce for a long time now.
gold derives it's value from it's rareness the rate of human population change in relation to the rate of productions change determines the price movements long term. the secondary market also puts a huge downward pressure on gold price (because it does increase the trade volume many fold) and financial uncertainty or panic usually increases the demand and shoots the price up.
>cryptos are the same, you pay me X or you go and mine it.
again not how markets work. the newly mined bitcoins are so small in relation to existing coins that their supply does not meaningfully alter the price at any moment. miners can do jack all to raise demands.
you are mistaken
If I have a mine, and I cannot make a profit off of it, I will just shut down. Therefore I am reducing supply. Or my market share will be taken by someone than can work at lower price.
The gold price is an energy directive and equipment and labor derivative, 100%.
If we have an energy crisis of sorts, and there is no more oool, then everything will drop in price relative to energy, in that case gold mining will cease, wince the market cannot support it.
If we have overabundance of energy, then we will have cheap production and gold will cost 32 dollars a ounce.
Look at silver chart 20 year and look at crypto chart 2 year - 100% totally the same !
Not Investing, but HEDGING with Bullion.
>>but that will not cut into the price of gold.
>of course it does
I believe he is saying that adding more mines does not raise or lower the cost of mining. If the miners don't get what they are asking, they hold until they do get what they are asking.
it's Supply and Demand not demand and demand
>gold will cost 32 dollars a ounce.
this is missing a zero or something... GD that is a scary looking number right there.
fuck off commie
On January 30, 1934, the Gold Reserve Act prohibited private ownership of gold except under license.
It allowed the government to pay its debts in dollars, not gold. It authorized FDR to devalue the gold dollar by 40 percent. He did this by increasing the price of gold, which had been $20.67 per ounce for 100 years, to $35 per ounce.
>I believe he is saying that adding more mines does not raise or lower the cost of mining. If the miners don't get what they are asking, they hold until they do get what they are asking.
gold price and mining cost lol.
price is all about supply and demand indeed. if supply increases price falls with the same demand and if demand decreases price falls further. if some miners don't like it they can close shop.
>Or my market share will be taken by someone than can work at lower price.
indeed, there are big miners that can turn a profit at $900 spot even. if you stop you are out of business.
oh and the most important difference is:
say gold price starts to hike and opening up new production capacity becomes very profitable. supply will grow at an increasing rate almost immediately.
bitcoin? if the price goes up the supply will grow at the same rate as before slowly reaching zero in fact turning negative with lost wallets so it's like comparing mac-books to oranges.
At least gold has thousands years of history and it is near to constant in the purchasing value of this time period with some up and downs.
Bitcoins has like 10 years of history. I will stick with the old one as a store of value. I don't get why people would keep comparing them with each other.
gold is a shitty store o value recently because the demand greatly decreased. there is only 1 property it has in advantage over crypto it's near impossible to destroy meanwhile crypto is dependent on an intact internet.
Recently? Yeah if you just look at the time period from 2005-2012 and bought the ATH, then it is a real shitty store of value.
Demand is decreasing? China, India and Russia statistics are clearly saying something else, interested in the source of your assumptions.
The first trillion dollar company will be a space mining firm
>Demand is decreasing?
i meant among the population of earth which was the source of it's intrinsic value. people stopped seeing gold as money it's inconvenient costly problematic heavy as fuck. demand in the west is in continual decline. sure those countries are picking up some wonder how that will end for them.