What would happen if we brought back the gold standard?

What would happen if we brought back the gold standard?

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nothing. were way past a 5000 year old useless metal now.

Wtf you excpect me to collect some yellow bricks?

fuck off commie

There would be a run on gold. A bull run. A golde...


Freedom and prosperity.

Fiat money is way more commie.

A magical prosperous utopia would form.

the industry needs gold you faggot!

You mean the BTC standard right? Its 2018.

ITT Retards.

I hope it will happen.

The world needs some inflation though or else economies will stagger.

What would happen is gold would skyrocket.
And everyone would start saving instead of spending because its easier to make money that way.

Dept based society would collapse and it would need to be rebuild.

Federal reserve would never let it happen though.

Good thing we have bitcoin.

nah it expands and shrinks in supply as needed. truly a modern marvel.

do people really want gold anymore? sure, people with no taste love gold jewlery, but as far as storing wealth goes, gold is pretty terrible.

hard to split up, hard to test for purity or even if it's legitimate, dangerous to store, also dangerous to give to someone else to store for you, weighs a ton, and takes up a lot of room.

people, mostly those that got in late, or those that still hate crypto, hate the idea of bitcoin replacing gold as a SoV, but if bitcoin had been around at the birth of the internet, pretty much every service online would be using it today.

Roger Ver would sell gold-leaf covered tungsten as "Gold cash"

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>Muh i am a millenial and gold is really really bad
Don't worry neither me or you will be alive to see gold replaced as the real store of value.
Demand is obviously growthing in russia, India, china and africa. Only the western countries don't care about it... obviously with the endless printing of the EZB and FED, buying into gold would be a double edge sword.

At least do some research about..."Nobody is buying into gold"
Good luck one day, when you don't have access to internet, than your meme coin is useless. Bitcoin is a nice innovation, but is clearly missing thousand years of history. Right now solely driven by hype and speculation and is far off from being a store of value.

>but if bitcoin had been around at the birth of the internet, pretty much every service online would be using it today.
Now you want bitcoin to be a currency? Oh darling...stop confusing yourself.

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Nobody will care about your fucking retarded shiny rock if the dollar becomes useless retard. People will care about housing, food, water, ...

when you take out a loan supply grows
when you repay debt supply shrinks

everything would be ruined because deflationary currencies don't work even though they worked fine every time they were used xXXDDDDDDD


don't believe the central banker jews like holy shit the fucking necessary inflation meme has gone too far

more power in actual peoples hands

less power for the bankers to manipulate our economy and society

thats what would happen

thats why they took it away

That would be a abnormal event of history in like 3000 years. You are right you cannot buy shit with your paper money anymore, but gold is and was always accepted for trading goods, especially in financial crisis. But looks like you basically know nothing about history, sorry.

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Bringing back the gold stamdard would cause the biggest mass suicide of bankers in history. I mean we’re talkin Jonestown on an epic scale here. Not that anything of value would be lost though.