
What are some movies that encapsulate the feeling i get as an objectively interesting non npc male who still remains a virgin while some soyboy npc is gushing over his objectively uninteresting npc (like all women) girlfriend because they share the same shitty taste in movies while she gushes over some other npc because he is 6'5.

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poo AND willy

music? don't like it

music theory? love it

fuck off gay cunt movies are for gays

i am a born again virgin

>3hr meeting with my fad-hopping, ADHD boss this morning

give me strength/valium

Well, I

saw down toilbergs blouse yesterday when she got up and had a nice view of her cleavage. had a wank to it last night.

my boss is literally alan from peep show but not a nigger

how much are you even affected by crime? do you live in the slums or something?
who fucking cares about community lmao
fair enough
half fair enough, but do you actually live around ethnics?
nobody cares about that shit anyway


lads remember this absolute classic

Just shit on my mum's face and recorded the audio of it. Going to slow it down 30000% and then upload it to bandcamp and call it 'ambient experimental' but first I'll add random melody to it and stick loads of reverb on it and then I'll sell it for £10 a pop to ANTIFA types who listen to this fucking horseshit because they don't know that I don't know what I'm doing

the only thing I can surely say I’d miss is the lack of good music
but even then you cant miss things you never had


And you might think It's weird to mention Antifa in such a context, but no, they really do seem to gravitate to 'noise' music for some reason in my research

Toil commences in t-7 minutes


this person has never tried to make music

in traintoil on my way to toil

Alright, whatever you say

in bedtoil

A venomous critic

me starting the toil

Attached: time to start.webm (1280x720, 1.12M)

know everything about making music me

have I ever tried to make a song? nope but I could do it well good

does your productivity in toil increase if you have a wank before?

quintessential dave post
why are you so full of bile for anything you deem not normal

NEETs are disgusting creatures. They embodied perfectly what's wrong with today's society

no. stop wanking.

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on neetoil
dadberg is not a fan

Work sets you free

So this is the power of being yourself.... woah...

I know about ambient music, and what you posted is dogshit, sorry. I like Éliane Radigue though
Don't post dogshit in future
It's not a matter of normal, it's a matter of good and bad
Inb4 it's subjective or something stupid like that

keeps your head clear

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It's Don't Wank November

Ambient music is the video games of music - just a waste of time and women won't like you.

Me? Yes I like ambient music. Currently listening to Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement. Yes, I'm also a big Prurient fan.

my job is proper boring
its a company that does IT for businesses and sometimes its really busy when theres a project happening or something breaks but right now all I’m doing is monitoring servers and stuff. Have basically just sat on my phone while listening to spotify for two weeks now

mumkovitz taught me nothing that is free is good

this, but unambiguously

>complains about what I posted being too slow
>enjoys this


my job is boring but the 50s wouldn't be for some reason

*snort* actually video games have some of the most engaging artistic experiences available today, not that I would expect girls (or roasties, as I like to call them) to recognise that

Don't like slow ambient music me, do like binaural sound being gradually shifted through a filter over the course of an hour though.

1890-1912 was the pinnacle of humanity it's all downhill from there


I listen to real music,like black sabbath


anyone know any other fast music like this?



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Was it you anglos that came up with the question mark?
Don't like it tbqh.
Japs are based for not having it.

this is real music, not like that ambient shite


Don't think I have ever watched a youtube video posted here.

I didn't complain that it was "too slow", I said the producer who made the song and album just did whatever, he just fucked around until it sounded 'ok' and then uploaded it, whatever. It has no direction, it goes nowhere, it does nothing. It's just some fucking moron pressing buttons and going "hurrrrrrrrrr dureij this soe whwat heppens if i press this", it's just random noise, it is nothing, any 10 year old could do it, and they do.
You know nothing about ambient music (or music, in general) yet you claim to like it, and quite obviously like it enough to post it thinking you're sharing something which is good, when it is in fact dogshit.
Fuck off, you know nothing about the very things you claim to like, how utterly embarrassing for you

most women listen to garbage anyway lol

listening to a song

Ambient spacker loves his reverberation the virgin

Reckon in the new British soviet i'd get a high up job. Yeah, probably Chief Shagger of the Politburo

>Was it you anglos that came up with the question mark?
Is DuckDuckGo malfunctioning?

On today's episode of "Why I'm a virgin"
>I'm a virgin because
*picks card from deck*
>Women have bad taste in music

>Just do whatever, make it as boring and a slow as possible
Also that other song has a very clear structure, and I never said I liked ambient music.

You need to spend less time getting upset about what you think you know about making music, and actually try to make some.

My taste? Well it has to be mariachi music. Nothing else compares tbqhwy

my being a virgin fresk has nowt to do with my taste in music

masterpiece of music this is


Shut the fuck up stupid cunt
Don't post dogshit music and expect me not to see it and call it what it is
Go fuck your mother

Fuck if i knew
It's just i posted a question in finnish and came to the conclusion that it didn't need a question mark and looked better without it so i left it off
Fuck the question mark

i invented the question mark


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your face must be red as fuck right now you little freak

The sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament

Marya takeuchi?
Right with ya

Me? 1940s calypso

Go post your dogshit 'ambient experimental' music elsewhere, you dimwitted down syndrome fuck up

hate noise music me, it's just a bunch of random shit, not like are Eliane


>Top40? Nah, hate it mate
>It's popular

11yo is a normoid zombie that is depleting his life-force before he's even able to experience the world

13yo is a brooding intellectual, a sleeping giant that will soon emerge from his social carapace as a magnificent young man

[just looked at yesterday's open /brit/ tab and replied to a post in a thread that has long since died - posting anyway loool]

They use it in text and when they don't they just have a grammatical article reserved for it anyway

Ambient virgins fuming

You like this: that's all i have to say

can't do any of the zoomer dances wish I could tbqh

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kind of weird /b/ still exists and people actively post on it, just browsed it out of boredom and besides porn theres a thread about depression and one about math
feels like a relic of the 2000s

>Top40? Yeah, love it mate
>It's popular

Would paste this jug earred ambient noise listening prick to a fucking plasterboard like wallpaper
Same for the spastic spamming links to random works from someone I said is better than what the original poster posted, and who is arguably an important composer within the genre, I never said I was a major fan, I like some of it, however it was highly influential within the genre


Eliane is a real musician, she really knows how to slowly twist knobs over the course of an hour

in ten years time zoomers are going to be nostalgic over being '10s kids

>replying to a 13 hour old post

Attached: drive.jpg (600x703, 23K)

13yo will end up on Jow Forums defending shit music
11yo will have a threesome before 18

I know "you should smile more" is a meme but he unironically looks way better when smiling

you know fuck all about music or how to make it, stop pretending you creepy weirdo


>Posts ambient experimental music
>Doesn't even recognise one of the founders and most influential composers of the genre (the one that he posted, remember)
>"You know fuck all about music or how to make it"
Go find your whore mother and spit in her face for raising a spastic

for me, its merzbow

and by that I mean a proper threesome with one man and two women, not a bent threesome with two men and one woman.


anyone else reckon we live in a society

simply don't care about music, leave it for the masses, i'm better with my intellectual pursuits undisturbed by random noises

Good post

we also DIE in a society...!