I don't want to fap, listen to music, play videogames, kill myself, sleep, shitpost, look at anything, speak to anyone...

i don't want to fap, listen to music, play videogames, kill myself, sleep, shitpost, look at anything, speak to anyone, or do anything at all, what should i do

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Pray to allah, for the death of europe the wh*te dogs that inhabit it.

Read a book

fuck you

get a good job

go out

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Go to church (Catholic)

Discontinue posting Groypers
Then discontinue doing anything else, just stare at your wall for 12 hours and then go to sleep

i don't want to go outside of my house

Exercise inside

Fuck something

I went through that. It's severe depression. Go see a good therapist or shrink. If you do nothing you'll just rot in despair.

Try shutting your bitch mouth

lift weights

Drink alcohol until you can't hold it in and you break down crying.

therapists are jews

do like me and hangout at /wsg/ and waste time

exercise and start taking antidepressants, but most importantly, clean your room bucko

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so are doctors. does not mean that they aren't helping.

Exist. Be. Repeat.


>i don't want to fap
I didn't know Muslims were allowed to have orgasms outside of marriage.

I would tell you to get drunk and piss on yourself but judging by your flag that isn't possible.