"it is terrible how the catholic church has covered up cases of abus-"

>"it is terrible how the catholic church has covered up cases of abus-"

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Physically remove papists

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>it's not a cope for allowing protestants priests to marry

I follow a lot of Catholic blogs and sites and they're all in universal agreement that the cover up is a shitshow. Where are you finding these people saying kids asked for it?

There's also the time they enslaved Irish women for a couple centuries...


I feel like I’ve seen this exact thread with the same replies before. Kinda spooky desu

I have too, I think it's a sign that I'm probably spending too much time on this site.

>instead of marrying they should molest children

>church desn't condemn this behavior
>carnal lust is not a sin anyway

Around here, in Poland, that is basically the token talking point of most right-wing media pundits.

The so-called 'cultural catholicism' is a truly malignant cancer.

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>ban Catholicism some kids got raped!
>no we can't stop the migrants they do the jobs we don't want think about the kebabs!

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>mention that catholic church covered up abuse
>seething catholics instantly show up and think people want it shut down while also forgetting their own pope

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>Argumentum ad Islamum

Like a fucking clockwork.

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>be portestant media
>wage a war on Catholics
>meanwhile kiddy rape is more common among non catholics

>I believe Jewish media spin
You can investigate any institution for a span of 70 years and throw together every accusation you find, whether they are true or bullshit, and call it a "scandal." Doesn't mean it's really a scandal.

irl this dude pooped himself all the time and had constant scat references in his writings.

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>the Hebrews made those priests molest children!

KC tier, based, and dare I say it, redpilled!

imagine being both catholic and a Jow Forumstard, you’re a walking oxymoron

Most of the so called "accusations" are false by people who get a letter in the mail one day saying they might be entitled for economic compensation if a priest diddled them one day. Suddenly everyone was molested, since most people are lapsed Catholics who don't really care about lying for a buck. Why does the Jewish controlled media treat thousands of unverified accusations as being true?

Beyond that, among the cases that actually DID happen, most are between teenagers around 15 and priest. Not between priest and 6 year olds like Jewish media would have you think. Belive it or not, a 15 year old giving a priest a bj is much different from molesting an actual child, even if AngloAmerimutt society can't tell the difference.

they are jesuits now, they all bow down to the jesuits. just remember this whenever someone mentions hwo they are catholic and how it's the true religion.

Not even a catholic just saying. Prots sure don't care about kids getting raped when it's one of their kebab makers lol.

Jesuits are based.

>meanwhile kiddy rape is more common among non catholics

Post statistics, catholicuck.

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ah yes, the tradition of actions aiding salvation is so shit. LMAO CATHOKEKS xd

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daily reminder that ordaining fags was a mistake and nothing will get better until the Church purges the homos

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Nah, Jow Forums is virtually swarming with Deus-Vultfags for whom the only problem with contemporary catholic church is that it no longer condones extermination of unbelievers as a fast track towards earning salvation.

>Beyond that, among the cases that actually DID happen, most are between teenagers around 15 and priest. Not between priest and 6 year olds like Jewish media would have you think.
why wont they just stop

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>there is something wrong with sexual relations with cute twinks

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Does prison rape imply that inmates are mostly homosexual in nature?

Or maybe in both cases - catholic church and prison complex - it all boils down to limited availability of a desired wet hole?

what, are you some cringy "enlightened" polish fedoraboy? fuck off.

Address my point first, my dear deus vult LARPer.

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Only cucktholics prevent their priests to marry

>Where are you finding these people saying kids asked for it?

First off, there is is no widespread scandal in the church. It's media spin, and this is a position I stand by. homosexuals are indeed attracted to RCC in greater numbers than other professions though, but imo this is because they're attracted to the "high-culture" of the church. To the aesthetics and culture. Not because of the vow of celibacy. I've heard lolberatrian anti-religious types like styxhexxenhammer say he thinks that people with a disposition for sexual immorality go into clergy in the hopes of being helped, and when this falls flat they resort to illicit sexual activities. I disagree because one I think the scandal is contrived by the media but beyond that, and a much more cerebral reason I disagree, is that to become a priest and go through semineary school is a long, complex ordeal you need to devote a lot of time, energy and love into. It's not something you just wake up one day and accomplish. No way anyone could possibly go through all the educational and physical requirements of becoming a clergyman just because of Freudian reasons.

still best theology around

>a 15 year old is a kid

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Lol, Danmark

Again, no evidence, only a lengthy rant on how everyone, except for catholic church and its internet defense force, is lying.

Theology means jack shit if nothing of it is introduced to regular believers. Catholic apologists continue to speak well of catholic intellectualism, whereas the church itself treats its flock like a bunch of retards who cannot be trusted with Bible itself, let alone onthological pursuits.

Catholic aesthetic is god-tier though
Show me nice looking proddie churches

Holy Trinity church, Lutherans, Warsaw, Poland. :^)

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I was born, baptised, raised and confirmed a Roman Catholic.

thanks that to your poisonous and heretic ideas and the francmasonry getting inside the Church (acknowledge by even popes even)
As I said, best theology around and u can't do nothing about it, heretic :^)

Catholicism is literally the most jewish religion in existence

No source? K

>Around here, in Poland, that is basically the token talking point of most right-wing media pundits.
literally lying through your teeth. I've yet to see someone defending church pedophilia regardless of whether it's in public or in private

Just pick up any issue of DoRzeczy, wSieci, itp, itd. They neatly parrot whatever RCC wants them to.

no evidence? You’re the one who made unsubstantiated claims about celibacy being linked to available pussy

>Catholicism is literally the most jewish religion in existence
>The same church brand that merged with local pagan traditions all around the world

This is your brain in protestantism. Protestantism, never once.

This thread reeks of the eternal D*Ne.

How the fuck does any of that verbal diarrhoea refer to my statement? Are you implying that RCC cannot introduce its followers to its theological thought because of freemason infiltration while at the same time those freemasons do not interfere with developement of said theology?

>half-backed Catholic knockoff

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>The same church brand that merged with local pagan traditions all around the world

>He thinks that Christ's teachings being abandoned in favour of coopting local folklore is a good direction for the church

What does Sola scriptura or sola fide have to do with Christ's teachings?

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they are not introducing them to it now
check the past, nigga

I like this thread

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more proof of it being the only true faith and all others being influenced by satan to some degree :^)

Is not about that, you stupid idiot, but about the fact that protestantism is distilled jewry for the naive goyim.

You're beyond retarded, honestly.

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>but about the fact that protestantism is distilled jewry for the naive goyim.

So let's reject Christianity's roots in Judaism just because it is edgy these days to hate da j00s; let's fill the resulting void by making Mary into a God-like entity to worshi- uhhhh- VENERATE. Ok, gotcha.

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Imagine hating Jesus and loving childrape this much... Truly shameful...

Holy shit, the cathocuck cope.

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>it is edgy these days to hate da j00s

And yet again you're completely missing the point you shit-brained cuck. The veneration of Holy Virgins has been around since the neolitic, they represent fertility, nurture, care and a connection to Gaia. Things that chucktestants obviously don't get into because that'd make their congregations to see beyond the obvious, to stop being some their useful idiots while dismissing their literal scripture zealotry (and therefore heresy).
Well, in all honesty I couldn't expect more from a braindead goy that follows the teachings of an autistic drunken monk. I mean, there's no even a fair point into comparing a 2000 year old theological tradition to a 400 year old meme heresy.

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Eat shit, proddy

>Older societies had virgins, therefore it's okay for the catholic church to have it.
You just said that you papists do NOT follow the bible. Guess they're is a reason so many thirdies are papists lol.

>get this assblasted by a simple theological development
>I better bring muh (((SELECTED))) infallible scriptures meme

This is legit insectoid levels of thinking. No wonder why all your womenfolk gets raped on plain sight by Ahmed's 7th child. But this is totally not sponsored by the kikes my d00d.

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Worshiping something other than God, being syncratic, being a thirdie. Smells like a cathocuck to me.

imagine not venerating the Virgin Mary. You aren't even Christian at that point.

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Worshiping crypto-jewry, being sympathetic to their monotheistic mudslime friends, being a cuk. Smells like a pr*testant to me.

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>all ancient churches (Catholic, Orthodox, Oriental) venerate the Virgin Mother
>a bunch nu-Christians who follow the writings of a manic-depressive failed monk and usurer don't.
Really makes me think.

Why are you infatuated with jews? Can your simple thirdie mind not cope with the fact that it is your religion and culture that keeps you in the bottom of the pegging order?

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itt: Danes

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Well you got me, 5 million flys can't be wrong, shit DOES taste great!

>Protestants of all people complaining about sexual abuse
>Dude sola fiede muh Bible
If you only knew how bad Protestant America got

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You could use that argument in the reverse. If you don't venerate Mary you aren't a good Christian. . Luther and Calvin were corrupt fools. Why is it Calvin executed heretics of Protestantism was about individual interpretation of scripture?

Dude lmao, like, just fuck some children amirite?

>As long as the church I pray it isn't Catholic, systemic child molestation in my society will diminish
You really don't know much about child molestors , do you? Have fun being molested by your proddie camp counselors topkek.

>the bottom of the pegging order
Please, elaborate about this point. I bet you have many stories involving Mehmet's dick on your back.

>b-but the kikes are totally not involed
Hope you get stabbed by a refugee.

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Are you braindead? The whole reason you should not venerate Mary is because you worship others than God. Is Mary God?

Calling Calvin and Luther corrupt is also the standard cathocuck defence. Luther pointed out some obviously wrong behavior with the church (which they also latter admitted was wrong, papel infallibility lol) but instead of recognising it, the church went apeshit and tried to kill anyone calling them out. Luther never intened to split the church - that is all the doing of the Pope and his anti-biblical teachings.

Like fucking clockwork. Seething.
Remember lutheran churches are always open if you, one day, recognize the error of your ways.

No. True Christians venerate Mary, the mother of God. Only fake christians ignore her. Just become a Jew if you don’t want to venerate mary. I’d say become Muslim but even good muslims (sufis) venerate mary. It’s wahhabist who don’t.

I think us true Protestants should not venerate non-Gods. Also I think the holy spirit is just God. Also I think Jesus God hood is kinda questionable. Like what if he was just a prophet?

>Ignoring the second commandment
>True christians

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No one is seething here pal. Quit projecting. I'd invite you to join The One And Only Church, but the bottomless pits of hell already have a spot with yer name alongside all your heretic degenerate kin.

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Sola scriptura, sola fide, sola gracie.

Venerating Mary doesn’t ignore the second commandment. In the Bible people go to Mary before Jesus performs his miracle at the wedding. Venerating Mary doesn’t put another god before God, it honors God.

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Yeah they do, especially baptists and Puritans, etc.


>Why, yes. I venerate the Father by worshipping and praying to the Mother.

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Those books were added by the Catholic Church after the Protestant Reformation during the Counter-Reformation to justify the teachings of the Catholic Church that differed from the Protestants. They were not included in the original canon

think of the food!!!!!!!!!!

So basically... Remove papists from the physical plane of existance?

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He got removed and now he rots in hell.

that's a lie or you have the entire history reversed. The deuterocanonical books were in the biblical canon since the time of Christ, the Septuagint. Protestants swtiched to ta newer rabbinical Jewish canon, the masoretic, specifically because the deuterocanonical books disagreed with Luther's contrived theology.


Et in Spíritum Sanctum, Dóminum et vivifi cántem: qui ex Patre Filióque procédit. Qui cum Patre et Fílio simul adorátur et conglorifi cátur: qui locútus est per prophétas. Et unam, sanctam, cathólicam et apostólicam Ecclésiam.
Confíteor unum baptísma in remissiónem peccatórum.
Et exspécto resurrectiónem mortuórum, et vitam ventúri sæ´culi. Amen.

By reading this I hope you impious ways cease.

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Wherever he is he's revered as a hero and a mighty king who sent many heathens to their fate

Okay, this is epic.

seriously tho, how did pedophillia and idol worship become so common amongst catholics?

Well, it not that surprising considering they have the Anti-Christ on the throne.