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very surprised theresa may has lasted this long as an interim prime minister

britain will rise and retake what is theirs

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She's just keeping his seat warm.

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Yea, they got fucked.
Theresa Mayday did her thing, and now they are a vassal state of the EU.
Poor UK.

No one else wants the job
She got the shit end of the stick, anything she’ll do will be poorly remembered regardless of effectiveness

Did the parliament accepted it?

braap haha
braaapap aha

its amazing, if they had australian politicians they would have been rotating the PM every couple of weeks right up until brexit date

Is it true you put them in prison as soon as they're elected to save time?

my how the almighty eternal angloid has fallen

he thunk he could take on the world, got chewed up and spat out with a disgust.

such a tradegy

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Pakis and hindoos actually voted FOR Brexit. This is NTR to another level.

I'm brown and I voted for Brexit

>brits love pakis more than poles
Damn I feel bad for the -skis


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if only there were other countries you could live in that shared the same language and culture as the UK

>Blaming Brexit's failure on Theresa May
Lol no, it was your fault for not having a plan beforehand

Fuck off we’re full

I honestly don't understand what happened and news articles aren't explaining.

The UK left the EU in name only

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Don't worry bros. ANGLOSPHERE UNITE

Illinois must be part of Straya then

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UK gets market and customs access until a trade deal is negotiated. UK gets no say in eu regulations but must follow them for market access. UK pays for their prior obligations.

... they got the exact deal the EU stated they would nearly two years ago.

>tfw Nigel has convinced half of Continental Europe that his country is in flames because they're going to have a mild 5 year economic recession in international imports from Europe as a precautionary effort to avoid the Euro collapse
>You're not falling for the shenanigans of their banks trying to weaponize their masses to their will for more power

Your time will come, bootlicking scum.

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The draft agreement keeps the UK in a customs union with the EU, which means no external trade deals & parity on workers rights, state support of industries etc...

If it's signed we get 2 years more in a transition period to agree a different arrangement, the real controversy is that if we can't do a deal that keeps the Irish Border open, we are locked into the customs union and cannot leave - although in practice we could unilaterally tell the EU to fuck off, and then it will get nasty.

If the deal gets through parliament it probably means the Tories will be BTFO in 2022 general election and we will get a bunch of incompetent Trudeau tier virtue signalling cunts for 5 years to let another million pakis in before 2027, when we will probably get a hardline right wing government in a massive knee-jerk reaction.

She's like Miliband but her humanity meter was programmed to be +10% the value of his setting

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>we are locked into the customs union and cannot leave
Only northern ireland

>and then it will get nasty.
have you seen the shit Trump has said to the EU? they're a house of cards ready to be toppled over, because German leadership has allowed multiple crises to accumulate without being resolved

>Eastern European security against Russia -> hey let's open up a second pipeline to Russia and refuse to pay 2% to NATO like what was agreed in 2006
>Gadaffi is threatening, through his newfound Presidency of the African Union, to abolish the CFA franc currency and piss off France -> better let France kill him, even though killing Gadaffi means allowing a fucking deluge of economic migrants illegally into Europe
>Economic migrants, you say? -> invite them in on a red carpet and fuck the consequences, even though Southeastern Europe got overrun and Italy and Greece were thrown to the wolves
>Speaking of Greece, their economy bombed because the euro is a monetary agreement with no fiscal policy levers to pull? -> fuck Greece, only German exports matter!

God, and to fucking think the USA could probably govern the EU better, simply because we're belligerent asshats with a cowboy attitude to using unilateral action.

>UK gets market and customs access until a trade deal is negotiated. UK gets no say in eu regulations but must follow them for market access. UK pays for their prior obligations.
This is pretty good t bh
Thought brussels would just cut the UK out without a trade deal or anything promised afterwards

lmao if a real brexit ever occurred, britain's economy would tank. brexiters are so stupid. luckily the politicians are a little smarter and are doing as much damage control as possible

>hey let's open up a second pipeline to Russia and refuse to pay 2% to NATO like what was agreed in 2006
You will never get to sell your overpriced gas, and the butthurt belt will no longer get transit fees

it's cause poles are pretty fucking stupid. asian immigrants have higher IQs.

>asian immigrants have higher IQs
The pakis here are the ones too stupid and uneducated to move to Canada or the US (you have set standards)

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that guy is surprisingly good looking for a russian. he must be one of the rare russians that's not some mixed mongrel subhuman

even if that's true. i bet even your asians are smarter than polish retards.

polish jokes exist for a reason

Everyone loves big Ed these days

Sadly no, when Pterry wrote the lost continent he wrote Australia as it should be, not Australia as it is

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The Tories are just as pro immigration as labor, but they pretend otherwise for votes and just don't talk about all the work visas and stuff they issue while in power.

Not us haha

shut the fuck up. british politics does not concern you you fucking aussie right-wing retard.

australians are descendants of low iq thieves and whores

Another moronic post from a septic? Shocking.

Hahahahaha absolute fucking creature

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what the fuck is that even supposed to mean?

Stunning right? Its like there's no link between their brains and their fingers when they type.

She's a female George Osborne.

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so were any of your ancestors whores?

>He doesn't know

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Yank rhymes with septic tank and seppo/septic is short for that

It’s a really shitty low effort and uniquely Australian (idk why a brit said it) insult

Nah, my ancestors were crofters and petty criminals, but they were too far north to be whores. Back in the day there just wasn't enough population density to support the profession outside of the big towns and castles.

U mean jokes like that one?
A Polish man moved to the USA and married an American girl.
Although his English was far from perfect, they got along very well. One day he rushed into a lawyer’s office and asked him if he could arrange a divorce for him.
The lawyer said that getting a divorce would depend on the circumstances, and asked him the following questions;
Have you any grounds?
Yes, an acre and a half and a nice little home.
No, I mean what is the foundation of this case?
It made of concrete.
I don't think you understand. Does either of you have a real grudge?
No we have a carport, and not need one.
I mean, What are your relations like?
All my relations still in Poland
Is there any infidelity in your marriage?
We have hi-fidelity stereo and good DVD player.
Does your wife beat you up?
No, I always up before her.
Is your wife a nagger?
No, she white.
Why do you want this divorce?
She going to kill me.
What makes you think that?
I got proof.
What kind of proof?
She going to poison me. She buy a bottle at drugstore and put it on shelf in bathroom. I can read, and it say:
Polish Remover.

>Polish Remover.
I chuckled

That 2015 general election was such a shitshow, loved seeing Ed in all the papers.

Makes sense, senpai. Brexit for the commonwealth! Britbongs gave free passports out when indians became indie. indians and pakis are good and proper citizens of brit, unlike dirty commies!

Because cockney rhyming slang, which is convict-speak, infects their tongue

They don't know it, but they insult themselves when they use it

>have you seen the shit Trump has said to the EU?
You mean the bit where he said Lithuania was in Yugoslavia or the bit where he said Germans BTFO France in WWI.

>You mean the bit where he said Lithuania was in Yugoslavia
who gives a shit? that's like not knowing about some random island in the pacific ocean

Maybe it's time for a good old revolution. Republic 2.0?

Absolutely disgusting, never say anything else about Britain ever again.

I'm actually quite happy about Brexit. Now that it's official, Corbyn can actually win the elections and implement full blown communist policies

>Be Brit
>Set up powerful vassal states around the world. >Allow the most westernized of said colonies to fucking fall apart (Canada, South Africa, Rhodesia)
>Use your energy and resources to destroy the mid east, causing floods of sandrats into your nation and neighbours
>Destroy your own nation
>Place all bets to save it on elite whore
>Shocked when they do nuffin

this is another reason the Brexiters are so stupid. They motivated the Labour base and now Corbyn actually has a chance of being the next PM of the UK lmao...

Brits are so screwed. Their economy will tank from the brexit and Corbyn is going to fuck shit up even more

Why not have a second vote, one that is actually binding and not guiding? And make the options more realistic.

>Be brit
>vote brexit
>UK stays in EU
>EU federalises

Lmao at those fucking boomers

The UK economy has been shit for 10 years since conservatives took over. Id prefer a new labour neolib, but corbyn should be fine as long he has a decent cabinet.

Then why are your unis filled with pakis or posh brits. Ive never seen a normal anglo at university.

I have to speak for the regicide, since they're not around anymore.

When will the Dutch retake Scania?

Brexiters HATE this because they fluked the first one and they're extremely afraid of losing the second.

And most importantly
> boomers' daughters marry Poles and Romanians
Kind reminder that inland rednecks voted for Brexit in order not to see European immigrants in the future, even though they had never seen one before.

Wasn't Nigel in favor of brexit?

May shan't last November

It sets a precedent. Imagine revoting every time until you get your result.

It was more like a poll for two candidates before knowing who was going to be the second one


Without a french king on their throne?

Looks like the shitty deal our traitorous politicians took us into when we voted against EU.

Og når det bliver helt kaotisk, så kom herned igen og brug denne muglighed for at generobre NORMÆNDIE og frigor os af den Anglofranske undertrykkelse.

Nope, that's never going to happen


Attractiveness has nothing to do with how racially mixed a person is.

she's bowing down her master, this is what happens when you're stll a monarchy..

you mean, british gooverment? if you put someting up for a referendum, preparations must be in place


>to fucking fall apart (Canada

Why are female hapas always so hot?

You would be a deteriorating lampshade if it wasn't for anglos, dumb polak

We've got Germans instead, so our chances are probably better.

It's not 'uniquely Australian'. Brits have been using the term 'septic' for ages, probably longer than Aussies and 'seppo'.

It's because yanks are full of shit.

yeah it's pretty shit but what can you do