Find it in your heart to say something good about a coin you absolutely despise

Find the positive in a sea of negative

Attached: dumbboomer.png (378x349, 37K)

I guess chainlink has OK memes

I guess vechain will be huge despite their 15 year old filled community

there you go, let it all out.

I use euros to cover basically all my expenses.

Sergey is fat

felt good actually

Chain link probably will be useful when it's done but the linkies on Jow Forums are awful and have been shitting up this board for 8 months now

Verge did a decent job with the Pornhub thing.

good, good. don't be afraid to express yourself. tell me what's REALLY on your mind, user.

Bcash has good dedicated shills

Roger Ver has handsome brown eyes.


Bitcoin Cash is in some way based on a revolutionary technology invented by a true genius/nsa. And Roger Ver probably won't be able to ruin it completely maybe?

See? Kek

Justin Sun is the undisputed king of the chinkcoin. Plays crypto for what it is: just hyped the shit out of nothing, marketed to your average plebbitor/normie, and probably made tens of millions off it. Good for him desu.

Attached: tron.png (200x200, 14K)

The endless torrent of top quality Chainlink memes really provides a sense of familiarity when I visit this board nowadays. It's like the homeless quadriplegic at the top of the subway stairs always asking you for change. As revolting as it seems at first, it's part of your community and you get numb to it after a while.

Attached: woj.jpg (500x750, 126K)

Tron is good for swing trading I guess.

Thats a fucking great wojack user

i like eos’s inage i just wish it wasnt associated and bankrolled by pedophiles

StakeNet is to POS as Slushpool was to POW
>sigh, yes - even after poswallet nosedive

Modum might just be better than AMB

bitcoin cash is absolutely retarded

DRGN is going to reach 15USD eventually, even though it might take 5 years.

Just bee urself

Funfair has good memes

Attached: Are we having FUN yet.jpg (1280x720, 181K)